21 Ways Artificial Intelligence Can Grow Your Income & Traffic, Fast!

Don’t get left behind! Get started with your free trial here: https://www.milesbeckler.com/ai And then follow these free step-by-step trainings 👇

Additional free trainings that teach how to scale your business with AI:

A case study where a student increased her traffic by 750% with AI: https://www.milesbeckler.com/750-percent-traffic-interest/

The AI Bootcamp! Step-by-step guide to get big results with AI even if you’re totally new: https://www.milesbeckler.com/ai-bootcamp

How to use the AI “boss mode” to create and publish long-form content, fast: https://www.milesbeckler.com/boss-mode-101

A look at blog posts written by AI (scroll down to the 2nd/lower section on the page) – https://www.milesbeckler.com/ai-blogs

Finally, the biggest opportunity once you get good at creating publish-ready content with AI… Starting an AI content agency where you create and sell posts to other marketers…

Here’s the free AI Content Agency course – https://www.milesbeckler.com/ai-content-agency

Full disclosure, I am an affiliate for the tool, but keep in mind that I’m a customer of the tool and have been since before they had an affiliate program…

The main point here is to help you maintain a competitive advantage over your competition when it comes to the world of content marketing. The game of Internet marketing and content marketing changes fast.

Now, this video is an overview of the powerful GPT3 AI that marketers like you are using to create everything from video scripts, blog posts, ebooks, opt-in page headlines and more!

I cover the different templates offered and their uses in this particular video… if you want to see the tool in action be sure to watch this video next: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=KDkAJUPuchk

I actually go into the tool and generate specific output from the AI using just a few of the templates shared in this particular video above.

One common question I get is: “Will AI replace copywriters?”

I don’t believe they will. I believe that skilled copywriters who have deep knowledge and understanding of their audiences needs and problems will always be relevant.

Bloggers and digital marketers will always have to do the keyword research themselves in order to identify the topics worthy of creating content on.

If you don’t know how to do keyword research yet, here’s my exact process: https://www.milesbeckler.com/find-low-competition-keywords-fast/

These AI tools are going to help copywriters create draft copy, blog posts, social media snippets and emails faster and they eliminate writers block every time.

I used two separate analogies in this video to explain how machinists and car manufacturers have leveraged advanced robotics and even AI to improve the quality and speed of output in those industries.

I believe AI copywriting is simply going to enhance the quality of the output that copywriters can create and increase the speed at which the copywriters can create their sales letters, blog posts, descriptions, etc…

Copywriting will never be fully automated. It will always require your input in order to guide the AI plus your creative thinking to analyze the output making sure it is relevant and useful for your audience.

The GPT3 AI system is an enhancement for copywriters.

As a digital business owner or Internet marketer, there are an overwhelming number of demands for content and copy from you, every day.

From your Instagram posts to your email subject lines…

From your email intro paragraph to the persuasion framework in order to get the click…

From your landing page copy to your Facebook ads….

From your video title to your description…

Blog posts, e-books, video scripts, podcast descriptions, Facebook posts, tweets and more.

And then there is content to get you backlinks like answers on Quora

It is possible to spend all day every day writing content that you publish to the various platforms… and there is still work for us to do at the end of the day.

Product creation, lead magnet creation, setting up the Facebook ads, analyzing the data, managing your books, parts manufacturing and fulfillment, consulting, coaching, etc.

The new AI copywriters are here to help you create the required content for your business faster so you have more time to do the higher value tasks in your business that allow you to make more money online.

Now you can see that this GPT3 copywriting AI can help you create more content for your audience faster than ever before.

Miles Beckler

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