3 Content Based Business You Can Start From Your Laptop

In this video you will learn the three types of online businesses that you can start from home on your laptop and grow with content.

In addition to teaching the three separate online business models, you will also learn about the strategy required to succeed with each of these business models.

The reason there are three types of businesses is that different people are starting from different points in their professional career…

For example, when I first started online in 2003 I was at a very different place than when I first started my YouTube channel in 2016.

I did not know enough about the game of Internet marketing, online business or how to build a blog to start teaching in 2003… It wasn’t until I had all of the experiences that I gained from those 13 years of experience that I was able to start teaching.

But does this mean that you can only start a business if you can teach people things based off of your experiences?

Of course not…

This is why I share all three separate business models because everyone is able to align with at least one of these three approaches.

As we transition into the strategy portion of the video, I had several recommendations for you that I’m going to share in the links below.

I recommend that you copy the description of this video onto a notepad on your laptop so you can have it to reference later because these videos are some of the most important trainings you can possibly go through if you want to create a successful business online.

First is the ATM strategy video… https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=vs3XH0Pp928

In this video I jump on the whiteboard and actually draw out the path to success leveraging the ATM strategy…

As I stated in the video you are currently watching, ATM’s transfer audience, trust and monetization.

But through the whiteboard video (link above) you will get to see how these three systems work together to create one holistic and successful business.

This is a must watch video for anyone looking to build a real and lasting business online.

Second video I recommended is my free affiliate marketing Tutorial here on youtube – https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=yVQneGsDOlc

This video is a deep dive where I share the entire path from step zero all the way until completion of building a successful affiliate marketing business.

This is the path that fits the third business model I explained in the video you are currently watching.

If you are confident that the affiliate marketing business model is for you and you would like even more guidance, I do recommend one specific video course that shows every step of the path in extreme detail.

You can learn about this affiliate marketing course here: https://www.milesbeckler.com/tass

Now, it is worth noting that I do not believe you need this above course as I am proof you can figure this all out by trial and error and piecing together the different “how to” steps from blogs and youtube.

But, if you want to speed up your path and get access to a community of other builders and the most recently updated course that shows in videos, every step… This is the one I recommend.

Next, you learned about another business model that is a discovery approach to creating content and grow your audience.

I referenced podcasting is a wonderful platform for this type of business model but YouTube absolutely fits the bill as well.

A great example of this kind of podcast in action is my friend Jay Clouse and his creative elements podcast. He had me on for episode number 19 that you can listen to here: https://www.listennotes.com/podcasts/creative-elements/19-miles-beckler-preeminence-s4UGzaBYXMH/

I also shared that Jay offers a wonderful podcasting course if you are called to this particular discovery based business model.

The podcasting course is here: https://www.milesbeckler.com/podcasting

A few additional key trainings you might be interested in are my video that teaches

My free email marketing training that teaches how to grow in massive email list is here on YouTube- https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=NNGc3RPdPUs

My free tutorial that teaches you how to start a blog is here: https://www.milesbeckler.com/how-to-start-a-blog/

My 2-part ‘how to choose your niche’ video training here on youtube: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=pCgnh5pO9gQ&list=PL0sOKzn__yK1YUCrFk8wWta3l8PzxCO4n

And finally… a super helpful video that looks at 13 highly successful niche videos that all fit in this framework of the 3 types of online businesses is here: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=wqmSx2dmD3I

I hope this has been helpful for you on your path to creating the business you deserve.

Miles Beckler

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