5 Reasons That Following “Greedy Gurus” Keeps You BROKE!

YouTube is full of Fake Gurus and Greedy Gurus who are scamming viewers like you, non stop. This video reveals how to spot a Greedy Guru plus you will learn why following these gurus will keep you broke.

It is impressive at how friendly and genuine some of these fake gurus can portray themselves and their YouTube ads and videos.

They make it seem like they have your best interest at heart, but once you learn the truth behind their business models you will realize that they actually have misaligned incentives where they can’t allow you to achieve your goals or else they wouldn’t be able to sell you more products you don’t need.

Unfortunately there is an entire guru industry now built where people aspire to simply become a greedy group themselves which means the scammers are spawning more scammers.

By watching this video you will understand their tactics, their techniques and you will learn how to look out for these greedy gurus so you don’t fall into their trap.

If you are truly interested in learning how to make money online then you simply need to put in the work and start.

you see, the greedy gurus and the fake gurus are preying on the fact that many people want to see the entire path before they take the first step.

This is a psychological mist truth that we humans have and there is no way to see exactly how every step will work… How every piece of the puzzle fits together, before you start putting pieces of the puzzle together.

This is why the number one piece of advice I have for people is to just start and then to simply follow through.

if you are brand-new to the world of making money online and you simply want an overview about how the industry works, you can watch this free make money online video I’ve published here on YouTube: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=GF_p8q6qgHw

If you have zero clue about the strategy required to build a real business online you can start with my free affiliate marketing training here: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=yVQneGsDOlc

This is a 100% free deep dive training that explains the full path and process in simple terms to where you can begin executing immediately.

In its simplest terms, you eventually need to choose a niche which I explain how to do in this blog post: https://www.milesbeckler.com/find-your-niche/

And you then begin a WordPress blog based on the steps I lay out in this tutorial here: https://www.milesbeckler.com/how-to-start-a-blog/

This is how you get yourself into motion and this is when the real learning begins.

You learn by doing.

You learn by actually building.

You learn how the puzzle goes together by putting the pieces of the puzzle together.

The greedy gurus are selling you partial truths in expensive courses because you have a default thought that makes you think “I need someone to show me how this all works”

The truth is that you need to see how it all works by putting the pieces together.

I have a very large network of successful Internet marketers and entrepreneurs that I’ve built from speaking on stages at conferences around the world…

The truth from all of these real businesses built online by normal people is that they had no clue how they were going to accomplish what they set out to accomplish.

They just started.

They made mistakes along the way, they learned how to fix these mistakes, they optimize their strategy along the way and they simply kept building.

Staying focused on creating helpful content, useful content, all focused on improving the lives of their audience members.

Those who are the best at helping others are winning in this world today…

In these super successful people are very quiet.

They don’t make a bunch of noise in YouTube ads promising you riches because they have extremely successful niche businesses that run with minimal amounts of time and energy…

And they enjoy their lives.

This is where I want to get you.

But we have to break down this belief that some guru on a YouTube ad or YouTube video is going to save you.

The only person here who is going to save you… Is you.

And that’s the truth.

Miles Beckler

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