5 Things I Hate About Affiliate Marketing

Affiliate marketing is not as easy as the FAKE GURUS try to sell you… Does affiliate marketing work? Yes! Does it have challenges? Yes!

Learn about the top 5 challenges facing affiliate marketers in this brand new video, here.

For my free affiliate marketing course that is beginner friendly and recorded in mid 2020, go here: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=yVQneGsDOlc

 If you are new to this world and want to learn more about affiliate marketing for beginners, go here: https://www.milesbeckler.com/affiliate-marketing-for-beginners/

Now, if you would like to see examples of super successful websites and blogs that are building businesses online the right way, watch this video next:


Click that link above and follow along while I reverse engineer the secrets to success behind 5 separate blogs making big money online!

You’ll understand exactly hat it takes to create true success online!

To keep studying, here are my other videos on affiliate marketing for you: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=-tD97-K5TeE&list=PL0sOKzn__yK1N9QS91pLZA-OCIc8d56xZ

In this video you’re going to learn the five things that I hate about affiliate marketing. Now I’ve been affiliate marketing since 2003 and I currently earn hundreds of thousands of dollars per year as an affiliate. So I’ve got some love for affiliate marketing, but it sure isn’t without its challenges. And you’re going to learn the five biggest challenges here in this video. And in the end you’re going to learn the right way to do affiliate marketing so you can kind of overcome and bypass and side skirt a lot of these challenges you won’t have to experience. Let me just deal with them because I’ve already been through it. So number one is getting stiffed on payouts. Now you as an affiliate marketer, by definition don’t have all that much control. When you’re working with an affiliate vendor through an affiliate network, you do have a third party in between, right?

So if you’re on ClickBank or you’re using something on share a sale, you have that kind of third party company in between you and the vendor. But what’s been going on recently is a lot of companies are running in house programs, whether they are on Infusionsoft or SamCart or Thrivecart or whatever it might be. Even some word press based ones on MemberMouse and these individuals are within full control and they can choose not to pay you. If they so deem they can disappear, they can fall off the face of the earth. I have one vendor who has withheld $8,000 in payments from me and I’ll be honest with you, that sucks. I sent $16,000 worth of sales and I didn’t get my $8,000 in commission jokes on me. Lesson learned, and this is one of the challenges, big challenges of kind of relinquishing control of being an affiliate marketer and again, stay to the end and give me a thumbs up if you like this content because I’m going to teach you how to bypass these kinds of challenges at the end.

Number two is vendors changing your links on you. This is such a big problem. It’s crazy. It even happens all the way up to the Amazon affiliate program.

This has happened on a bunch of different networks. It’s happened on some individual programs and yet again, you’re not in control and oftentimes they won’t let you know that they made a change to their URL structure.

Number three is they stopped supporting products. Now this one really irks me because I look at especially any sort of affiliate product or any sort of product that has a monthly or annual recurring bill. I kind of look at that recurring bill as a contract, right? So when I buy something and the company says, Hey, it costs $100 or $200 a year to keep updated, I think that’s them saying that they’re going to actually update the product.

So that was number three. Number four is scammy affiliate course creators selling dead methods. This is the the cesspool of affiliate marketing.

Number five is the, the culture of individuals who give it a half attempt, who dabble in the world of affiliate marketing and they go on to say, this stuff doesn’t work, or affiliate marketing is a scam, and that’s completely untrue, right? I’ve built a very successful career leveraging affiliate marketing as one of the monetization channels that I use. It’s just harder than most people realize. It just takes a lot more work than most people realize. It absolutely does work when we get the game right

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