How To Build Websites Using AI & ChatGPT: Step By Step Tutorial

Looking to build websites using AI and ChatGPT? Look no further! In this step-by-step tutorial video by VIDSociety, you’ll learn how to easily build websites with AI and ChatGPT. The video showcases the process of building a complete website with quality content in less than 15 minutes. It emphasizes the importance of having the right tools for easy website building and highlights the benefits of having a website that gets indexed and ranked in Google. The speaker uses a tool called aiwisemine to build and manage the websites, and demonstrates the process of building a new website using the tool, starting with buying a domain and setting up WordPress. So, if you’re looking for an efficient way to build websites using AI and ChatGPT, this tutorial video is a must-watch!

How To Build Websites Using AI  ChatGPT: Step By Step Tutorial

Overview of Building Websites Using AI & ChatGPT

Introduction to AI and ChatGPT in website building

Building websites has become easier and faster with the advent of AI (Artificial Intelligence) and ChatGPT (Chat Generative Pre-trained Transformer). AI technology allows for automation and streamlining of various tasks involved in website creation, making it accessible to individuals with little to no technical expertise. ChatGPT, specifically, is a language model that can generate human-like text, providing content and creative input for websites.

Benefits of using AI and ChatGPT for website building

There are several benefits to incorporating AI and ChatGPT into the website building process. Firstly, it saves time and effort by automating tasks such as generating content, setting up default pages, and installing plugins. Secondly, it ensures high-quality content by facilitating the generation of unique questions and using them as a basis for generating posts. Additionally, the use of AI and ChatGPT allows for customization options and quicker indexing on search engines.

Examples of previously built websites using automated tools

To illustrate the effectiveness of using AI and ChatGPT for website building, let’s take a look at two previously built websites: and These websites were created using an automated tool called aiwisemine. Both sites are less than one month old but have already gained traction, generating traffic and getting indexed well. focuses on categories such as local news, questions, and a beach shop with affiliate links to Amazon products., on the other hand, revolves around the topic of cruises and is still in the early stages of building authority for its keywords.

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Choosing the Right Tools

Importance of selecting the right tools for easy website building

Before delving into the specific tools used for building websites with AI and ChatGPT, it’s crucial to acknowledge the importance of choosing the right tools. The right tools simplify the website building process, saving time and effort. They provide automation capabilities that streamline tasks such as domain buying, website setup, content generation, customization, and content campaigns. By utilizing the right tools, individuals can build websites more efficiently and effectively.

Overview of the aiwisemine tool

One such tool that simplifies the process of building websites using AI and ChatGPT is aiwisemine. Aiwisemine is an automated tool developed to aid in website creation and management. It provides features that automate tasks such as setting up default pages, installing plugins, generating content based on unique questions, and scheduling content campaigns. With aiwisemine, the website building process becomes faster and more streamlined, allowing individuals to focus on other aspects of website development.

Setting up the Website

Step 1: Buying a domain

The first step in setting up a website is to purchase a domain name. The domain name represents the unique address through which users will access your website. Using aiwisemine, you can generate a list of available domain names related to your website’s niche. Upon choosing a suitable domain name, you can purchase it through a domain registrar such as Namecheap.

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Step 2: Setting up WordPress

Once you have acquired a domain name, the next step is to set up the framework for your website. WordPress is a popular content management system that provides an intuitive and user-friendly interface for website management. With aiwisemine, you can automatically install WordPress on your domain, saving you the hassle of manual installation.

Step 3: Automatic setup of default pages and plugins

Traditionally, setting up default pages and installing plugins can be time-consuming. However, with aiwisemine, this process becomes automated. The tool automatically sets up essential default pages such as About Us, Contact Us, and Privacy Policy. It also installs necessary plugins that enhance website functionality, such as SEO optimization and security measures. By using aiwisemine, you ensure that your website is equipped with the fundamental elements it needs to operate efficiently.

Generating Website Content

Using ChatGPT to generate a list of 100 unique questions

Content creation is a crucial aspect of website development. With aiwisemine and ChatGPT, you can quickly generate a list of 100 unique questions related to your website’s niche. These questions act as prompts for creating informative and engaging content.

Creating posts based on the generated questions

Once you have your list of unique questions, you can use them as a foundation for creating posts. Aiwisemine streamlines this process by automatically generating posts based on the questions provided. The generated posts are informative, engaging, and optimized for search engines. Automating this step saves you time and ensures high-quality content creation.

Enhancing posts with videos and table of contents

To further enhance the content on your website, you can incorporate videos and a table of contents. Videos provide visual aids and enhance user engagement. Aiwisemine allows for easy integration of videos into your posts, enhancing the overall user experience. Additionally, a table of contents can be automatically generated for each post, allowing visitors to navigate through the content seamlessly.

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Customizing the Website

Choosing a different theme for the website

While default themes can serve as a good starting point, customizing the website’s theme helps to create a unique and appealing design. Aiwisemine provides options for choosing different themes, allowing you to personalize the look and feel of your website. By selecting a theme that aligns with your brand and target audience, you can create a visually appealing website that stands out.

Creating a logo using Canva

In addition to selecting a theme, creating a custom logo adds a professional touch to your website. Aiwisemine integrates with popular design tools like Canva, making it easy to design and create a logo for your website. Canva provides a user-friendly platform with various templates and design elements, enabling you to create a logo that reflects your brand identity.

Setting up Content Campaigns

Creating campaigns for informational posts

Content campaigns play a vital role in attracting and retaining visitors to your website. Aiwisemine allows you to create campaigns specifically for informational posts. These campaigns ensure a consistent flow of informative content, keeping your website updated and engaging for your audience. By targeting specific topics or niches, you can establish yourself as a trusted source of information in your field.

Creating campaigns for product reviews

Product reviews are a popular type of content that drives traffic and conversions. With aiwisemine, you can create campaigns specifically for product reviews. By selecting relevant products and using AI-generated content, you can create informative and convincing reviews that help users make informed purchasing decisions.

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Accelerating Website Indexing

Submitting the website to Google Search Console

To ensure your website gets indexed by search engines quickly, it’s essential to submit your website to Google Search Console. Google Search Console provides insights and tools to help monitor and optimize your website’s visibility on Google. Aiwisemine simplifies this process by automating the submission of your website to Google Search Console, saving you time and ensuring your website gets indexed promptly.

Tips for faster indexing

In addition to submitting your website to Google Search Console, there are several tips you can follow to speed up the indexing process. These include optimizing your website’s structure, creating an XML sitemap, using internal and external links, and regularly updating your content. By following these best practices, you can improve your website’s visibility and increase its chances of ranking higher in search engine results.

Growing the Website

Scheduling multiple posts per day

To foster organic growth and maintain user engagement, it’s important to consistently publish new content. Aiwisemine allows you to schedule multiple posts per day, ensuring a steady stream of fresh content on your website. This strategy helps attract and retain visitors, boosting your website’s visibility and authority over time.

Organic growth strategies

In addition to regular content posting, there are various organic growth strategies you can employ. These include optimizing your content for search engines, promoting your website through social media channels, engaging with your audience through comments and feedback, and collaborating with other influencers or websites in your niche. By implementing these strategies, you can drive organic traffic and establish a loyal user base.

Case Study:

Introduction to is a recently built website using aiwisemine. It focuses on providing information about Myrtle Beach and features categories such as local news, questions, and a beach shop with affiliate links to Amazon products. Even though it is less than one month old, it has already started generating traffic and getting indexed on search engines.

Categories and features of the website offers a comprehensive range of categories related to Myrtle Beach. These categories include local news, which provides updates and relevant information about the area, questions and answers section, where visitors can find answers to common queries, and a beach shop that features affiliate links to popular products on Amazon.

Traffic and indexing statistics

Since its launch, has gained traction, generating traffic and getting indexed well on search engines. It has already been picked up by Ahrefs, a popular SEO tool, with 70 keywords being identified. The website has also seen substantial organic growth, with keywords appearing on the first, second, and third pages of search engine results. Additionally, indexing on Google Search Console has been successful, with 83 clicks and 91 pages indexed.


Building websites using AI and ChatGPT, with the help of tools like aiwisemine, offers numerous benefits in terms of time efficiency, content generation, customization, and website growth. By automating various tasks and utilizing the power of AI, individuals can create high-quality websites with ease. The case study of showcases the potential and effectiveness of these tools in rapidly building a successful website. So why wait? Start leveraging AI and ChatGPT to build your own website and unlock its full potential.

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