Avoid These Mistakes & Achieve Your Goals In 2023!

Most people have goal setting backwards and don’t achieve what they desire. After watching this video, you’ll have the secret of the 1% at your finger tips. If you want my full goal setting course for free, go here: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=QHUswWAd0YU

As mentioned in the video, here s the deep dive on the 3 systems – https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=M1f3P2_hfKM

I also mentioned the law of attraction and have a deep dive on those topics in these videos: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=eP9SqusSJQM&list=PL0sOKzn__yK3zcqkGKyS2ws7TNRWoVxpz

And my post that explains exactly how to leverage the law of attraction the right way to achieve your goals is here – https://www.milesbeckler.com/law-of-attraction/

Other relevant videos to goal setting and personal development

How to stay motivated and inspired to achieve your goals – https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=k003AZC67X0

Previous videos on goal setting – https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=EQKA2Um9Okw

and https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=qlWU6Ik-LLE

In this video you are going to learn how and why the wrong types of goals and setting goals in the wrong way is actually keeping you from achieving the success that you desire.

But then we’re going to transition and you’ll learn the right way to set goals, the types of goals that are actually going to align you with the lifestyle you truly desire so you can really get on that path.

My life has blossomed because I embraced this one thing and I see so many people stuck because they’ve got this wrong. So first the the wrong versus right way to do goals.

Okay, so event goals versus process or system driven goals. That’s the first key idea for you. We’ve got several of them in this video, but I want to go deep into this first. Most people set a goal that is based around an event.

When this happens, I will have achieved my goal. It could be 10 grand a month, it could be paying off a specific amount of debt.It could be it’s a specific event. Now that’s the incorrect way to go about it for several reasons. Number one, when you set a goal that’s externally driven, that is something that you don’t actually have yet. That’s an event.

You are constantly in a state of being of lack. You technically don’t have that yet and that is what your ego mind and that is what your body, your biometric energy being is going to reinforce over and over and over.

The ego mind just messes with you. The opposite of this is a process driven goal. What you start to do is you unpack that entire idea around what are the processes and systems that lead someone to 10 grand per month creates and operates… And that’s my goal.

I want to have those systems in place that by a byproduct of those systems operating normally I get the income that I desire. So you are fully in control of your ability to go learn about build, implement, test, and work on the systems today so you can instantaneously be in alignment with that which you truly desire.

If you desire to have the business systems, the online business systems that are going to generate you $10,000 per month versus the 10 grand per month at all costs goal. It’s a very, very subtle and nuanced shift, but that’s how the subconscious works and it allows you to move forward daily working on those systems.

Now if you’re interested in the world of digital marketing and online entrepreneurship, I have a video that goes deep into the three systems you need to grow a successful business. I’ll cover them briefly here, but if you want the deep dive, be sure you check out my ATM video cause the three systems that you need are an audience growth system, a trust growth system, and a monetization system.

This is all explained in detail in my “ATM Strategy” Video you can find here: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=vs3XH0Pp928

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