Blog vs. YouTube – Which Should You Start For 2021?

Blog vs. YouTube: Which one will grow your online business faster? A YouTube channel or a blog? This video has ✅ NO Ads 🚫 No Pitches ✅!

If you are ready to start a blog, here is the free step-by-step guide –

The first way to analyze whether you should start a YouTube channel vs a blog depends on whether you are starting a review affiliate site or if you are a transformational affiliate.

If you don’t know the difference between these two affiliate marketing strategies or the differences between them, watch this video:

if you are interested in my progress and growing this YouTube channel from zero within one year, be sure to watch this update:

Specifically I go into the analytics and how many videos I created plus the results here on YouTube including my view time, number of views and the number of subscribers I gained.

The main key from this video goes beyond choosing a blog versus YouTube.

The real point is that you are going to need to dig in and create content for a sustained period of time on one platform before gaining the trust of the platform.

Many people stop before they achieve the growth they desire because it is just difficult and takes more time than they expect.

If you are growing your platform and you are thinking about changing from a blog to a YouTube channel, be sure to watch this video:

Once you make the decision to go all in on building your audience, regardless whether it is on YouTube vs. blogging, you need to kickstart your momentum…

There are many learning curves you will have to go through in order to become a competent and prophetic publisher on either platform.

This is why I recommend you do a 90 day challenge where you published 90 pieces of content in as short a period as you can.

One video or one blog post per day every day for 90 days is the target… but some people can’t keep that pace up therefore it is simply how fast can you published 90 great pieces of content?

This is a free training that teaches the 90 day content marketing challenge:

Of course if you decide you want to blog and would like to learn how to drive traffic, here is my free training for teachers how to get traffic from Google with your blog:

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