Grow Your Audience FAST Without Paid Ads!

Free Course Reveals The #1 Best Marketing Strategy To Grow Your Audience Fast – The 90 Day Challenge. NEW UPDATE: Get my NEW ๐Ÿ† Affiliate Marketing Crash Course ๐Ÿ† for FREE, here:

Be sure to read the description for the links mentioned in the video!

This is my #1 trick to successful content marketing on a budget.

Those who have an audience are winning and those without an audience are failing.

To prove that this is true, I analyzed 5 EXTREMELY successful blogs that are making over a million dollars per year so you can see what other bloggers are doing to make money-

I highly recommend you watch that video above, next!

If you don’t have an audience of people who know you, like you and trust you then your business does not have the support system needed to flourish.

This video teaches you exactly what you need to do in order to grow your audience fast with a 90 day marketing challenge.

Before starting this training you should already know your niche.

If you have not yet chosen your niche, be sure you watch the “How To Choose A PROFITABLE Niche” training first!

The benefits of organic search engine marketing are massive with the lifetime traffic you can create through publishing great content…

As you get going with your 90 day challenge you might hit a point where you feel like no one is finding your contentโ€ฆ Be sure you watch this video next that gives some perspective on what you can expect based on the numbers, subscribers, viewers, etc. from a 90 day challenge:

To make sure you have everything you need to get your content marketing challenge started effectively I have some deep dive resources for free for you here:

If you are going to write your 90 day challenge like my wife did to scale her business fast, you will need to get a blog set upโ€ฆ

I have a 100% free training that will teach you exactly how to setup your blog, with step-by-step instructions here –

For this you will need basic WordPress hosting :

I’ve broken down the entire process of starting, launching and scaling a YouTube video 390 day challenge in this “how to YouTube” post –

If you choose to do your challenge with podcasting, this blog post walks you through all of the most basic podcasting gear and steps to get your podcast launched:

below are additional relevant trainings and videosโ€ฆ None of these are required! But I wanted to be sure you had the right resources needed available

If you had questions or challenges with any step in the process as described in the core training video above, you should be able to reference deeper dive videos into each subtopic to the links below.

Again, you do not need to watch all of these videos below, this is simply a handy reference for more information if you want to go deeper on any one specific subject.

One of the biggest questions people have is “what topics do I create content on?”

There are many tools that help us look inside of the search engine data to find out exactly what your audience is searching for

Keyword Research

This is my number one recommended keyword research tool

I show you how to use this tool in this keyword research video here:

For a 100% Free Keyword Research Tool & Process, watch this video:

This video reveals How To Brainstorm Your Main Categories & Specific Topics as shown in the video

Next you need to become a master of SEO & Content Creation.

Learn SEO Master Class –

Make sure you know exactly ow to write great SEO content fast –

If you are blogging you must be sure that you take a moment and set up your Sitemap and Google Search Console –

Once your content is getting published regularly and you are comfortable with the process it’s important to begin the email marketing phase.

Now I share exactly how to build a landing page to start growing your email list for free in this blog post here

But honestly, you need to make sure you’re getting momentum with your content marketing and your 90 day challenge before ever going into this world of email marketing.

I just wanted to be sure you have access to the info when you need it.

Work From Home Job Opportunities – Online
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Even though it takes motivation and effort to run an online business, you wouldn’t hesitate to work long hours into the night and early hours of the morning dissecting, eliminating what doesn’t work and concentrating on what is working to its perfection and reap the monetary returns. From creating a website or blog, designing the site towards the preferred niche and using the email opt in forms to generate systematic auto responders on autopilot.

Top 5 Internet Marketing Trends You Must Know

What are the top trends that you must know to keep you in the game as an internet marketer? This article talks about these 5 seemingly simple and obvious trends in internet marketing today but are often overlooked.

How To Remain Motivated in Internet Marketing

Failure rate of new internet marketer is reported to be higher than 90%. A lot of these failures attribute to a lack of realistic goal and losing steam too soon. Being able to stay in the game greatly increase your chance of success. This article provides the author’s experience of how to keep motivated and stay in the game.

Keep Visitors Engaged With an Interactive Thank You Page

All marketers know that obtaining leads is no easy task. Once someone finally goes through the sales cycle and converts, it can be tempting to sit back and relax. This is a common mistake among marketers.

Refresh Your “Thank You” Page to Overcome a Common Customer Barrier

A common barrier that keeps prospects from moving through to the next stage of the sales cycle is a long wait time between their online form submission and a call from the company’s sales team. This lack of proactive action allows the prospect time to lose interest or begin researching and engaging with a competitor.

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