WordPress URL Update Guide: Quick & Easy Steps

Changing the URL of your WordPress site is a common need, whether it’s due to changing domains, updating URL structure, or customizing the URL for branding purposes. Fortunately, WordPress provides several methods for updating URLs, each with its own advantages and considerations. In this guide, I will walk you through the steps to change your WordPress URL, ensuring a smooth transition and maintaining search engine visibility.

One of the easiest methods to change the WordPress URL is through the admin dashboard. By navigating to the Settings > General section, you can update the WordPress Address (URL) and Site Address (URL) fields. This method is suitable for most users and requires no technical expertise.

If you prefer to edit the configuration files, you can change the WordPress URL by modifying the wp-config.php file. By adding a few lines of code, you can define the WP_HOME and WP_SITEURL constants with the desired URL. This method allows you to override the URL settings in the admin dashboard and provides more flexibility.

Alternatively, if you have SSH access to your site and are comfortable using the WordPress Command Line Interface (WP-CLI), you can update the WordPress URL using the wp option update command. This method is recommended for advanced users who prefer working with a command-line interface.

It is important to note that changing the WordPress URL directly in the database using phpMyAdmin is also a possibility. However, this method should be used as a last resort and only if you have a good understanding of database management.

In addition to changing the site URL, you may also want to customize the WordPress login URL for security or branding purposes. By using plugins or manually editing the .htaccess file, you can easily set a new login URL that enhances security and improves the user experience.

After changing the URLs, it’s crucial to set up proper redirection to avoid broken links and ensure a smooth transition for your visitors. This can be done manually or with the help of plugins, depending on your hosting provider and site configuration.

By following best practices and being cautious throughout the process, you can successfully change the URLs in your WordPress site without negatively impacting its performance or visibility. Remember to back up your site before making any changes and thoroughly test the new URLs to ensure they are functioning correctly.

Key Takeaways:

  • Changing the WordPress URL can be necessary due to various reasons like domain changes, URL structure updates, or branding purposes.
  • There are multiple methods to change the WordPress URL, including using the admin dashboard, editing the wp-config.php file, modifying the database, or using WP-CLI.
  • Setting up proper redirection after changing the URLs is crucial to avoid any broken links and ensure a smooth transition for your visitors.
  • Customizing the WordPress login URL can enhance security and provide a better user experience.
  • Follow best practices, make backups, and thoroughly test the new URLs to ensure a successful URL update without any negative impact on your site.

Change WordPress URL via the Admin Dashboard

Changing the URL of your WordPress site is a simple process that can be done through the admin dashboard. Follow these steps to update your WordPress address and site address:

  1. Login to your WordPress admin dashboard.
  2. Click on “Settings” in the left menu, then select “General”.
  3. In the “WordPress Address (URL)” field, update the URL to your desired address. Ensure that it follows the proper format, such as “https://www.yourdomain.com”.
  4. In the “Site Address (URL)” field, update the URL to match the WordPress address you entered in the previous step.
  5. Click “Save Changes” to apply the new URLs.

Once you have saved the changes, your WordPress site will be accessible through the new URL. It is important to note that if you are giving WordPress its own directory, the URLs should not match.

By updating the WordPress address and site address through the admin dashboard, you can easily modify your website’s URL without the need for technical expertise or accessing server files.

Benefits of Changing WordPress URL via the Admin Dashboard Considerations
  • Simple and user-friendly method
  • No technical knowledge required
  • Changes can be made quickly
  • URLs can be edited anytime
  • Ensure the URLs are entered correctly to avoid errors
  • The WordPress dashboard will only be accessible through the new URL
  • Take note of any plugins or themes that may rely on the old URL

Changing the WordPress URL through the admin dashboard is the most straightforward method for updating your website’s URL. If you encounter any issues or have specific requirements for your URL change, alternative methods are available, such as modifying the wp-config.php file or changing the URL directly in the database.

Change WordPress URL in wp-config.php File

Another method to change the WordPress URL is by editing the wp-config.php file. This file is located in the root directory of your WordPress site. By adding two lines of code before the line that says ‘stop editing’, you can define the WP_HOME and WP_SITEURL constants with the desired URL. This method allows you to override the URL settings in the admin dashboard and can be useful if the fields in the dashboard are grayed out or if you have hard-coded values in your wp-config.php file.

To change the WordPress URL in the wp-config.php file, follow these steps:

  1. Access your WordPress root directory where you can find the wp-config.php file.
  2. Make a backup of the wp-config.php file before making any changes.
  3. Open the wp-config.php file using a code editor.
  4. Scroll down until you find the line that says // That's all, stop editing!.
  5. Add the following two lines of code just above the line mentioned in the previous step:
define('WP_HOME', 'https://www.yournewurl.com');
define('WP_SITEURL', 'https://www.yournewurl.com');

Replace https://www.yournewurl.com with your desired URL. Make sure to include the https:// or http:// prefix.

Save the wp-config.php file and upload it back to your WordPress root directory, replacing the existing file.

After making these changes, your WordPress site will use the new URL defined in the wp-config.php file. Remember to clear your browser cache and test your site to ensure that everything is working correctly.

Change WordPress URL Directly in Database

When it comes to changing the WordPress URL, sometimes you may encounter situations where the usual methods through the admin dashboard or wp-config.php file are not feasible. In such cases, changing the WordPress URL directly in the database using phpMyAdmin can be your last resort.

Before proceeding with any changes, it is crucial to double-check and back up your database to prevent any unintended issues that may break your site. Once you have taken the necessary precautions, follow the steps below to modify the WordPress URL:

  1. Access phpMyAdmin from your hosting account dashboard.
  2. Navigate to the wp_options table.
  3. Locate the siteurl and home fields.
  4. Update the option_value of both fields with the new URL.

After making the changes, the WordPress URLs will be updated directly in the database. It’s important to ensure that the new URLs are entered accurately to avoid any potential issues.

Remember to refresh your permalinks by going to Settings > Permalinks and clicking the “Save Changes” button to update the URL structure throughout your site.

Changing the WordPress URL directly in the database should always be done as a last resort and approached with caution. If possible, it is recommended to use the admin dashboard or wp-config.php method for changing the WordPress URL, as they are safer and more user-friendly alternatives.

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Pros and Cons of Changing WordPress URL Directly in Database

Pros Cons
Allows direct manipulation of WordPress URL in case other methods are not feasible Potential risk of breaking the site if incorrect modifications are made
Provides flexibility in updating URLs when admin dashboard or wp-config.php methods are not accessible Requires technical knowledge to navigate phpMyAdmin and modify database tables
Can be useful in specific scenarios where direct URL changes are necessary Can lead to troubleshooting and debugging challenges if incorrect changes cause issues

By following the correct procedures and exercising caution, you can successfully change the WordPress URL directly in the database using phpMyAdmin.

Next, we’ll explore an alternative method for changing the WordPress URL using the WP-CLI command line interface.

Change WordPress URL With WP-CLI

Updating your WordPress URL is made convenient with the WordPress Command Line Interface (WP-CLI). If you have SSH access to your site and are comfortable using the command line, WP-CLI provides a quick and efficient way to modify your WordPress URL.

Here’s how you can update your WordPress URL using WP-CLI:

  1. Access your site’s command line interface through SSH.
  2. Run the following commands:
Command Description
wp option update home ‘http://yoursiteurl.com’ Updates the home URL to the desired new URL.
wp option update siteurl ‘http://yoursiteurl.com’ Updates the site URL to the desired new URL.

Using these WP-CLI commands, you can easily modify the WordPress URL to match your requirements. It is important to ensure that you enter the correct URL to avoid any issues with your site’s accessibility.

Change WordPress Login URL

In addition to changing the site URL, you may also want to customize the WordPress login URL for security or branding purposes. By default, the login URL is your domain name followed by /wp-admin or /wp-login. However, you have the flexibility to modify this URL to provide a better user experience or remove obvious references to WordPress.

Customizing the WordPress Login URL Manually

If you prefer to customize the login URL manually, you can do so by editing your site’s .htaccess file. Simply add the following code snippet:

RewriteRule ^desired-login-url$ wp-login.php [L]

Replace desired-login-url with your preferred login URL. For example, if you want your login URL to be login, the code would be:

RewriteRule ^login$ wp-login.php [L]

Save the changes to your .htaccess file and test the new login URL. Make sure to update any references or links to the old login URL across your site.

Changing the WordPress Login URL with Plugins

If you prefer a more user-friendly method, there are several WordPress plugins available that allow you to easily customize the login URL. These plugins provide a graphical interface within your WordPress admin dashboard to set a new login URL.

Here are a few popular plugins that offer login URL customization:

  1. Loginizer: This security-focused plugin allows you to change the login URL, track login attempts, and block suspicious IP addresses.
  2. WPS Hide Login: With this plugin, you can change the login URL to a custom path of your choice, making it harder for potential attackers to find the login page.
  3. Rename wp-login.php: This plugin lets you easily rename the wp-login.php file, resulting in a new login URL.

Simply install and activate your preferred plugin, follow the plugin’s user interface instructions to customize the login URL, and save the changes. Don’t forget to update any internal links or references to the old login URL.

Benefits of Customizing the WordPress Login URL

Customizing the WordPress login URL can provide several benefits, including:

  • Improved Security: By changing the login URL, you can reduce the risk of automated login attacks by making it harder for potential attackers to find the login page.
  • Branding Opportunities: Customizing the login URL allows you to align it with your brand, creating a more cohesive and professional user experience.
  • User Experience Enhancement: A customized login URL can make it easier for users to remember and access the login page, improving their overall experience on your site.
Plugin Description
Loginizer A security-focused plugin that allows you to change the login URL, track login attempts, and block suspicious IP addresses.
WPS Hide Login Enables you to change the login URL to a custom path of your choice, making it harder for potential attackers to find the login page.
Rename wp-login.php Allows you to easily rename the wp-login.php file, resulting in a new login URL.

Customizing the WordPress login URL is a simple yet effective step toward enhancing your site’s security and branding. Whether you choose to modify it manually or use a plugin, taking control of your login URL can provide a more personalized and secure experience for both you and your users.

Redirection After Changing WordPress URLs

After changing your WordPress URLs, it is crucial to set up proper redirection to ensure a seamless transition for users and prevent any potential errors. By redirecting old URLs to the new ones, you can maintain search engine visibility and provide a smooth user experience.

If you are using Kinsta hosting, you can easily set up redirection using the MyKinsta dashboard. This allows you to manage redirects and ensure that visitors are automatically redirected to the new URLs.

If your hosting provider does not offer built-in redirection options, you can utilize plugins like Redirection to set up redirects for individual posts or pages. With Redirection, you can easily manage and customize redirects, ensuring that anyone accessing old URLs is seamlessly redirected to the corresponding new URLs.

Additionally, some hosting providers offer options to set up wildcard redirection or manage redirects through the control panel. It is essential to check with your hosting provider for available options and instructions on how to set up proper redirection.

Setting up redirects after changing WordPress URLs is a crucial step to prevent any potential errors and improve overall website performance. By taking the time to properly manage redirects, you can ensure that both visitors and search engines can access your content without any interruptions or issues.

Create a WordPress Permalink Structure That Works for You

When customizing the URL of your WordPress site, don’t forget to optimize your permalink structure. Permalinks are the URLs that guide users to your posts, pages, and other content. With WordPress, you have a range of options for structuring your permalinks, allowing you to create SEO-friendly and user-friendly URLs.

Here are some key considerations for customizing your WordPress permalink structure:

  1. Post Name: Including the post name in your permalinks can make them more relevant and understandable. This is often recommended for improving SEO and user experience. For example, a post about customizing WordPress permalink structure might have a URL like yourdomain.com/customizing-wordpress-permalink-structure.
  2. Category: Including the category name in your permalinks can help organize your content and make it more discoverable. This is especially useful if you have a blog with multiple categories. For example, a post in the “SEO Tips” category might have a URL like yourdomain.com/seo-tips/customizing-wordpress-permalink-structure.
  3. Date: Including the date in your permalinks can be helpful if you have time-dependent content, such as news articles or blog posts with frequent updates. However, be cautious with this approach as it can lead to outdated URLs and potentially impact SEO. An example URL would be yourdomain.com/2022/08/25/customizing-wordpress-permalink-structure.
  4. Numeric: Using a numeric structure in your permalinks can be useful for websites with large amounts of content that don’t necessarily fit into categories. However, it may not be very descriptive or user-friendly. An example URL would be yourdomain.com/123456.

It’s important to choose a permalink structure that aligns with your site’s content organization and goals. Take into consideration your target audience’s preferences and the type of content you publish. Keep in mind that once you’ve established a permalink structure and your site is indexed by search engines, changing it may cause potential SEO issues and broken links.

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By customizing your WordPress permalink structure, you can optimize your URLs for search engines and enhance the user experience. Carefully consider the options available and choose a structure that works best for your site’s content organization and goals.

Best Practices for Managing URL Changes in WordPress

When changing URLs in WordPress, it is important to follow best practices to avoid common errors and ensure a smooth transition. Here are some tips for managing URL changes in WordPress:

Create Backups

Before making any changes to your WordPress URLs, it is crucial to create backups of your site. This ensures that even if something goes wrong during the process, you can easily revert back to the previous state.

Test the New URLs

After changing the URLs, it is essential to test them to ensure they are working correctly. Check the functionality of your site, including links, navigation, forms, and any other interactive elements, to make sure everything is functioning as expected.

Update Internal Links and References

When you change the URLs of your WordPress site, it is important to update all internal links and references within your content. This includes updating links in posts, pages, menus, and any other areas where you have inserted links to other pages or posts within your site.

Set Up Proper Redirection

To avoid broken links and ensure a seamless user experience, set up proper redirection from the old URLs to the new URLs. This can be done using redirection plugins or through your hosting provider’s control panel. Proper redirection ensures that visitors who access the old URLs are automatically redirected to the new ones.

Monitor for Broken Links and Errors

After changing your WordPress URLs, regularly monitor your site for any broken links or errors. You can use tools like Google Search Console or third-party plugins to identify and fix any broken links that may have been missed during the transition.

Consult with a Developer or Knowledgeable Resource

If you are unsure about any steps in the process of changing WordPress URLs, it is recommended to consult with a developer or a knowledgeable resource. They can provide guidance and assistance to ensure a smooth and successful transition.

By following these best practices, you can manage URL changes in WordPress effectively, avoiding errors and ensuring a seamless user experience for your visitors.

tips for managing url changes in wordpress

Best Practices for Managing URL Changes in WordPress:
Create backups before making changes
Test the new URLs for correct functionality
Update internal links and references within your content
Set up proper redirection from old URLs to new URLs
Monitor for broken links and errors
Consult with a developer or knowledgeable resource if needed


Changing the URL in WordPress is an essential task when it comes to updating your site’s domain, structure, or security. To ensure a smooth transition, it is crucial to choose the appropriate method and adhere to best practices. By carefully updating the URLs and implementing proper redirection, you can maintain search engine visibility, enhance user experience, and avoid broken links.

Before making any changes, remember to back up your site. This precautionary measure will protect your data in case of any unforeseen issues. Additionally, testing the new URLs is essential to verify that they are functioning correctly. By performing these tests, you can identify any potential errors and rectify them promptly, ensuring a seamless transition.

Modifying WordPress URLs requires attention to detail and consideration of factors such as SEO optimization and user-friendliness. By following the steps outlined in this guide, you can successfully change your WordPress URLs while maintaining the integrity of your website. Remember to consult with a developer or expert resource if you encounter any challenges or uncertainties throughout the process.


How can I change the WordPress URL via the admin dashboard?

To change the WordPress URL through the admin dashboard, go to Settings > General and update the WordPress Address (URL) and Site Address (URL) fields. Make sure the URLs match, unless you are giving WordPress its own directory.

How do I change the WordPress URL in the wp-config.php file?

To change the WordPress URL in the wp-config.php file, locate the file in the root directory of your WordPress site and add two lines of code before the line that says ‘stop editing’. Define the WP_HOME and WP_SITEURL constants with the desired URL.

Can I change the WordPress URL directly in the database?

Yes, you can change the WordPress URL directly in the database using phpMyAdmin. Access phpMyAdmin from your hosting account dashboard, navigate to the wp_options table, and update the option_value of the siteurl and home fields with the new URL.

How can I change the WordPress URL using WP-CLI?

If you have SSH access to your site and are familiar with using WP-CLI, you can update the WordPress URL using the wp option update command. Run the commands wp option update home ‘http://yoursiteurl.com’ and wp option update siteurl ‘http://yoursiteurl.com’ to change the URLs.

Is it possible to change the WordPress login URL?

Yes, you can customize the WordPress login URL for security or branding purposes. By default, the login URL is your domain name followed by /wp-admin or /wp-login. You can manually customize the login URL or use a plugin to set a new URL.

How do I set up redirection after changing WordPress URLs?

To set up redirection after changing WordPress URLs, you can use plugins like Redirection to create redirects for individual posts or pages. You can also check with your hosting provider for options to set up wildcard redirection or manage redirects through the control panel.

How can I create a permalink structure that works for me in WordPress?

To create a permalink structure in WordPress, go to Settings > Permalinks and choose the structure that best fits your needs. You can customize permalinks to include post names, categories, dates, or other options to optimize search engine visibility and user-friendliness.

What are some best practices for managing URL changes in WordPress?

Some best practices for managing URL changes in WordPress include creating backups before making any changes, testing the new URLs to ensure they work correctly, updating internal links and references within your content, setting up proper redirection, and monitoring for any broken links or errors.

Can you provide a summary of changing WordPress URLs?

Changing WordPress URLs involves updating the WordPress Address (URL) and Site Address (URL) in the admin dashboard, editing the wp-config.php file, modifying the URLs directly in the database, or using WP-CLI. It is important to follow best practices, set up proper redirection, and customize the permalink structure to ensure a smooth transition.

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