Export Your WordPress Site: Easy Guide

Are you looking to export your WordPress website? Whether you’re moving to a new host or creating backups, exporting your WordPress site is a crucial step in the process. In this guide, I’ll provide you with an easy-to-follow process to export your WordPress site, ensuring a smooth transition without losing any valuable content.

To export your WordPress site, there are various methods available, depending on your specific needs and technical expertise. You can use the built-in export tool provided by WordPress, utilize hosting-specific tools offered by popular hosting companies, or even perform a manual export and import using SFTP and phpMyAdmin.

Throughout this guide, I’ll explain each method in detail, including step-by-step instructions and recommended plugins for a seamless exporting process. Whether you’re a beginner or a seasoned WordPress user, you’ll find the right method that suits your needs.

Key Takeaways:

  • Exporting your WordPress site is essential when transitioning between hosts or creating backups.
  • WordPress provides a built-in export tool that allows you to export your site’s content, excluding plugins and theme files.
  • Hosting-specific tools like Bluehost Site Migrator and SiteGround Migrator streamline the exporting process.
  • If you’re currently using WordPress.com, you can export your site to a self-hosted WordPress.org site.
  • Plugins like Total UpKeep, All-in-One Migration, JetPack, and UpdraftPlus make exporting WordPress sites easier.

Why Export Your WordPress Site?

When it comes to managing your WordPress site, there are several compelling reasons to consider exporting it. Whether you’re planning to move your site to a new domain or web host, save your valuable blog posts for offline use, or transition from WordPress.com to WordPress.org, exporting gives you the flexibility to take your site wherever you need it. By exporting your WordPress site, you can create a backup and transfer your entire site or specific content onto a new platform, ensuring that your hard work and valuable resources are preserved.

If you’re wondering why you should go through the exporting process, here are a few key reasons:

  • Smoothly Move Your Site: Moving your site to a new domain or web host? Exporting allows you to transfer all your site’s content and settings seamlessly.
  • Preserve and Save Blog Posts: Love your blog posts and want to keep them safe? Exporting allows you to create a backup, saving your posts to access offline.
  • Transition Between WordPress Platforms: Planning to switch from WordPress.com to WordPress.org? Exporting your site makes the transition easier by moving your content and settings.

Exporting to Save Your Blog Posts

One of the key benefits of exporting your WordPress site is the ability to save your valuable blog posts. By exporting and creating a backup, you can ensure that your hard work and insightful articles are preserved, even if unforeseen circumstances cause your site to go offline. Whether you want to access your blog posts offline for personal reference or you’re preparing to migrate to a new platform, exporting your site provides peace of mind. Don’t risk losing your valuable content, save your blog posts with a few simple export steps.

Reasons to Export Your WordPress Site Benefits
Move Your Site Seamlessly transfer your entire site to a new domain or web host.
Save Blog Posts Preserve your valuable blog posts and access them offline.
Transition Between WordPress Platforms Easily transfer your content and settings from WordPress.com to WordPress.org.

Exporting Your WordPress Site Using the Built-in Export Tool

WordPress provides a built-in export tool that makes it easy to export your site’s content. With this tool, you can export various elements of your site, such as posts, pages, comments, custom fields, categories, tags, and navigation menus. It’s a convenient way to transfer your WordPress content to a new site or create backups for safekeeping.

To access the built-in export tool, simply log in to your WordPress dashboard and navigate to the Tools > Export section. From there, you can choose the specific content you want to export. Once you’ve made your selections, click the Download Export File button to generate an XML file containing all the chosen elements.

Once you have the XML file, you can import it into another WordPress site by going to the Tools > Import section. Follow the instructions to import the file and transfer the exported content to your new site.

It’s important to note that the built-in export tool does not export plugins or theme files. If you wish to transfer plugins or themes, you’ll need to manually install them on the new site or use a different method of exporting and importing.

To give you a better understanding of how the built-in export tool works, here is an example:

Element Description
Posts Your blog posts, including titles, content, authors, and publication dates.
Pages Your static pages, such as About Us, Contact, and Services pages.
Comments Comments left by visitors on your blog posts and pages.
Custom Fields Extra data associated with your posts, pages, or custom post types.
Categories Categories you’ve assigned to your posts and pages.
Tags Tags you’ve added to your posts and pages.
Navigation Menus Menus you’ve created to structure and organize your site’s navigation.

Using the built-in export tool is a straightforward way to export your WordPress content. It’s especially useful when you want to move your site or create backups of your valuable content. Just remember that plugins and theme files are not included in the export, so make sure to handle those separately if needed.

Exporting Your WordPress Site Using Hosting-Specific Tools

When it comes to exporting your WordPress site, many popular hosting companies provide their own specialized tools to simplify the process. These tools not only streamline the exporting and importing process but also allow for the transfer of your entire site, including themes, plugins, and media files.

One such hosting company is Bluehost, which offers the Bluehost Site Migrator plugin. This plugin provides step-by-step instructions and makes exporting and importing WordPress sites a breeze. With Bluehost Site Migrator, you can effortlessly migrate your entire site to a new host.

Another hosting company that offers a migration tool is SiteGround. Their SiteGround Migrator plugin is designed to simplify the migration process, ensuring a seamless transfer of your WordPress site. With SiteGround Migrator, you can easily export and import your site without any technical hassle.

Additionally, the Duplicator plugin is a popular choice among WordPress users for exporting and importing sites. This plugin allows you to create a complete backup of your site, including all files, databases, plugins, and themes. Whether you’re moving hosts or creating a test environment, Duplicator provides a comprehensive solution for site migration.

Comparison of Hosting-Specific Tools for Exporting WordPress Sites

Hosting Company Migration Tool Key Features
Bluehost Bluehost Site Migrator Simplified export and import process
SiteGround SiteGround Migrator Streamlined migration with easy-to-follow instructions
Various Hosting Companies Duplicator Complete backup and transfer of WordPress sites

With these hosting-specific tools, exporting your WordPress site becomes a hassle-free task. Whether you choose Bluehost Site Migrator, SiteGround Migrator, or the Duplicator plugin, you can rest assured that your site migration will be seamless and efficient.

Exporting Your WordPress Site From WordPress.com

If you are currently using WordPress.com and want to export your site to WordPress.org, the process is relatively straightforward. Follow these steps to successfully transfer your content:

  1. Login to your WordPress.com admin area.
  2. From the dashboard, navigate to Tools > Export.
  3. Choose the content you want to export, such as posts and media files.
  4. Download the exported file. It will be in the form of an XML file.
  5. Go to your WordPress.org site.
  6. In the dashboard, go to Tools > Import.
  7. Click on the WordPress importer.
  8. Install the importer plugin if prompted.
  9. Upload the XML file you downloaded from WordPress.com.
  10. Follow the prompts to import your content to your self-hosted WordPress site.
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In just a few simple steps, you can effortlessly move your site from WordPress.com to WordPress.org, enjoying the benefits of a self-hosted WordPress site.

Manual Export and Import Using SFTP and phpMyAdmin

For those with technical expertise, manually exporting and importing a WordPress site is an option. This method involves utilizing SFTP (Secure File Transfer Protocol) to download your site’s files and exporting the database using phpMyAdmin. By compressing the files and uploading them to a new server, along with importing the database, you can transfer your entire site manually. This manual process provides complete control over the exporting and importing process, granting you the ability to tailor the migration to your specific needs.

Here is a step-by-step guide on how to manually export and import a WordPress site using SFTP and phpMyAdmin:

Exporting Your WordPress Site

  1. Connect to your hosting account using an SFTP client such as FileZilla or Cyberduck.
  2. Navigate to the root directory of your WordPress installation.
  3. Select all the files and folders in the root directory.
  4. Right-click and choose “Download” to save them to your local computer.
  5. Open phpMyAdmin in your hosting account’s control panel.
  6. Select your WordPress site’s database from the left-hand menu.
  7. Click on the “Export” tab at the top of the page.
  8. Choose the appropriate export method (e.g., “Quick” or “Custom”) and select the tables you want to include in the export.
  9. Click the “Go” button to download the exported database file to your computer.

Importing Your WordPress Site

  1. Create a database for your WordPress site on the new server using your hosting account’s control panel or a tool like phpMyAdmin.
  2. Upload the previously downloaded WordPress files to the root directory of your new server using SFTP.
  3. Access phpMyAdmin on the new server.
  4. Select the database you created in step 1.
  5. Click on the “Import” tab at the top of the page.
  6. Choose the export file you downloaded earlier.
  7. Verify that the “SQL” format is selected.
  8. Click the “Go” button to import the database.

Once you have completed these steps, your WordPress site should be successfully exported and imported to the new server. Take the time to thoroughly test your site to ensure everything is functioning as expected.

While manual export and import require technical knowledge, they offer greater control over the migration process. However, it’s essential to proceed with caution and make backups of your files and databases before making any changes to avoid data loss or other issues.

Pros Cons
Complete control over the exporting and importing process. Requires technical expertise and familiarity with SFTP and phpMyAdmin.
Flexibility to customize the migration according to specific needs. Potential for errors or data loss if not performed correctly.

Options for Exporting a Non-WordPress Site

While primarily focused on exporting WordPress sites, there are also options available for exporting non-WordPress sites. This usually involves exporting the website files and the database from the current hosting provider and importing them into a new hosting account. The exact process may vary depending on the platform and hosting provider used for the non-WordPress site.

If you have a non-WordPress site and need to export it, here are the steps you can follow:

  1. Export Website Files: Access your current hosting provider’s control panel or file manager and compress/download all the website files. This typically includes HTML, CSS, JavaScript, images, and any other related files.
  2. Export Database: Export the website’s database using the control panel or interface provided by your hosting provider. This step ensures that you have a copy of your site’s data.
  3. Import Files and Database: Once you have exported the website files and database, log in to your new hosting account. Upload the website files to the appropriate folder on the new server using FTP/SFTP or the hosting provider’s file manager. Then, import the database into the new hosting account using the database management tool provided by your new hosting provider.
  4. Update Configuration Settings: Update any configuration settings, such as database connection details, to ensure that your non-WordPress site functions correctly on the new hosting environment.

By following these steps, you can successfully export your non-WordPress site and import it into a new hosting account. Remember to test your site thoroughly after the migration to ensure everything is functioning as expected.

In the table below, I have outlined the key components of the export process for non-WordPress sites:

Step Description
Export Website Files Compress and download all website files from the current hosting account.
Export Database Export the database containing your site’s data.
Import Files and Database Upload the website files to the new hosting account and import the database.
Update Configuration Settings Adjust any configuration settings required for the site to function correctly on the new host.

I hope this information helps you with exporting your non-WordPress site. If you have any further questions about the export process, please feel free to ask.

Recommended Plugins for Exporting WordPress Sites

When it comes to exporting WordPress sites, having the right plugins can make the process efficient and hassle-free. There are several popular options available that offer easy-to-use interfaces and comprehensive export features. Let’s take a look at some of the recommended plugins:

Total UpKeep Plugin

The Total UpKeep plugin is a reliable choice for exporting WordPress sites. It provides a streamlined process that allows you to export your entire site, including the database, media files, plugins, and themes. With its user-friendly interface, you can easily customize the export settings and create backups effortlessly.

All-in-One Migration Plugin

The All-in-One Migration plugin is another powerful tool for exporting WordPress sites. It simplifies the export process by providing a one-click solution to export your entire site, including all content, themes, plugins, and database. With its intuitive interface, you can easily manage and migrate your site to a new location.

JetPack Plugin

JetPack is a popular plugin that not only enhances the functionality of your WordPress site but also offers a seamless export feature. With JetPack, you can export your entire site, including posts, pages, media files, and settings. It provides a user-friendly interface that makes the export process simple and straightforward.

UpdraftPlus Plugin

UpdraftPlus is a reliable backup and migration plugin for WordPress. It offers a range of export options, allowing you to choose what to include in your export, such as the database, themes, plugins, and media files. With its easy-to-use interface, you can schedule automatic backups and export your site effortlessly.

These plugins offer a streamlined process for exporting your WordPress site. Their user-friendly interfaces and comprehensive export features make them highly recommended choices for both backups and site migrations.

Note: The image above showcases the ease of exporting WordPress sites with recommended plugins.

Exporting and Importing with WordPress

WordPress offers a user-friendly export feature that allows you to effortlessly export your website’s posts, pages, media, and other content in the form of an XML file. This built-in tool provides a convenient way to create backups or transfer your content to another WordPress site.

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To export your WordPress site using the built-in tool:

  1. Log in to your WordPress dashboard.
  2. Navigate to Tools > Export.
  3. Select the content you want to export, such as posts, pages, and media files.
  4. Click on the “Download Export File” button to save the XML file to your computer.

Once you have exported your content, you can easily import it into another WordPress site using the built-in import tool. Here’s how:

  1. Log in to the WordPress dashboard of your target site.
  2. Navigate to Tools > Import.
  3. Choose the “WordPress” option and install the WordPress Importer plugin if prompted.
  4. Click on the “Run Importer” link.
  5. Select the XML file you exported earlier.
  6. Follow the prompts to import your content.

Please note that while the built-in export and import tools are convenient for smaller sites, they may not include theme files or plugins. If you require a more comprehensive export or have a larger site, you may want to explore other methods or plugins that offer additional functionality.

By utilizing the export and import features provided by WordPress, you can seamlessly transfer your content and ensure a smooth transition between WordPress sites. Whether you’re creating backups or moving your website, this built-in functionality simplifies the process and lets you focus on growing your online presence.

Performing a Manual Export and Import Process

For those who prefer a more hands-on approach, performing a manual export and import process provides complete control over the transfer of a WordPress site. This method allows for greater customization and flexibility during the exporting and importing process.

To manually export your WordPress site, follow these steps:

  1. Export the database: Access your website’s control panel and navigate to the database section. Using a tool like phpMyAdmin, export the database associated with your WordPress site.
  2. Compress and download site files: Connect to your website using SFTP (Secure File Transfer Protocol) and locate the WordPress installation folder. Compress the files into a zip archive and download it to your local computer.
  3. Import the database: Set up a new WordPress installation on your desired server. Access the control panel and create a new database. Import the previously exported database into the new database using phpMyAdmin or a similar tool.
  4. Upload site files: Connect to the new server using SFTP and upload the compressed site files that you downloaded earlier. Extract the files into the appropriate directory, ensuring they overwrite any existing files.

This manual export and import process requires technical knowledge, but it gives you complete control over the transfer of your WordPress site. It allows you to migrate not only the content but also the database and site files, ensuring a seamless transition to your new server.

Here is an example of how the process may look:

Step Description
1 Export the database
2 Compress and download site files
3 Import the database
4 Upload site files

manual export and import process

By following these steps, you can manually export and import your WordPress site, ensuring a successful transfer to a new server. Remember to back up your files and database before proceeding with any import or export process.


Exporting your WordPress site is an essential task for maintaining your website. Whether you’re moving to a new hosting provider, backing up your site, or transitioning between different WordPress platforms, following the right steps is crucial. Thankfully, there are various methods available to seamlessly export your WordPress site.

By utilizing plugins like Total UpKeep, All-in-One Migration, JetPack, or UpdraftPlus, you can easily export your entire site, including the database, media files, plugins, and themes. These plugins offer user-friendly interfaces and comprehensive export features, streamlining the backup and migration process.

If you prefer a more hands-on approach, you can opt for manual exporting and importing using SFTP and phpMyAdmin. This method gives you complete control over the transfer of your site, allowing for greater customization and flexibility.

When exporting your WordPress site, it’s important to choose the method that best suits your needs and technical expertise. By taking the time to follow the appropriate steps and select the right tools or techniques, you can ensure a smooth transition to your new location.


How do I export my WordPress site?

To export your WordPress site, you can use the built-in export tool in your WordPress dashboard. Navigate to Tools > Export, select the content you want to export, and download the XML file. You can then import this file into another WordPress site using the Tools > Import feature.

Why should I export my WordPress site?

There are several reasons why you might need to export your WordPress site. You may be moving your site to a new domain or web host, saving your blog posts for offline use, or transitioning from WordPress.com to WordPress.org. Exporting your site allows you to create a backup and transfer your entire site or specific content onto a new platform.

Can I export my WordPress site using hosting-specific tools?

Yes, many popular WordPress hosting companies offer their own migration tools to simplify the exporting process. For example, Bluehost has the Site Migrator plugin, and SiteGround offers the SiteGround Migrator plugin. These tools provide step-by-step instructions and allow you to transfer your entire site, including themes, plugins, and media files.

How do I export my WordPress site from WordPress.com?

If you are currently using WordPress.com and want to export your site to WordPress.org, you can do so by navigating to Tools > Export in your WordPress.com admin area. Choose the content you want to export, such as posts and media files, and download the exported file. Then, import it into your WordPress.org site using the Tools > Import feature.

Can I manually export and import a WordPress site?

Yes, for those with technical expertise, you can manually export and import a WordPress site. This method involves using SFTP to download your site’s files and exporting the database using phpMyAdmin. By compressing the files and uploading them to a new server, along with importing the database, you can transfer your entire site manually.

How do I export a non-WordPress site?

To export a non-WordPress site, you typically need to export the website files and the database from your current hosting provider. The exact process may vary depending on the platform and hosting provider used. Once exported, you can then import these files into a new hosting account.

What are some recommended plugins for exporting WordPress sites?

There are several plugins that make exporting WordPress sites easier. Some popular options include Total UpKeep, All-in-One Migration, JetPack, and UpdraftPlus. These plugins offer easy-to-use interfaces and comprehensive export features, allowing you to export your entire site, including the database, media files, plugins, and themes.

How do I export and import with WordPress?

WordPress itself provides a convenient export feature that allows you to export your posts, pages, media, and other content in an XML file. To import this file into another WordPress site, you can use the built-in import tool. Simply upload the XML file and follow the prompts to import your content.

What is the process for performing a manual export and import of a WordPress site?

Performing a manual export and import process involves exporting the database, downloading the site files using SFTP, and then importing the database and uploading the files to a new server. This method gives you complete control over the transfer of your WordPress site but requires technical knowledge.

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