Make $1,000 a Day In 2023 🤑 Using This Evergreen Formula! (Easy Side Hustle) #shorts

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Why Isn’t My Website Generating Business?

Large corporations have the advantage of pouring thousands of dollars into analytics and reports to determine why a specific website is either not generating enough traffic or not converting enough prospects to generate new business. Small and home-based businesses do not have this ability. So how can they fix the problem?

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What Content Is Good Content?

Now you have figured out how many times you should be posting on your social media accounts we need to take a look at what type of content you should be posting and sharing. You have probably heard people saying that one vital thing you need to do is blog, well this is right and I would certainly back this up. Even if you are stretched for time and feel that you cannot possibly fit writing a blog post in, you should aim to write a blog post at least once per week.

Tips for the Best E-Commerce Design

E-commerce design must be strategic and attractive at the same time. Some of the common mistakes of e-commerce websites is making their website too visual with flash animations which can slow down the browser of a shopper and use color schemes that send out misleading signals.

Online Marketing and It’s Benefits

With the advent of technology and the use of the internet today, much of the business world has begun to appreciate that without the use of the online world, chances are their business gets left behind and ultimately, falls apart. That is probably why majority of the transactions today are being done online starting from marketing to online purchases to delivery.

How to Be Number 1 In Your Niche Market

Being able to choose a strong niche market you are passionate about is very important for your internet marketing business. But the competition may be very high and you need to learn how to be the number 1 in your niche market so customers can only buy from you.

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