blogging tips – IM Product Solutions Mon, 31 May 2021 14:24:08 +0000 en-US hourly 1 Blog Faster 🚀 Top 3 Blogging Hacks Revealed! Mon, 31 May 2021 14:24:08 +0000

Learn how to write a blog post faster with these 3 must-know blogging tips. After helping over 45,837 people like you to start and successful blogs based on this free guide here – I’m now spilling all of the beans about how you can scale your blog traffic fast.

Relevant links from this video.

The platform where you can hire great writers and editors:

Jarvis, the AI copywriting assistant –

The ‘how to use AI to write blog posts that rank on Google’ training is here:

Ok, let’s go deeper into blog success and specifically stay focused on driving traffic to your blog, fast!

First you need to know a complete process for writing search engine optimized content for your blog fast. I have already covered this in a previous video you can find here:

this process allows you to learn from Google what Google wants to see on your blog in order to give you traffic.

It is important to remember that you have two audiences when you are blogging, Google and their algorithm is one… Your other audience is your readers searching to solve their problems.

Using SEO you are able to optimize your content for Google but it still requires you to write great content that your audience will love too.

If you want my complete deep dive SEO training go here:

If you want to really hone your blogging skills, here is my free blogging corset published on YouTube

And then my tutorial on how to write blogs and make money

I mention my affiliate marketing blog case study where I started a brand-new blog and built it from scratch documenting all of the growth.

You can watch the one year recap where I cover all of the data behind this Successful blog, here:

I went deeper into the strategy and process about how to make money blogging without doing all of the work in this video here:

now you may be wondering… is now a good time to start a blog? has the blogging boat sailed?

Honestly, there is no better time than now and explain why in this video here:

I hope these blogging tips and blog hacks have helped you understand how to blog faster so you can grow your traffic and build a real business online.

Miles Beckler

The Most Important Aspects of Online Marketing

Many people who get into Online Marketing start to struggle and complain as they wonder why they can’t sell their products on the internet. There are many variables for succeeding in online marketing, and I’m here to share with you five of the most important aspects of online marketing.

Succeeding As A Newbie In Internet Marketing

Are you a newbie? I have news for you, everyone is a newbie. Everyone. Including the so called “guru’s” in Internet marketing. How can a “guru” be a “newbie?” Because technology is continually changing. Internet marketing platforms are continually changing. What worked last year may not work this year and probably what works this year will not work next year. So as everyone must continually change with an ever changing market, technically, everyone is a “newbie.”

Why Amateurs Encounter Crooks and Frauds Instead of Money in Internet Marketing

When you begin Internet Marketing, you want to succeed. Everyone does. But, just like everything else in life, there are unscrupulous people out there whose sole ambition in life is to separate you from your money. You must always be vigilant in what you are doing. For 90% of beginning Internet Marketers, this is a new area into which you are venturing. That makes you prime prey for the frauds whose only ambition is to make money – from you! Let’s look at a few ways you can take charge, build your business and still protect yourself at the same time.

5 Online Marketing Strategies That Really Help Businesses

Using the correct online marketing techniques has a noticeable impact on all online businesses. Here are the top 5 online marketing strategies that really do help businesses.

Why Are Some Small & Medium Enterprises Averse to The Idea of Digitization?

The phenomenon of Digitization has been showing the way to significant transformation across several facets of business. The conventional ways of marketing a business will eventually die out as more and more businesses are favoring digital marketing tactics in order to go global. Despite this, many businesses are still not prepared to accept digital metamorphosis as they are apprehensive about experimenting with digitization. What are those apprehensions? Should they step out of their comfort zone or stick to the traditional marketing methods? Time to introspect!

Blogging For Beginners 2020 Wed, 29 Jul 2020 17:00:53 +0000

Discover how to start blogging step by step and some awesome blogging tips to get you going..

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(FREE domain on select plans)

✅ Update** WHEN INSTALLING WORDPRESS — In the Cpanel, at the very top under “Popular Links” click on “WordPress Installer” and then click the blue ‘Install Now’ button. Then at select “Choose installation URL ” and choose your new domain name and simply fill out the information as before and click the blue ‘Install’ button at the bottom***

Why Internet Marketers Make Me Laugh

Internet marketing can be a muddied backwater of misinformation and pointless exercises. The majority of entrepreneurs get too caught up in attempting to gain a foothold on the internet and exhaust themselves by running around in circles, getting nothing much done. This article will dispel the myth of the necessity to continually create and market new and improved info products and marketing materials, and help you win back some of the free time you are doing this for in the first place.

6 Steps To Earning A Second Income Via The Internet

The internet has provided opportunities for many people to earn extra income from home. The set up costs for an online business are minimal and there are an almost limitless number of different industries and markets that you can get involved in. Here are 6 quick tips on how to earn a second income by using the power of the internet.

Digital Publishing Tips

1: Design for the Device – Create content suitable for the device you’re publishing to, whatever the size. Never publish content on a smartphone that has been specifically designed for print, this will frustrate your end-user and devalue your product. If you’re planning to publish to multiple devices then create a responsive design, that will fit any device size or orientation.

What Your Marketing Message Lacks That’s Costing You Sales

If you’re getting a lot of traffic to your sales website but aren’t making very many sales, you’re sales copy is suffering from a lack of a special ingredient that moves people to take action and buy. To learn more about this special ingredient and how you can incorporate it, read this article.

Combating Shiny Object Syndrome – The Insidious Enemy of IMpreneurs

If you’re the type of person that is easily moved by typical marketing scarcity tactics the life of your internet business may end up getting cut short. In this article I reveal what you need to avoid like the plague if you ever hope to live the internet lifestyle.

How To Write Blogs That Make Money – Beginner Friendly! Mon, 27 Jul 2020 13:30:10 +0000

Finally, you will understand why some bloggers make money with blogs and others never make a dime. Learn the 2 tricks to writing blogs that make you money even if you are a beginner blogger!

The first and most important blogging tip for building a successful blog that can create a side income or full-time business income for you is to get started…

If you don’t understand how to make money online, be sure to watch this free training here:

This may sound simple but way too many people who want to build online businesses and blogs are waiting on the sidelines in the hopes they will someday understand how everything works…

And then they will get started. But the truth is that the only way you truly learn how to become a successful blogger is by jumping into the unknown, getting your first blog up and getting started.

To help you get started if you haven’t already, here is my free how to start a blog guide that shows step-by-step how to get your new blog started right:

Through my videos and blog posts I have helped over 50,000 people start their own blogs and I’m confident that this proven process will work for you, too.

The big sticking point for many people when they are trying to figure out what to blog about is choosing a niche. In this video I use blog niche examples like tennis, crochet, golf, baby strollers and more…

My personal belief is that the world of making money blogging is still wide open for those willing to put in the effort and do the work as shown in this video.

With that said if you don’t yet know what your niche is for your blog, be sure to go through my “how to choose a profitable niche” training here:

The two blog templates you are about to learn here are designed to get your content in front of people searching for products to buy and transformations to experience.

for additional blog post templates that will help you drive massive amounts of traffic, watch this free blog training:

By getting your blog content in front of these types of people you are able to help them achieve their goals while earning an income for guiding them along the path.

You are going to learn how to search through several free different tools that will allow you to understand what topics are best for your audience.

When you understand what they are looking for you are able to start crafting blog content that answers their biggest questions and helps them on their path.

You’ll also learn two tricks to uncovering proven content structures, frameworks and outlines that have already proven to get your audience the transformation they seek.

These are all free tools and beginner friendly for new bloggers because they help you simply analyze what is already working so you can improve upon the established processes in your niche.

Once you have the topic chosen and the outline created based on what you learn in this video, it is time to actually get down to writing the blog post. I teach two separate ways to write blog posts depending on which template you are following.

The first way is to write affiliate blog posts fast as shown in this video:

For the second template type you want to create SEO optimized blog posts in order to attract people searching Google for your specific phrase which you can learn in this video:

If you want access to the exact blog writing process that I personally built with 10 years of experience and then refined by training a team of bloggers to help me grow my seven separate sites, you can access it here:

Finally, you might wonder what a super successful blog looks like…

For a new blogger just starting out it can help to have examples of real-world blogs making millions and an insight about where they started and how they started…

Comparing yourself to the successful bloggers in your niche can be a big problem because you are just getting started and they have been mastering the craft sometimes for decades.

It’s important to look back at where these bloggers started and compare yourself today with where they were when they got started to.

In order to show you behind the scenes of several million dollar bloggers who have created massive success and give you insights about where they started, watch this video here

I hope you have found this video helpful if so, give it a thumbs up, leave me a comment and I’ll catch you on the next video.

-Miles Beckler

Most Effective Content Marketing Secrets

Do you want to know the most effective content marketing secrets? High quality content writing plays an important role in marketing success for B2B (Business to Business) companies or even solo entrepreneurs. The most effective content can be more profitable to your business success. Every content we make makes our business run as we handle business on the right way.

Biggest Mistake Email Marketers Make

Email marketing is the one of the original forms of online marketing and good email marketing results to a good business. We also know that there’s good and bad email marketing which we encounter in our daily business process. That’s why there’s a lot of training materials and coaches to enhance our ideas to create a better email marketing strategy to have a successful business.

Double Your Leads With These Simple Tips

Selling a single product makes difficult right? Especially if your product is not yet popular. Most of the marketer nowadays is experiencing this kind of difficulties even if they already started their business long time ago, How about the newbies? Did they experience it too? For some reason people find ways to get more sales and attract more customers online or even offline using simple ways. In order to get more sales they need to advertise online using social media accounts or even get clients/prospects telephone number and email address to promote their products. That’s the reason why this simple tips can help you get double leads in order to promote/advertise your product.

Determining Your Content Marketing Success

You are diligent and consistent with your content and you stick to your posting schedule. Of course, it also goes without saying that your content is top-quality as well. However, you still need to determine if your content is having a positive effect on your business.

Business And Marketing, Know The Proper Approach To Key Elements

Business owners are aware of a business plan and its importance. This is because it outlines the success of your company. One such key element is your marketing strategy. This strategy in larger business plan, gets buried on becomes an integral part and stays silent.

Blogging For Beginners WordPress 2020 Sat, 11 Jul 2020 16:41:27 +0000

Blogging For Beginners with WordPress Full Tutorial. Discover how to start your blog with ease.

** USE Coupon Code – WORDPRESSHERO – to save 60% off your hosting and
(FREE domain on select plans)

✅ Update** WHEN INSTALLING WORDPRESS — In the Cpanel, at the very top under “Popular Links” click on “WordPress Installer” and then click the blue ‘Install Now’ button. Then at select “Choose installation URL ” and choose your new domain name and simply fill out the information as before and click the blue ‘Install’ button at the bottom***

When first installing WordPress with Hostgator please update the PHP software to the latest version by going to Software then ( MultiPHP Manager ) and change to php70 or higher/the latest one

How To Avoid Getting Into A Rut In Your Online Business

There’s one deciding factor that makes the difference between failure and success online. In this article I not only reveal what that is but I also show you a simple formula for overcoming failure in the online business arena.

Internet Marketing And The REAL Reason Most People Fail

I’ve listed one or more reasons why the idea of making money online as an internet marketer is so attractive as well as the hard boiled truth about what it takes to achieve that kind of success. It’s why so many people fail online, but it’s also simple to fix once you know what to do.

The Importance of Discovering Your Profitable Niche

The most important part of actually making money online as an affiliate marketer is discovering your profitable niche. Something you’re good at, preferably something you have some knowledge of. The options are endless, and the potential has no limit. You must be able to create relevant, interesting content and grab your audience’s attention. That is why it is so important to discover your profitable niche, because that’s how you turn a visitor into a buyer.

Mobile Marketing Best Practices

Technological advances impact our lives daily through education, medicine, and our social interactions. Now changes are occurring again in the way we use our smartphones.

6 Reasons Why It Makes Sense To Start A Business Online

If you have that burning entrepreneurial desire to start a business that you can call your own, it can be a little overwhelming where to start. Here are 6 reasons why you can start a business online and be successful.

Make Money Blogging! 7-Figure Blog Secrets Revealed Mon, 06 Jul 2020 15:30:10 +0000

7-figure secrets of five obscure niche blogs revealed. Learn how to blog and make money with these free tools to analyze million dollar blogs! Learn how to start your own moneymaking blog watch this video next –

First off, if you haven’t started your blog yet or you are looking for a trustworthy tutorial that teaches how to start a blog free, go here:

Second, for the free Blog Profits Blueprint audiobook I recommended in the video, go here:

Now, your goal getting started as a blogger should be twofold…

First you need to get come for the process of creating and publishing content through your own blog. I teach you how to blog in a way that will attract traffic, readers, leads and sales in this how to blog training here –

Second you need to start making money fast with your blog. The fastest way to make money on blog is through affiliate marketing.

I have a comprehensive free training that teaches how to do affiliate marketing the right way in 2020 here:

The other key free blogging training I’ve made for you is my 7 step blueprint that breaks down how I grew a blog based business to over a million dollars.

You can my free 7 step blueprint training free, here:

These are the keys to start with above…

Below you’re going to find a list of additional resources from my other videos that are 100% free and designed to help you create success as a blogger online.

I recommend that you copy and paste this entire description from the YouTube video into a Notepad or Evernote on your computer.

This will allow you to have access to these extremely valuable trainings that will teach you everything you need to know about building a successful blog.

Remember, most of the fake gurus out there trying to sell you “how to blog” courses don’t have real businesses beyond selling you their basic info.

I have made it my life’s mission to give away all of the information that gurus often charge $997 or $1997 for free.

For many people choosing a niche is the hardest part. If you are stuck in this scenario, be sure to check out my free how to choose a profitable niche training on YouTube here:

If you are still trying to learn how to make money online, this free training will help:

Both of these trainings are from within my paid membership program that I have released here on YouTube for free.

In this video you learn that a successful blog platform will consist of two main components.

First there is your blog itself where you are publishing content regularly.

Second is your email list which is the number one asset from your online business.

If you are ready to step up your email marketing game, go through this training:

If you are looking for a free click funnel alternative that will allow you to build landing pages and sales funnels for free, go here:

To learn how to write SEO optimized blog posts fast, watch this video

If you want to learn how to write affiliate posts quickly, here is my template on how to write affiliate posts

There are two more skills that will help you quickly grow your blog as a new blogger. First is keyword research what you can learn in these videos

Second is the basics of search engine optimization which is how to optimize your blog posts for Google. I have a deep dive learn SEO training you can watch here:

I hope this is been helpful for you in learning what it takes to create a successful blog.

The biggest key is to get started and then to stick with it long enough to achieve the success that you desire…

Whether you want to start a blog the gross to make $1 million per year or whether you want $10,000 per month…

The path is extremely similar and you now have all of the trainings, tools and resources you need here in this description.

Save these links so you can access them when you are ready and be sure to like the video, leave me a comment and subscribe!

I’ve got more great videos coming your way here soon…


Miles Beckler

Make Money Online – Ideas That Work

If you want to make money, the online world is the place to be. Whether you want to work or put up your own business, doing it online will give you great opportunities. In fact, you’ll have lesser risk when you start a new business online than to invest your dollars in a downtown office or storefront. Since your business is based online, you’ll also reach more potential customers and work from there virtually.

How to Create Viral Content for Marketing

Relying upon name viral content is kind of content that is shared by users fast and using a massive scale. The difference in between viral content and just interesting/quality/original content is that viral information covers huge target audience. Examples of virus-like content are Harlem Protein shake videos or adorable very little puppy Boo.

Clever Way to Make Money From a Small List

Do you need a humongous list to make a living from your online marketing activities? Not necessarily, if you are focused and determined in your goal. It’s a known fact that there are people that make good money online from small lists. The secret is in the unique relationship some marketers establish with their lists.

Digital Marketing – What Is in Store for 2017 and Beyond

This article explains how competitive and volatile digital marketing is! Also, it lists out the future trends and techniques that is going to influence the marketing arena in the coming year and beyond!

Sweet Little Side Business Ideas

Tired of running your business and essentially doing everything on your own? Making a decision of hiring an online expert can help you offload your daily tasks which allows you to focus on the things you love to do to bring value to the time you spend in your business. Don’t hesitate to hire someone and grab this opportunity to make your business life easy.

Top 5 Free Keyword Research Tools – Get More Great Blog Ideas, Video Ideas & Podcast Topic Ideas Mon, 23 Dec 2019 13:43:34 +0000

Best free keyword suggestion tools revealed… Stop struggling to come up with blog ideas & video ideas… Learn the 5 keyword tools for content marketing suggestions in 2020.

I have published an updated keyword research video here:

Once you understand how these tools work you will see that keywords everywhere. Getting suggestions on keywords is important for your keyword research and getting “outside the box” content marketing ideas.

It is still important to complete keyword research to find out the keyword difficulty and search volume which I show how in this video:

If you want a free keyword research tool, watch this video:

This post shows you how to do keyword research for free:

This is one of the best blogging tips for 2020, to find blog content ideas your competitors have not discovered because they don’t know about these powerful keyword tools.

It is also important to remember that every post you publish to your blog needs to be properly optimized for SEO and you can learn how to do that here:

Keyword research is just one part of Search Engine Optimization, so you need a holistic content marketing approach that takes keywords and SEO into account.

In this video you are going to learn the five free keyword suggestion tools you can use in order to come up with a limitless number of content marketing ideas. You’ll be able to get blog post ideas, video ideas, podcast, topic ideas, etc, and in a second we’re going to jump on my computer. You’re going to follow along. I’m going to share my screen so you can see where to find these tools and how to use them. And again, they’re all free tools now as a content marketer, right? Someone growing an audience and a brand and a business online, there’s a direct correlation to how much great content, highly valuable content that’s properly optimized your publishing and how much traffic that you’re experiencing on my website, just about three years ago, I was getting approximately 60 visits per month. It’s about two per day.

Now I’m getting about 60,000 visits per month. The difference got about 350 highly optimized great pieces of content that my audience is looking for and how do I know what they’re looking for? How do you know what your audience is looking for? It’s these tools here. And real quick before we jump in, this is different from a keyword research tool. A keyword research tool by definition is going to tell you what the search volume is and what the difficulty is. But those tools don’t always have great suggestion engines. And that’s what we’re looking for here is topic ideas. So you go through these processes, you’ll come up with a list of great topics, and then you’ll go do keyword research on those topics to find out which ones have the highest search volume and the lowest difficulty score. This is how you keep moving forward.

Let’s jump on the computer and get started. So the first one that we have is alsoasked dot com.

Now I need an example for this. So we’re going to go down the self hypnosis path. The idea is that I’m a hypnotherapist and I either do sessions or I sell downloadables, et cetera. So that’s what we’re going to use. So all you do in this one is number one, you choose your country. So there’s several different countries. You can choose, you obviously can toggle the language and then you put in your keyword phrase already got self-hypnosis here and then you click search. Now this keyword tool is 100% free right now. We’ve, I’ve seen other tools in this space go to a paid model like keywords everywhere. So I assume that they are going to eventually go to a paid model. I’m guessing they’ll always give you some access for free, but they’ll probably do more on the paid side here soon.

The first thing you notice is it’s this kind of like mind map type style. If you want to just export all of the keyword ideas and get them into a spreadsheet, there’s the save CSV up top. And if you like the mind map version, you can save it as a PNG. But what you notice is this first one here is self hypnosis. And then it has all of the questions that are commonly asked around this topic. So you put in your main topic and you get to see all of the different ideas. So can you self hypnotize yourself? Can hypnosis be dangerous? Can everyone be easily hypnotized? Is self-hypnosis the same as meditation? I mean, these are powerful ideas. If you have not written a blog post or me in this example, right?

And then I would go plug them into the keyword research tool.

Outsourcing Your Marketing Can Pay Off

Think about outsourcing your marketing needs and you can save money as well as get results. What you can gain depends on who you work with though, so be selective.

Grow Your Business With Help From A Promoter Of Digital Marketing

Technology continues to be a driving force in this world behind all we do. That is why you need to get some type of strategy in motion for your business that encompasses it on all levels. You don’t have to stress about how to do that, just turn to one of the excellent digital marketing agencies.

Comparing And Evaluating The Best Providers For Digital Marketing

There are plenty of opportunities on the line when you work with any of the digital marketing companies. Yet the outcome often depends on who you work with so you have to be careful. You can’t just base that decision on the first one you find or the one with the lowest price.

A Beginner’s Guide to Content Marketing

The aim of content marketing is to create, publish and distribute content for your target audience for a pre-determined objective; sales, attract new customers, brand awareness, etc. The role of a content marketing consultant is to produce content that is relevant, valuable and shareable.

Creating Your Squeeze Page

A squeeze page is a web page with a form, where you collect email addresses (and possibly names) of your prospects for further interactions with them in your attempt to lure and convince them to do business with you in the near or distant future. There are two possible aspects to a squeeze page:
