copywriting – IM Product Solutions Mon, 08 Aug 2022 14:16:11 +0000 en-US hourly 1 Recession-Proof Your Income with Jon Benson Mon, 08 Aug 2022 14:16:11 +0000

Billion Dollar copywriter and YouTuber, Jon Benson joins to share his insights about how you can recession-proof your income, today! Subscribe to Jon’s YouTube Channel here:

Your ability to convert leads, drive sales and increase the number of transactions your business or your affiliate partners are seeing… Is precisely how you continue to earn more even if economic times get more difficult.

As we head into a possible recession after months of inflation, many consumers around the world are starting to make different decisions about what they are purchasing and why.

The days of “easy sales” may very well be behind us.

This means you must take the world of copywriting more seriously today than you have before… Your ability to convert traffic into leads and leads and the comp customers is directly correlated to your ability to generate lifestyle income online.

John Benson, the billion-dollar copywriter sits down for a full-length interview where he reveals his three sales copy secrets that unlocked my ability to drive massive conversions, leads and sales on demand.

We start by looking into John Benson’s back story as he started out just like you and I as a niche marketer trying to get out of a difficult freelancing and service based business he created for himself.

Once he launched his first book “Fit Over 40” based on his life experience of having a severe heart attack and other physical challenges that he explains in this interview…

He started to see the power of direct response marketing as it led to thousands of transactions for a digital product that was effortlessly delivered by automated systems.

Said another way…

Jon Benson realize that creating a product and selling a product with great sales copy have the potential to make millions per month.

This began John’s fascination with copywriting And he created several products of his own, then he began testing video with his sales letters which led him to inventing the video sales letter (AKA: The VSL)

Over the years Jon’s copy has helped multiple 7-figure, 8-figure and 9-figure businesses scale to reach tens of thousands of customers ultimately selling billions of dollars of their products.

This makes Jon one of the few billion dollar copywriters alive today…

Which is why I brought him on the show to teach you his sales copy secrets so you can focus in on the three things that you need to do in order to drive more leads and more conversions so you can recession proof your income.

This interview is one for the record books… You should pay very close attention to every word Jon Benson says here so you can implement and integrate these powerful ideas into your business, too.

As a long-term customer of Jon’s, I can honestly attest that John’s sales copy training has helped me become a more profitable copywriter who now sells thousands of units on a good day…

We sell tens of thousands of products on a good month… And we sell tens of thousands of products on an average quarter.


Because I’ve master these sales copy secrets that Jon Benson reveals for you today.

Be sure to watch until the end and give his YouTube channel a follow!

[Google+] Five Reasons Top Businesses Are Now Taking Google+ Seriously (And Why You Should Too!)

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Taking Advantage of the Power of Online Business Directories

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Secret to Online Marketing Success – Become the Trusted Advisor

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Tips for Promoting Your Business Online

Is it time to promote your business online? Has the World Wide Web impacted your business? If you said “Yes!”, you are right! How can I say that without knowing one thing about your business? I can say that because 78.6% of the North American population are internet users!! That is nearly 80% of the population online! It would be unwise not to tap into this market… actually, it is imperative that you do!

10 Tips For Increasing Your Landing Page Conversion Rates

Let’s face it… You can have THEE most incredible campaign or advertisement in the entire world, but the ultimate goal is to not only improve your CTR, its improving your landing page conversion rates. Yes, the first step is to entice people to click on your ad, whether it be a PPC ad, Banner Ad, Craigslist Ad, etc.

Email Profits Mastery – How To Maximize Your Commissions With Simple Daily Emails… Fri, 23 Jul 2021 12:46:55 +0000

Email Profits Mastery – Episode 3

Download my FREE e-book right here →

Master the art of copywriting in your email marketing for your online business.

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Watch Part 3 ►

For online marketing tips, make sure to check out my related videos below…

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Email Profits Mastery – Episode 2 Wed, 21 Jul 2021 21:36:40 +0000

Email Profits Mastery – Episode 2

Download my FREE e-book right here →

Master the art of copywriting in your email marketing for your online business.

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Watch Part 2 ►
Watch Part 3 ► Coming Soon

For online marketing tips, make sure to check out my related videos below…

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Email Profits Mastery – Episode 1 Tue, 20 Jul 2021 11:43:58 +0000

Email Profits Mastery – Episode 1

Download my FREE e-book right here →

Master the art of copywriting in your email marketing for your online business.

▼▽ Email Profits Mastery Series ▽▼
Watch Part 1 ►
Watch Part 2 ► Coming Soon
Watch Part 3 ► Coming Soon

For online marketing tips, make sure to check out my related videos below…

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