how to advertise on YouTube – IM Product Solutions Tue, 07 Jun 2022 14:30:01 +0000 en-US hourly 1 How To Create A YouTube Ad – Free Step-By-Step Training Tue, 07 Jun 2022 14:30:01 +0000

Important: You need to complete the “How to run ads on Google” training here: first! YouTube ads are run through the Google ads platform!

Paid ads are the fastest way to grow your audience, your list and to drive sales!

I am still spending the bulk of my advertising budget on Facebook using this Facebook ads strategy here:

With that said we are testing more and spending more on YouTube ads every single day.

There is a higher barrier to entrance in running a successful YouTube add than there is creating a Facebook ad.

This means that there are less competitors on YouTube running advertisements.

You can also advertise more niches on YouTube because Facebook ad policies are much more stringent.

Your account is less likely to get shut down on YouTube ads compared Facebook ads, So it eliminates the risk of getting your Facebook ad account banned.

This is also a great option if you’ve already burned your Facebook ad account and you’ve been banned by Facebook.

As always, these technical steps in how to set up an ad on YouTube are the simplest part and you must truly commit to being a student of copywriting.

Make sure your landing pages convert by following the proven copywriting framework taught here:

also, I recommend that you read my top copywriting books as listed here:

And if you would like a copywriting course, here are my recommendations:

Becoming a competent and confident advertiser on YouTube is one of the greatest ways for you to scale your business quickly.

Once you are comfortable running ads on YouTube, you can also offer YouTube advertising services if you so choose.

Miles “The Helpful Marketer” Beckler

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