personal growth – IM Product Solutions Mon, 02 Aug 2021 13:56:51 +0000 en-US hourly 1 The Dumbest Way To Start An Online Business… (It’s Not What You Think). Mon, 02 Aug 2021 13:56:51 +0000

The Dumbest Way To Start An Online Business… (It’s Not What You Think).

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You’ve probably seen quite a few of the big-time gurus talking about how profitable it is to start a business around your “passion”.

About how it’s the only way to not be miserable, and how it’s the most surefire way to create longterm success.

“Just find what you’re passionate about, create a bunch of content, and POOF, you’re a millionaire!”

Now I know, it’s not quite that bad… But still, I’m sure you’ve seen em.

I know I did when I was first getting started, and as a result, my first year online was miserable.

I was stuck in massive overwhelm and confusion…

Went deep into debt…

And ended up getting kicked out of not one but TWO different houses I was living in unable to pay rent.

The truth is that the whole “Passion Business” is total B.S. and inherently flawed…

It’s exactly opposite from how you SHOULD actually run a business…

And while it sounds cool, it’s actually a surefire way to go dead broke FAST.

Checkout today’s video, where I dispel this myth once and for all…

And share with you the ACTUAL formula to create real success as quickly as humanly possible.

If you get value from today’s episode don’t forget to like, comment and share.

To the top,

Misha Wilson

For more online marketing tips make sure to check out my related videos below…

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Capture Page Secrets –
ClickBank Success –
Maximize Cashflow With Email Marketing –
CPA Marketing for Beginners –
Affiliate Marketing Secrets –
Affiliate Sales Funnels –
Content Marketing Strategies –
Solo Ad Traffic –

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#Passion #OnlineMarketing #MishaWilson

Create Internet Success Using Organic SEO

Internet success demands continuous high search engine rankings. There are many short-term strategies that will create a surge in traffic, but if you want to continuously get high rankings you must focus on effective, long-term tactics that will withstand the inevitable changes to the search engine algorithms. Organic search engine optimization is just that: a formula that has proven successful time after time.

Hey, Over Here! Get Your Online Business To Stand Out

Over 30,000 new websites go live every hour. How will your online business even get noticed?

The Internet Jungle Book

The internet is like a vast jungle full of social media trees and interesting inhabitants, such as web surfers, social media harvesters, and the dreadful trolls. This jungle has many kings, each having his own lion’s share of the territory. Aspiring ‘cubs’ aim to become like them someday, when their business will be roaring loud and the fruit of the trees will be dropped at their paws.

First Steps for Your Internet Business

Follow these simple, daily steps to launch your Internet business. Now, it might be tough at first. It might even hurt to do these things initially because you have to make yourself work. It’s not always easy to create new habits!

Some New Age Content Marketing Trends That You Will Love to Follow

Content is the king of online marketing efforts. Thus, to rule the market you need to follow some of the new age marketing tactics.

Patience and Persistence – Master These Two P’s For Success Tue, 20 Jul 2021 11:47:05 +0000

Patience and Persistence – Master These Two P’s For Success

Download my FREE e-book right here →

In today’s video, I discuss mastering the two P’s in your online marketing and implementing these mindset strategies that I reveal will increase your success in your online business world.

If you get value from today’s episode don’t forget to like, comment and share.

To the top,

Misha Wilson

For more online marketing tips make sure to check out my related videos below…

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Capture Page Secrets –
ClickBank Success –
Maximize Cashflow With Email Marketing –
CPA Marketing for Beginners –
Affiliate Marketing Secrets –
Affiliate Sales Funnels –
Content Marketing Strategies –
Solo Ad Traffic –

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#PersonalDevelopment #OnlineMarketing #MishaWilson

How Can I Start Internet Marketing?

The key to successful internet marketing is understanding who your customer is, what their needs and wants are and how your product or service can help them. So how can you start internet marketing?

How Can You Persuade Your Readers to Take Action?

Your first thought whenever you write an email, blog post, or article for a website, should be “How can I persuade my readers to take action?” It’s easier said than done. But, learning how to get their attention, and having them follow through with an action, can be done if you follow these simple tips.

Top Myths About Content Marketing

Have you ever wondered why unique content is loved by Google or many other search engines? It’s because content marketing is actually a more popular and powerful marketing strategy than any other technique. It opens the doors of opportunity for your business and helps to drive more traffic to your site.

6 Borderline Genius Free Online Marketing Ideas for Small Business

When building a small business you want to keep your costs in check. Small businesses usually can’t afford large marketing budgets like the bigger brands have, so you need to get more creative to reflect a larger profit. Many entrepreneurs get eager to try everything, especially if well funded from the start.

5 Trends That Are Setting Pace For Business Online In 2016

As in any industry, you have to stay ahead of the curve if you want to remain the innovator, the authority and the person people go to for answers. Make sure you know what’s coming up because believe me now, the internet marketing storm is coming.

How To Do The Stuff You Hate So You Can Live The Life You Want… Wed, 23 Jun 2021 11:31:33 +0000

How To Motivate Yourself To Do The Stuff You Hate So You Can Live The Life You Want…

Fact: If you’re going to build a multi-million dollar business (like so many people have the goal to do)…

You’re going to have to do a BUNCH of stuff you hate.

There’s simply no way around it.

You can either back off and not grow, or “embrace the crap” and take daily action steps to get closer to your dreams.

Check out today’s episode of Marketing With Misha, where I share with you the simple way to never struggle with doing the s**t you hate, so that you can build the business of your wildest dreams.

Watch today’s video to the very end where I share the simple way to never struggle with doing the stuff you hate, so that you can build the business of your wildest dreams.

If you get value from today’s episode don’t forget to like, comment and share.

To the top,

Misha Wilson

For more online marketing tips make sure to check out my related videos below…

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Capture Page Secrets –
ClickBank Success –
Maximize Cashflow With Email Marketing –
CPA Marketing for Beginners –
Affiliate Marketing Secrets –
Affiliate Sales Funnels –
Content Marketing Strategies –
Solo Ad Traffic –

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#BusinessMotivation #OnlineBusiness #MishaWilson

A Beginner’s Guide To Internet Marketing

Internet Marketing also recognized as Online Marketing is a process of promoting a brand, product or services over the World Wide Web. It is one of the cost-effective methods of marketing your business in all over the globe. It is not hard and doesn’t require a lot of money.

Online Marketing Services – 5 Most Essential Preparations Before Venturing Into The Online Market

The world is developing rapidly, and with this is the growing demand of online users for receiving all sorts of solutions at their fingertips. Be it a product or a service, web users want everything to be available online with ease and comfort.

When Is The Best Time To Start An Online Business?

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Importance of Choosing the Right Niche

A student of mine is switching away from eCommerce. Not that there is anything wrong with it. On the contrary, many people are having great success in their eCommerce businesses. Since my student is moving away from eCommerce, and onto digital products, I strongly recommended that he spend a few days, or however long he needs, deciding which niche he wants to get into.

Is There a Secret to Overcoming Procrastination?

Just like in any other endeavor, online marketing requires effort and discipline. Therefore, the issue of procrastination is present in this field as in any human activity. The biggest discovery I’ve made about overcoming procrastination is that it is not about will power. If you lack will power, you feel that you are weak. No one wants to feel weak. Yet, that’s not the cause of procrastination.
