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How & Why You Should Be Writing Data-Driven Stories

Facts tell and stories sell. Stories have been part of successful marketing. Still there is an effective way and proper time to tell your compelling stories to achieve best results. Find out some facts about data driven stories and their importance.

Simple Tips To Improve Content Marketing Strategy

Content marketing is one of the famous marketing techniques of creating and sharing informative and keyword rich content to drive more traffic to your site. This technique plays a crucial role in online success because it not only increases the number of customers, but also improves your site ranking.

What Are The Two Most Important Words In Marketing?

Always include these two words with every customer contact you have! It works wonders for both you and your clients.

5 Benefits of Market Segmentation

When you write an email to your customers you should be addressing each one individually. How can you do this? By segmenting your customers into groups that have similar problems, likes and dislikes. Then when you write to a group, or segment, you picture in your mind that you are speaking to just one person across the table. You know what this person’s main problem is and how you can help them solve that problem with your information, or with one of your products.

Importance of Internet Marketing

In this era, where almost everything is digital, it is no surprise that nearly all businesses have their own piece of the online space. In the past, they had to rely on ads slapped onto a pole or some other object on the streets in order to tell people that they exist. People tend to ignore most of these ads, or if the ads are eye-catching there is still the problem of potential clients never going on that street. But internet marketing has made it easier for anyone to advertise their websites, services and products.

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