UPDATE: Meetvio, VidSnatcher, 7min Sales Machine [REVIEWS]

Website: https://www.vidsociety.com In this video, I’ll go over a couple products that launched this week (VidSnatcher and 7min Sales Machine) as well as one that launches today I’m really excited about called Meetvio.

• Vidsnatcher review: https://www.vidsociety.com/vidsnatcher-review/
• 7min Sales Machine review: https://www.vidsociety.com/7-minute-sales-machine-review/
• Meetvio review: https://www.vidsociety.com/meetvio-review/

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Video editing software: http://movtrials.com (free trial)
Best online spinner: http://spinrw.com (free trial)
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VidSnatcher is an online video editor app you can use to record your desktop and mic. It gives you many options for adding icons, text and even text to speech audio.

7min Sales Machine is a CPA training course that teaches you how to do CPA marketing, getting approved and includes 3 unique traffic generating methods.

Meetvio is a online tool for one time price for you to create online meetings, webinars and auto-webinars for ever-green products.

Writing For The Web: Using Words To Win Customers

Turn your online business into a powerful story. Get people talking about your brand. Use your content to attract new customers.

The Cycle of Life and the Subconscious

This past week has been a strange one! Last Sunday my wife’s gran aunt passed away, she was 90 years young and had been suffering with dementia. It was the first time I had experienced a Catholic funeral, seeing an open casket (something I did not want when both my parents passed away), having the rosary, then the removal and finally the funeral. A sad time for all who knew her and then the other end of the spectrum on the following Saturday was the celebration of one of my wife’s best friends as she was getting married, all part of the cycle of life.

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