Viral Product Research Tips For The Holidays

Last night’s PPH training was off the HOOK!

I showed you how to find VIRAL products for the holidays live on the call…

I gave you 4 of my BEST criteria for finding hot products that will generate a boatload of sales!

We also looked a a hot product list I’m putting together that I’ll give you next week as long as you’re on live.

The holidays are officially here and the time to set your stores up for MAX profitability is now!


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How Safe Is Your Job – 800 Redundant?

Do you consider your job to be safe? Well at least 800 people in Northampton and smaller units all over the country thought theirs were until yesterday. A large paper organization hit the dust. It is possible buyers can be found but it was a shock for 100s of families. Some staff had been their all their working lives – 20, 30 years or more.

6 Affiliate Marketing Basics That Are Essential To Know

The affiliate marketing business is like being a commission paid sales person. Your job is to sell somebody’s products and services and when you make a sale, the product owner pays you a commission.Let’s take a look at 6 affiliate marketing basics that will serve you well as you progress.

Survival Skills: 4.5 Aspects on How to Survive a Sinking Ship
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New launches for internet marketing and business opportunities can be short. Some launches don’t even make it past the first week let alone 90 days. The darling companies of 2012, 2013, and 2014 are either gone or on their last leg. The smart entrepreneurs get in, make money, make their teams money, and hop on the next wave.

CASL: A Business Owner’s Survival Guide

be caught unaware by this law. While the title says “anti-spam”, this piece of legislation actually covers all commercial email messages, even a single one. This means your monthly news-letter, your referral emails, your weekly coupon messages, your SMS campaigns, and any other commercial communication to an electronic address falls under this act. The penalties for violating this act are very severe. You could be fined up to $1 million as an individual or $10 million as a company, and the public can sue you for $200 per message received (though public redress doesn’t kick in until 2017.) Got your attention now? In fact, in my opinion this legislation is going to affect standard commercial email messages far more than any actual spam long-term. It’s a very radical law that fundamentally changes how companies can communicate with their customer base online. Here’s what you need to know about this act so you can stay compliant.

Private Equity and Digital Transformation – Creating Value Through Vision

The Holy Grail for private equity is to find a business you can grow rapidly and profitably. One area of growth that private equity (and everyone else) cannot ignore is the power of Digital Transformation. OK, that sounds a little like the start of a super-hero film but give this a moment. Actually, a superhero doomsday setting isn’t that far off the mark. It’s a fact that a huge number of businesses are not prepared for the digital age. They don’t have a digital strategy and they are going to begin to fail more frequently, more rapidly as all aspects of digital marketing and digital buying continue to be felt. So what does that mean for private equity firms?

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