why I’m leaving my channel of 200K+ subscribers (my last video)

why I’m leaving my channel of 200K+ subscribers (my last video).

IT’s True 😭.

New Channel Here🎉 (subscribe!): https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCCT7xjDyi7aC-5t7uVF5kxw?sub_confirmation=1

The Subscribers to Sales® Channel: @subscriberstosales

This is a hard one to explain but a no-brainer decision when it came to pulling the plug 🔌 on producing for my Marissa Romero channel. Why would someone in their right mind leave a channel with over 450 public videos, 210K+ subscribers, and 8M+ views?!

This is a decision (that had painful back and forths) based on one thing, evolution. Like everyone else, I had a starting point.
Back in the day, I was a broke wantrepreneur (surprise surprise right?)…

As the years went by, I moved up the entrepreneurial spectrum, which typically looks like this:
– 9-5er
– wantrepreneur
– side hustler
– freelancer
– digital nomad
– solopreneur
– CEO / visionary
The initial spike of growth came from teaching and documenting, almost like a diary of my journey. I’d get glowing compliments from people appreciating the transparency and of course, the help from my tutorials. However, as I evolved up the spectrum, my content did not. It was as if I drew a line between the ‘side hustler and freelancer’ stage and I only created content based on “beginner make-money-online” topics.

This was detrimental in 2 major ways:
1. my identity was now attached to the MMO niche
2. The YT algo only promoted my clickbait-y side hustle, work-from-home, and money-making videos.

Therefore, I felt extreme discouragement every time I tried to go outside the lines of these topics (resulting in me creating videos on the same topics over and over and over). This started the downhill turn of my extreme burnout and resentment of getting in front of the camera.

I really had to evaluate what type of legacy I was building because my impact is NOT ❌attached to one niche. Leaving my channel is about evolving and shifting my energy into an area that is going to allow for major expansion and, most importantly, evolution.

Bottomline – the content I was creating IS NOT IN ALIGNMENT WITH WHERE I AM NOW in my life. I cannot and will not continue to create content from an inauthentic place.

You may be wondering, what happens now? I’m still here to be a creator (that will never change).

In fact, I’m starting FRESH on a new channel called Subscribers to Sales®. 🎉

You can check out the very first video by clicking HERE. https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCCT7xjDyi7aC-5t7uVF5kxw?sub_confirmation=1

The Subscribers to Sales® Channel: @subscriberstosales

What’s it all about? This channel is totally for you if you’re interested in creating an impactful business and YouTube channel. However, it’s much deeper than this. We’re excited to serve world-class experts, educators, and business owners who are ready to accelerate their success curve with video marketing and creating a sustainable base of organic traffic from YouTube (without it consuming your already busy life).

We’ll cover topics ranging from YouTube video production (scripting, editing, filming, camera confidence), to YouTube growth & monetization, and most importantly, business strategy (i.e. creating irresistible offers, funnel strategy, email marketing) and so much more!

I’m ecstatic about this channel launch because there are so many new elements that you could expect that my original channel never offered.

Here’s some exciting features that you will see:

✅Multiple creators –
– It won’t just be me creating videos. I’m exciting to welcome creators from Team Marissa Romero who have a wealth of information to share in the video marketing and online business space!
✅Guest experts –
​​​​​​​- I’ve always wanted to host creators on my channel to get their professional opinions and insights & now it will happen!
✅Opportunities to work with our exclusive S2S Studio in-house editing team
✅More short form content –
​​​​​​​- bit-sized consumable tips

I’d love it if you would comment a topic you would like to see from me and of course, subscribe to the new channel ! @subscriberstosales

#marissaromero #leavingmychannel

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