YouTube SEO with TubeBuddy – Keyword Research & Optimization

YouTube SEO is the key to making videos and attracting new viewers and subscribers fast. I use TubeBuddy for this process: This video shows how to do YouTube keyword research and how to optimize your video while publishing for your target keywords so your videos can rank and attract new audience members.

Now, if you aren’t familiar with my story about how I built this channel to over 100,000 subscribers and more than $10,000 per month in income, fast, you can read the full story on my blog, here:

The YouTube search algorithm has two main sides. First is the actual search engine which operates very similarly to Google. Many YouTube users simply use YouTube as a platform to find answers to their questions, how to tutorials to help them accomplish specific things or solve specific problems and we are able measure the volume of searches and the difficulty for these different keyword phrases.

Now, in this video I show the ‘basic’ way to use Tubebuddy to grow your channel that works for beginner YouTube SEOs. If you have more views and a more established channel, be sure to watch this advanced YouTube seo tutorial –

For a new YouTube channel, focusing on the search engine side of YouTube will help you attract new visitors more quickly because you can rank helpful videos that answer your audience’s questions.

For my full YouTube SEO course free here on YT, watch this video –

The second side of the YouTube algorithm is getting your videos to show up as a suggested video which displays around videos that are currently playing.

This is a more difficult place to rank videos when a channel is early because it generally requires channel authority and viewing data such as view percentage and average view duration.

I share a strategy to show up in the YouTube suggested videos side of the YT algorithm in this video:

This is why it’s beneficial to focus on YouTube as SEO at the beginning. It allows you to build up your channel authority, while also getting your viewing data like view percentage and average view duration to increase by answering people’s questions and helping people solve the problems they are searching for in YouTube.

Once your channel has authority and you have good view numbers, you will begin to naturally see views coming from the browse and featured segments of the YouTube algorithm. This is because you too will see the relevance of your videos to what your audience is watching based on your YouTube optimization.

So this begs the question, how do you do keyword research for YouTube? And: how do you optimize a video for YouTube SEO?

that’s exactly what we cover in this video today and you’ll get walked through a software tool that makes it simple and easy to research topics and keywords for your videos, plus it will help you rank your videos higher attracting more subscribers and more viewers.

Final note.

It is important to remember that you must create extremely helpful and useful videos that don’t waste your users time. No one wants to watch you being bad at something for hours on end while you “document the process” of learning.

People want concise and focused videos that quickly answer their questions and solve their problems so they can get back to their busy lives. Always keep this in mind and you will succeed on YouTube long-term.


Miles Beckler

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