The FASTEST Way To Make Progress (And More $$$)

The FASTEST Way To Make Progress (And More $$$)

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Misha Wilson

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Life Lessons Learned From Running a Small Business Online

Running a small business on the internet can benefit you in ways that don’t involve income or financial independence! Right from the start as an entrepreneur you MUST be willing to work and of course this means taking action on any ideas to make things happen! Read on to discover 7 ways entrepreneurs can expect to grow personally when operating any sort of business on the web!

How To Start A New Home Based Business Today

The appeal of entrepreneurship has made many more people seriously consider the are idea of setting up a new home based business which can supplement their existing income. Here are 5 steps that will help you get started.

What Is A Niche Market And Why Choosing One Will Help You Succeed?
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I looked up Wikipedia to find their definition of what is a niche market. Here’s what they had to say… “A niche market is the subset of the market on which a specific product is focusing. The market niche defines the product features aimed at satisfying specific market needs, as well as the price range, production quality and the demographics that is intended to impact.” Pretty self explanatory. Unlike the example I gave earlier about an associate of mine, and his determination to focus on the wide market, when you focus in on a niche market, you’re focused on one particular thing. For example, instead of focusing on all of the marketing markets, each one of those markets are separate niches. Creating a marketing site around social media cater to those who want to do social media marketing. Blogging about email marketing tips & tricks would be welcomed by those who want to see better results from their email marketing campaigns. And so on.

Guidelines for Designing Your Website

The top 7 features every website should have. Build a website and gain traffic easier by implementing these 7 important elements.

Pinterest and Infographics: Is Your Marketing Strategy Keeping Up With Social Media’s New Darlings?

Pinterest Infographics is a POWERFUL business tool. Funny how people are just now taking notice. It’s probably because the stats are out on it. In December, the world realized that 88% of those on Pinterest purchased a product they pinned/re-pinned! WOW! So, just maybe, if YOUR business adds a Pinterest Infographic about your business or service, you might grab a few new customers? THAT got your attention. Better take a serious look, huh?

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