Anatomy of a Blog Based Business by Miles Beckler

⬇️ Get 10+ additional free, valuable & helpful resources in the description ⬇️ Starting a blog based business is one of the best ways to start and grow an online business today. The startup costs are low and the income potential is very high.

For a step by step tutorial that shows how to start your blog, go here:

if you would like the free WordPress tutorials, 30 WordPress videos that teach you how to work within the WordPress blogging dashboard, go here:

In this video we use an analogy that your blog is an island where your goal is to attract visitors and to set up little shops that offer them content upgrades and even products to purchase.

You will understand from a big picture perspective what it takes to create a successful blog online. This will help you get the perspective needed so you can be ready to create a real and lasting blog that generates true business income for you for years to come.

The first key step required is to choose a niche for your blog and if you have not yet focused in on the right niche, go through my free “how to choose a niche” course here on YouTube:

This choosing your niche video above is just part one, be sure to seek out part two after you complete that video as it teaches additional niche selection strategies.

If you are in a hurry to choose your niche, you can always check out my five minute niche Finder method I revealed in this blog post here:

After you have decided on the niche that you are going to build your blog within, it’s important to dive into the customer avatar to really understand who it is that you are being of service to.

I published my full customer avatar course free here on YouTube:

Once you understand your customer avatar and your blogs niche, it is time to really Master the art and skill of blogging. To help you with this process I have created a deep dive “how to blog” course for you here:

Once you understand the big picture and you have your blog set up it’s important to focus on the actual process of blogging.

How do you go from an idea that your audience will be interested in all the way to the published and beautiful blog? To help you speed this up, I have shared my personal and exact blog process in this video here:

If you have a blog that you’ve been publishing to for a wild but you aren’t making any money… It could be the types of blog posts that you are creating.

In this video I show how to write blog posts that make money:

I mentioned the skill of doing keyword research being beneficial for your blog, several times in this video. Just to be sure you have access to all of my free and helpful keyword research tutorials, they are here:

Finally, once you have your keywords researched, it’s time to outline and write your post. For many people this is the longest process and the most difficult part of blogging.

With more than 10 years experience growing a blog that has reached the lives of 40 million people I have created a simple and fast process to writing SEO optimized content for your blog, quickly.

You can get that whole process explained with a step-by-step tutorial in this video here:

I know there is a lot of content about blogging here in the description of this video…

But it saddens me when people spend hundreds or even thousands of dollars on courses that teach how to blog when the information is available free here on YouTube.

There are way too many scammers in the how to blog niche who are using unethical marketing practices and who ‘stretch the truth’ about how successful they are and how easy it was to get where they are…

Not surprisingly, these are the same people who sell their secrets for thousands of dollars…

It is important you avoid the pitfalls and traps that come with following these greedy gurus and fake gurus…

Which is why I laid everything out for you here today!

I wish you the best of luck with your blog and if you have any questions, ask me in the comments.

Your helpful guide,
Miles Beckler

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