How To Create Online Courses The Easy Way!

Creating online courses can feel overwhelming or even impossible until you learn this one simple trick! For help selling your course, use my sales letter template, here:

There is now an update to this process for creating your online course here:

The trick is in the framework and how it allows you to “brain dump” the entire online course curriculum in one session so you can visualize and map out the user’s experience, before creating your first course module.

There is no doubt in my mind that a large part of my wife and my success online is our ability and persistence in creating new courses on a very regular basis.

The first online courses we built were haphazard and extremely difficult to create…

This framework gave us a mechanism we were able to use to outline our main modules within the course, the sub lessons within the course, and a way to link the different courses with our free offers, with ease.

Once you have your overall framework established, you are able to break apart the different milestones and modules to create your lead bait, tripwire, and high ticket products all with one simple framework.

The best part is that your course components will all relate to each other and your lead bait will naturally lend users to want your tripwire offer and help those customers build desire for your high ticket products.

You can also use this exact same course creation method to create powerful lead bait offers that will drive lead conversions and help you build and nurture the relationship with your leads, fast.

In this video, I don’t simply explain the framework, but we get our hands dirty together… Allowing you to see how I apply using the framework for an information product I’m creating in a course like fashion.

Once you have filled out the main framework and all of the sub-frameworks required… You literally have a step-by-step roadmap that easily translates into an online course.

You would simply create an individual video for each milestone on the roadmap… Or a slideshow presentation that could include one slide for every milestone, etc.

The specifics on how you create your content for your information product is definitely unique to you, your target market, and the content your teaching… Be sure to leverage the media that works best to help your users have the best experience with your course as possible.

I give very clear examples in this video of when I would use a screen capture video versus when I would use slide-based presentations.

If you would like to see a full presentation that I created using this exact framework, click here:

You can also use this framework to create a comprehensive content marketing plan. Where every sub-milestone becomes a separate blog post, video or podcast episode during your 90 day challenge.

I’m a large proponent of building an affiliate marketing business and creating your first marketing funnels around someone else’s product.

This saves you time and energy, allowing you to test your idea and test your opt-in quickly, before investing too much money or time in the creation process.

With that said, once you establish that you have an audience who is receptive to your offers and is purchasing the affiliate products… You can simply replace the affiliate products with your products by leveraging this exact framework and creating your own online course.

One final tip is to be sure you read out loud your framework before creating the slides… And once your slides are created read them aloud once also.

Reading out all of the course content allowed helps you to make sure that everything is organized in a logical fashion so when your users consume your course content all of the steps are in the correct order.

When you read something out loud that’s out of order, it just feels wrong and you know that you have to stop and go back into the framework and make adjustments to clarify.

And of course, always stay focused on goals, problems, dreams, hopes and desires that your audience has and create all of your online courses to be of service in helping your audience achieve their goals and avoid their fears!

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