Retrieve Category Name in WordPress Easily

Are you wondering how to get the category name in WordPress?

WordPress offers various methods to retrieve and display category names on your website. Whether you want to customize the appearance, include them in titles for SEO purposes, or retrieve category information by ID, it can be done with ease.

Key Takeaways:

  • Retrieving the category name can be achieved using code snippets.
  • Displaying the category name on a single post page adds context to the content.
  • Including category names in titles can enhance search engine visibility.
  • The get_the_category() function helps find the category of a post.
  • Custom taxonomies can be utilized for retrieving category information.

Displaying Category Name on Single Post Page

If you want to enhance the user experience on your single post pages and provide additional information about the post’s topic or category, you can display the category name prominently within the content. This can be easily achieved by incorporating a code snippet into your theme’s single.php file or the appropriate file in your theme.

By adding the code provided in the first source, you can dynamically retrieve and display the current category name on your single post pages. This allows your readers to quickly identify the category to which the post belongs without navigating away from the page.

Here’s an example of how you can integrate the category name into a sentence or paragraph:

I am excited to present to you the latest article in the [insert category name] category. In this post, we will explore…

This approach not only adds context to the content but also aids in creating a visually appealing and user-friendly layout.


Category Post Title Content
[insert category name] [post title] [post content]

By implementing this feature, you can provide a seamless user experience by displaying the current category name on your single post pages. This not only improves navigation but also helps users understand the context and relevance of the post within the broader category. Experiment with different ways to incorporate the category name into the content and observe the impact on user engagement.

Putting Category Name in Your Title

If you want to enhance the SEO of your WordPress website and include the category name in your post titles, you can easily achieve this by modifying the code that generates the title in your theme files. By incorporating the code snippet provided in the first source, you can append the category name to the post title, separated by a divider bar. This simple tweak can significantly improve the visibility of your category in search engine results while providing valuable information to users.

Here’s an example of how you can implement this code modification:

  1. Open your theme files in a text editor.
  2. Locate the code that generates the title for your posts.
  3. Add the following code snippet:
<?php echo the_title(); ?> – <?php single_cat_title(); ?>

This code will display the post title followed by the category name, separated by the “–” character. You can customize the styling and formatting according to your website’s design requirements.

By incorporating the category name in your post titles, you provide search engines with more relevant information about your content, aiding in improved indexing and visibility. Additionally, users who come across your posts in search results will have a better understanding of the category your content belongs to, increasing the likelihood of them clicking through to your website.

Remember to test this modification thoroughly to ensure it works seamlessly with your theme and doesn’t interfere with any other functionalities. Make a backup of your theme files before making any changes to revert back to the original state if needed.

Implementing this modification can have a positive impact on your SEO strategy, attracting more targeted organic traffic and improving user engagement. Take advantage of the WordPress flexibility and optimize your website by including category names in your post titles.

Finding the Category of a Post

When working with WordPress, it’s important to be able to find the category of a post. This information can be useful for various purposes, such as organizing content, displaying relevant information, or enhancing search engine optimization.

To retrieve the category of a post in WordPress, you can use the get_the_category() function. This handy function returns an array of WP_Term objects, with each object representing a category assigned to the post.

If you’re viewing a post directly and want to display its category, you can use the code snippet provided in the second source. This snippet will output the category name for the current post, allowing you to showcase the relevant category in a visually appealing manner.

Here’s an example of how you can display the category name using the code snippet:

$category = get_the_category();
if (!empty($category)) {
    echo $category[0]->name;

This code snippet retrieves the category assigned to the post and then checks if it’s not empty. If there is a category, it outputs the category name by accessing the name property of the first object in the array.


Let’s say I have a blog post titled “10 Tips for Cooking Delicious Pasta”. This post is assigned to the “Food” category. By using the get_the_category() function and the code above, I can display the category name “Food” on the post page, like this:

Displaying the category of a post can provide valuable information to your readers and enhance the user experience. It helps them navigate your website, understand the context of the post, and explore related content within the same category.

Now that you know how to find the category of a post in WordPress, you can easily incorporate this functionality into your website and take full advantage of the category system.

Retrieving Category Information by ID

In WordPress, you can easily retrieve category information by using the get_cat_ID(), get_category_link(), and get_cat_name() functions. These functions allow you to obtain the ID, link, and name of a category, respectively.

To retrieve the ID of a category, simply pass the category name to the get_cat_ID() function. Here’s an example:

$category_id = get_cat_ID('Category Name');

Once you have the category ID, you can use the get_category_link() function to retrieve the category’s link. This is useful if you want to display the category’s URL or create links based on the category. Here’s how you can do it:

$category_link = get_category_link($category_id);

If you simply want to retrieve the name of the category, you can use the get_cat_name() function. This function returns the name of a category based on its ID. Here’s an example:

$category_name = get_cat_name($category_id);

By using these functions, you can easily retrieve and manipulate category information in WordPress. Whether you need to obtain the category ID for a specific purpose or display the category name and link dynamically, these functions will help you achieve your goals.

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Using the_category() Function

When it comes to displaying category names in WordPress, the_category() function offers a convenient solution. This versatile function can be used within The Loop to output the category names as a comma-separated list. It is commonly employed in category archives or when displaying multiple categories assigned to a post.

To use the_category() function, simply insert it within your WordPress template files and customize its appearance according to your preferences. You can choose to style the category names using CSS or wrap them in HTML tags for further customization.

However, it’s important to note that the_category() function retrieves results from the default “category” taxonomy in WordPress. If you are working with custom taxonomies, you may need to explore alternative methods to display the category names.

Let’s take a closer look at how to use the_category() function within The Loop:

<?php if ( have_posts() ) : while ( have_posts() ) : the_post();
  the_category(', ');
endwhile; endif; ?>

In the example above, the_category() function is placed within a loop that iterates through each post. It retrieves the category names assigned to each post and separates them using a comma. Feel free to modify the separator to suit your design preferences.

By using the_category() function, you can showcase the assigned categories of your posts in a user-friendly and visually appealing manner.

Using the_category() Function Example

Suppose you have a blog that covers various topics, and a post titled “10 Tips for Successful Blogging” is assigned to the “Blogging” and “Content Creation” categories.

Post Title Assigned Categories
10 Tips for Successful Blogging Blogging, Content Creation

By utilizing the_category() function within The Loop, you can display the assigned categories as follows:

<?php if ( have_posts() ) : while ( have_posts() ) : the_post(); ?>
  <h2><a href=""></a></h2>
  <p><span class="category-label">Categories:</span> <?php the_category(', '); ?></p>
<?php endwhile; endif; ?>

The resulting output will be:

10 Tips for Successful Blogging

Categories: Blogging, Content Creation

By adding the_category() function to your WordPress theme, you can easily incorporate the assigned categories into the layout of your posts, enhancing the overall user experience on your website.

wordpress category name

More Category-related Functions

WordPress offers several additional functions that are specifically designed to retrieve category information. These functions can be valuable in various scenarios, allowing you to display category lists, retrieve category IDs, and even generate RSS feeds.


The get_the_category_list() function retrieves a comma-separated list of category names associated with a specific post. It is commonly used to display a list of categories at the end of a post or in a sidebar widget.


The the_category_ID() function returns the ID of the first category that is assigned to the current post. If the post is assigned to multiple categories, only the ID of the first category will be returned.


The the_category_head() function outputs the category name in the <head> section of your WordPress theme. This can be useful for including the category name in the page title or meta tags, improving the search engine visibility of your categories.


The get_the_category_rss() function generates an RSS feed URL for the current post’s categories. This allows you to provide users with a way to subscribe to specific categories, ensuring they receive updates whenever new posts are published in those categories.

By utilizing these additional functions, you can enhance the display and retrieval of category information on your WordPress website, providing a better user experience and ensuring your categories are leveraged effectively.

Function Description
get_the_category_list() Retrieves a comma-separated list of category names associated with a post.
the_category_ID() Returns the ID of the first category assigned to a post.
the_category_head() Outputs the category name in the <head> section of the theme.
get_the_category_rss() Generates an RSS feed URL for the current post’s categories.

These functions expand the possibilities for working with categories in WordPress, giving you more control and flexibility when it comes to retrieving and displaying category information on your website.

Custom Taxonomies and get_the_terms()

If you are using custom taxonomies in WordPress instead of the default “category” taxonomy, you can use the get_the_terms() function to retrieve category names or terms. This function allows you to specify the taxonomy in which you want to retrieve the terms. However, note that the examples provided in the sources focus on the default “category” taxonomy.

Leveraging Category Information for SEO

Including category names in your content and metadata can have significant SEO benefits for your WordPress website. By prominently displaying the category name on your website, you provide additional context to search engines and users, enhancing the visibility of your content in relevant search results and attracting more targeted organic traffic.

One effective way to optimize your WordPress website for search engines is by incorporating category names in various elements:

Titles and Headings

Include the category name in your post titles and headings to give search engines a clear indication of the topic and enhance keyword targeting. For example, if you have a category called “Travel Destinations,” you can create a title like “10 Must-Visit Travel Destinations Around the World.” This not only improves search rankings but also provides valuable information to users about the category of the content.


When structuring your website’s URLs, consider including the category name as a part of the permalink structure. This helps search engines understand the hierarchy and relevance of your content. An example of an optimized URL structure would be “”


Optimize your meta title and meta description tags by incorporating the category name. This helps search engines understand the context of your content and improves click-through rates from search engine result pages. For example, a meta title could be “Best Beaches – Travel Destinations | Your Website Name,” where “Travel Destinations” is the category name.

Content Markup

Use schema markup to categorize your content using the category name. This provides additional information to search engines and can result in enhanced visibility in search results through rich snippets or other special displays.

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By strategically leveraging category information throughout your website, you can improve the visibility and relevance of your content to both search engines and users, ultimately driving more targeted organic traffic to your WordPress website.


Retrieving and displaying category names in WordPress is a straightforward process. By using the code snippets and functions provided in this guide, you can easily customize how category names are displayed on your website. Whether you want to show the category name on single post pages, include it in titles for SEO purposes, or retrieve category information by ID, WordPress offers flexible options to meet your needs. Experiment with different approaches and consider the impact on user experience and search engine optimization.

By incorporating category names into your website design, you provide valuable context to both search engines and users. Displaying the category name prominently can improve the visibility of your content in relevant search results, leading to increased organic traffic. Consider optimizing your titles, headings, URLs, and metadata by including category names. Stay mindful of user experience and ensure that the inclusion of category names enhances the overall navigation and understanding of your website.

Take advantage of the various functions and code snippets discussed in this article to make the most of your category information in WordPress. Whether you are a beginner or have some experience with WordPress development, the methods outlined here will help you efficiently retrieve and display category names. With the right implementation, you can enhance the organization and discoverability of your content while improving the SEO performance of your WordPress website.


How can I retrieve the category name in WordPress?

To retrieve the category name in WordPress, you can use the code snippet provided in the first source. Simply insert the code into your theme’s files in the appropriate place. This code will display the name of the current category without a link. You can customize how the category name is displayed by combining it with other text or incorporating it into your website’s design.

How can I display the category name on a single post page in WordPress?

If you want to display the category name on a single post page, you can use the code snippet from the first source. By adding this code to your theme’s single.php file (or the appropriate file in your theme), you can show the category name as part of a sentence or paragraph. This can be useful for providing additional context to your readers about the post’s topic or category.

How can I put the category name in my post titles for SEO purposes?

To include the category name in your post titles for SEO purposes, you can modify the code that generates the title in your theme files. By adding the code snippet provided in the first source, the category name will be appended to the post title with a divider bar. This can help improve the visibility of your category in search engine results and provide more information to users.

How can I find the category of a post in WordPress?

To find the category of a post in WordPress, you can use the get_the_category() function. This function returns an array of WP_Term objects, one for each category assigned to the post. If you are viewing a post directly and want to display its category, you can use the code snippet provided in the second source. It will output the category name for the current post.

How can I retrieve category information by ID in WordPress?

To retrieve category information by ID in WordPress, you can use the get_cat_ID(), get_category_link(), and get_cat_name() functions. By passing the category name to the get_cat_ID() function, you can obtain the category’s ID. Then, you can use the get_category_link() function to get the category’s link and the get_cat_name() function to get the category’s name. This can be useful when you have the category ID and need to retrieve its corresponding name or link.

How can I display the category name in WordPress using the_category() function?

Another way to display the category name in WordPress is by using the_category() function. This function can be used within The Loop and will output the category names as a comma-separated list. It is commonly used in category archives or when displaying multiple categories assigned to a post. However, note that this function only returns results from the default “category” taxonomy.

What are some other category-related functions in WordPress?

WordPress provides several other functions related to categories that can be useful for retrieving category information. These include get_the_category_list(), the_category_ID(), the_category_head(), and get_the_category_rss(). Each of these functions serves a specific purpose, such as displaying category lists in different formats or retrieving category IDs and links. You can refer to the third source for more details on these functions.

Can I retrieve category information if I’m using custom taxonomies in WordPress?

If you are using custom taxonomies in WordPress instead of the default “category” taxonomy, you can use the get_the_terms() function to retrieve category names or terms. This function allows you to specify the taxonomy in which you want to retrieve the terms. However, note that the examples provided in the sources focus on the default “category” taxonomy.

How can I leverage category information for SEO purposes?

Including category names in your content and metadata can have SEO benefits. By displaying the category name prominently on your website, you provide additional context to search engines and users. This can help improve the visibility of your content in relevant search results and attract more targeted organic traffic. Consider incorporating category names in titles, headings, URLs, and metadata to optimize your WordPress website for search engines.

How can I customize category name display in WordPress?

Retrieving and displaying category names in WordPress is a straightforward process. By using the code snippets and functions provided in this guide, you can easily customize how category names are displayed on your website. Whether you want to show the category name on single post pages, include it in titles for SEO purposes, or retrieve category information by ID, WordPress offers flexible options to meet your needs. Experiment with different approaches and consider the impact on user experience and search engine optimization.

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