“If You Had To Start Over w/ $0, What Would You Do?” Pure Hustle Online Business Plan

“Miles, If You Had To Start Over And Had No Money, What Would You Do?” My Answer Is The Pure Hustle Business Plan. This is the best online business plan that anyone can use to create a home based business online with minimal investment.

This video is part 1 in a 3 part series of videos where I reveal my exact online business plan that I used to kick-start my internet marketing career…

You can get the next video in the series here: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=yqWa1rO1Z8k&index=2&list=PL0sOKzn__yK1kG4iGeccovRMbFDJ4DXr_

I get asked repeatedly… “Miles, if you had to start over from scratch and had no money, what would you do?”

Well, my answer is simple… Mainly because when I started my online business, I truly had no money! In fact I was $50,000 in debt with student loans and living at my parent’s house with my wife.

It was a very depressing scenario… In my 30’s, with my wife, living in my parents’ tiny house… But from that challenge came the motivation to HUSTLE my way out of that hole and to create the life of my dreams.

Within a few short years I paid off all of my student loans with this business model… And now my wife and I have achieved a level of lifestyle freedom that I am eternally grateful for.

So, I decided to share the exact plan and approach with you here in this video.

This is for anyone out there who gets that it takes hustle and hard work to build a business… Anyone who is willing to roll up their sleeves and get to work to create a new life for themselves.

You do not need any special schooling, degrees or experiences to figure this online business plan out!

You need a burning desire to create success and a willingness to jump out into the unknown and develop new skills!

I hope you enjoy the pure hustle business plan video!

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