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Silver Surfers Are On The Rise

I was listening to the radio the other day. It was an interview with Peter Comfort who is 91. Peter had been at the D day landings in 1944 in a tank that was put ashore from a landing craft. Their job was to provide support to the infantry that was storming the beach and breach the German defenses.The reason for the interview was that Brad Pitt, the actor, has just made a film called Fury, about an American tank commander called Don “Wardaddy” Collier who is involved in the Allied push into Germany in April 1945.

Success or Failure? Which Do You Honor Most In Your Online Business?

Is your home based internet business failing? How do you react? Do you stay focused on the intention of success or are you stuck in fear of failure?

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Does Your Web Hosting Provider Take Backups Of Your Data?

While most web hosting providers clearly mention that data backups of the hosting account is the responsibility of the client, some providers prefer to keep mum about backups, until a disaster strikes. When you subscribe to a web hosting account, you are primarily paying only for the space used for hosting your primary email, files and databases. You are not paying for any additional space or backups or copies of your data, unless you have taken a hosting plan with backups specifically included.

Webinar Hosting Reviews: Pros and Cons of GoToWebinar, Livestream, and OnStream Webinars

Creating and marketing a great webinar is tough. Choosing a webinar hosting platform shouldn’t be. That’s why we’ve researched the top-selling webinar hosting platforms on the Internet and compiled this handy list of pros and cons for each.

3 Top Internet Marketing Strategies for the Small Business

A well thought-out marketing strategy is crucial for the small business to help generate the desired publicity and maximize sales. Even though a small business can rely on a variety of offline advertising techniques, it is still helpful to use a variety of internet marketing techniques.

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