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What Really Works in Internet Marketing?

Internet marketing is a wide topic which means that the question “what really works in internet marketing” is a very broad one. That said, some things have worked near enough since the internet was born whereas other things are more of a flash in the pan, working once for a handful of people and then nothing since.

Skimming Web Traffic

Skimming web traffic is like harvesting a crop and jockeying around for position. If it’s your first hunt or harvest you will have a big learning curve putting you at a disadvantage. However, you can invest in your market early on and they will be spoken for when they are ready to buy.

5 Essential Guest Blogging Tips

Guest blogging – the art of getting your posts onto other people’s sites – is one of the things that’s often mentioned in internet marketing as a way to get more traffic and authority for your site. The traffic arrives if you choose the sites you guest blog on carefully as does the inferred authority. So what can you do to maximise the chance of getting your guest posts accepted?

Learning Dynamic Online Marketing

Are you tired of wimpy internet marketing? What about those SEO guys who have so many promises? What have they done for you lately? Have you gotten any more customers from their efforts? Fire them! Yes, fire them. You need a marketing company with some stones. You need real in your face marketing that strangles the customers and proves to them why you are the best. You don’t need a million back links and some silly articles, you need more! Most of these SEO companies are ran by nerds who do not understand people, shoot they don’t even understand marketing, only a process that is freely shared on every marketing forum on the net. You need real marketing and not this vanilla, cookie cutter, follow the leader type of junk that they sell to you for way too much money. You need dynamic online marketing on steroid.

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How to Make Your Internet Marketing Profitable

For a lot of people I speak to, their internet marketing endeavours are a cash drain. The days of almost instantly profitable internet marketing activities are long gone, even if you’ve got the money to spend on adverts to bring traffic. But that doesn’t mean that you can’t make money from your internet marketing.

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