business trends 2020 – IM Product Solutions Wed, 18 Mar 2020 19:39:41 +0000 en-US hourly 1 10 Online Business Trends Emerging From The New Era Of Fear Wed, 18 Mar 2020 19:39:41 +0000

What changes should you expect for your online business in 2020 with the paralyzing fear surrounding the current events? Is now a good time to start an online business?

I don’t cover the exact online business ideas in this video as I’ve covered that at length in this post –

For specifics on how to start an online business watch this video –

This is really about observing the cultural shifts going on currently with the fear surrounding the coronavirus in 2020.

What I’m most interested in for the sake of this video is where will people STOP focusing their time, attention and money…

And of course, where are they going to START focusing their time, attention and money…

User behavior is changing… Culturally we are changing in significant ways.

The results of these significant changes won’t be fully understood for some time now…

But we can theorize about where the attention, time and money from BILLIONS of people changing their behavior will end up going.

That’s what I cover in this video here…

This video is actually an expansion of an email I sent my list recently… Which you can find below:

There’s no doubt that many people are currently paralyzed with fear…

The bombardment about what is going on is nonstop…

From mainstream news to social media… From the stock markets to the grocery stores.

Evidence of fear is everywhere.

And as an entrepreneur it’s important for you to look beyond the fear to the other side…

What is our world going to look like after the fear subsides and we read turn to a new state of “normal”?

This is where I’ve been spending a lot of time thinking…

And this is why I believe Internet businesses, e-commerce, marketing consultants, affiliate review sites, e-sports, twitch and YouTube are all going to experience huge growth…

I’d like you to logically think about this for a minute, through the lens of “Social Isolation” and “Flatten The Curve”

If you don’t know what these mean, it is essentially avoiding large groups, going out, events, etc…

Let’s start with everyone who’s been going to a local gym for years…

Do they want to continue going to that sweaty smelly gym for the other people?

Are they going to stop working out?

A simple logic exercise leads me to believe they will be funneling their money, time and attention from 24 hour fitness and planet fitness to online gyms…

Possibly hiring a virtual fitness instructor instead of an in-person one.

Sounds bullish for the fitness and weight loss niches…

Millions of people are canceling plans, they’re not taking trips, they’re not going to sporting games they’re not going to concerts…

What are they going to do?

My personal bet is that they will learn new hobbies… From chess to crochet. From cooking to gardening…

Where are they going to turn to learn about these new hobbies?

Google & YouTube, right?


Bullish for niche blogs and YouTube channels focused on being of service to niche audiences.

And with more time hanging out at home, logic dictates millions of people will spend even more time gaming, playing E sports and watching twitch…

How about buying things…

Want to go to a big box store with hundreds of other people around?

Probably not.

E-commerce is going to see a bump from this too…

And all the mom-and-pop stores who have been ignoring digital marketing and e-commerce?

Well, they’ll either have to commit and build online or they may not make it through…

Which means there will be even greater demand for marketing services, designers and consultants.

Finally, what about the millions of people now going to work from home?

They will probably be watching videos on how to telecommute, how to use zoom, how to host webinars, how to share a virtual whiteboard, how to do remote project management, etc…

Yet another HUGE opportunity for consultants…

From my vantage point, it seems like the cultural shifts from this episode in human history is going to push more and more people deeper into the digital world…

I hope you’ve been building your foundation already…

And if not… I hope you get started ASAP.

Because there is not only a great chance to gain market share here…

But pouring your heart into keyword research, writing epic blog posts, making great videos…. Essentially HELPING others…

Is a great distraction from all the fearmongering that is going around.

Stay safe & stay smart…

Miles “The Logical Entrepreneur” Beckler

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