get in the flow – IM Product Solutions Tue, 01 Mar 2022 14:23:18 +0000 en-US hourly 1 How To Get In The Flow State & Grow Your Business, Faster! Tue, 01 Mar 2022 14:23:18 +0000

Ready to learn the secrets of the flow state so you can get in the flow, on demand? This video shares the one mental model you must know… Want more help? Get my business building emails here:

For many, flow state can feel elusive. Like this magical experience that happens to us, not something we create.

This concept is Based on the original idea and book flow by Mihaly Csikszentmihalyi and I’ve expand upon it for you as a digital marketer and entrepreneur.

Once you learn this simple mental model and you’re aware of the relationship between skills, challenge and the flow state… You can consciously create flow state in your life, daily.

because when you’re in the flow you at this magical point where your challenging tasks you working on are equally matched with the skills that you’ve developed.

This is why you feel good doing the work, time passes by and you are able to create high quality work product and it feels effortless and even fun.

Outside of the flow state is where one may slip into overwhelm or boredom both being momentum breakers for your digital business.

this is why knowing how to get in the flow is so important for you as a digital entrepreneur…

You need to be able to get yourself into that space of high quality work output that is enjoyable for you so you will keep coming back to it day in and day out…

This allows you to leverage the power of compounding over time. if you haven’t seen my video on the power of compounding, watch it here next:

When you get in that groove of entering the flow state every day, creating great content for your audience and work product for your business…

and you stick with this approach day in and day out for years on end… Success emerges.

If you are not yet familiar with the fact that success is an emergent property, not a linear progression… This is another mental model you need to understand completely.

I cover this mental model for success here:

20 Techniques for Website Explosion

Does your website need more activity? 20 techniques to help grow your business are provided.

Easy Ways Of Speeding Up Your Website Instantly

If you do not have a well coded and well designed website, your website is bound to open with a crawl. This article helps draw the attention of website owners to the various things that can be done to speed up their website to make it more SEO friendly.

5 Ways To Boost Your Online Home Business In 2015

The challenge with a work from home online business is often deciding what you should do or should not do and how much time, money or resources you should allocate to it. Here are 5 ways to boost your online home business In 2015.

How Can I Create a Website That Makes Money?

Register a Domain Name that is related to your business. To add tremendous credibility to our business, have a domain name the same as your product. It makes your business more solid and dedicated.

Monitor Your Progress – Always Test Everything

You should continually monitor your progress when you are building your business. Be aware it takes a little time to build your list, so if you have a list already this will be a big help and make your progress quicker. It will also make it easier to introduce a new product or project. However if you are new to internet marketing the first thing you concentrate on is building your list of people who are interested in following what you have to offer. It is unlikely they will immediately buy from you. They have to see you as someone worthy of their trust and that your products are good enough for them to choose you.
