James Schramko – IM Product Solutions https://improductsolutions.com Tue, 29 Oct 2019 00:00:10 +0000 en-US hourly 1 https://wordpress.org/?v=6.5.5 #1 Digital Marketing Strategy To Make Money Online In 2020 & Beyond https://improductsolutions.com/1-digital-marketing-strategy-to-make-money-online-in-2020-beyond/ Tue, 29 Oct 2019 00:00:10 +0000 http://improductsolutions.com/1-digital-marketing-strategy-to-make-money-online-in-2020-beyond/

Not making enough money online? It’s because you’ve got the WRONG digital marketing strategy! This premium training teaches the exact strategy I share with my inner circle group coaching students…

Sony people online are asking the wrong questions… Questions like:

How can I make fast money online?

How can I make $1000 fast?

The truth is if you really want to learn how to make money for beginners and advanced marketers alike you must realize there’s a three phase process.

The fake gurus are trying to sell you scams that try to teach you to make money, with online surveys, typing names online, drop shipping, affiliate marketing,etc.

these scams are so prevalent that I made an entire video to help you learn how to avoid them https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=aHY3teLOShY

Now, affiliate marketing is absolutely a Legitimate way to earn income online and I cover in extreme detail here: https://www.milesbeckler.com/affiliate-marketing-for-beginners/

but the truth is whether you choose drop shipping, affiliate marketing, crating online courses or memberships… Etc. the only business strategy you use is more important than the monetization

This is where many of the fake gurus leave you hanging because they need to make the path to earning income with an online business sound easy.

The truth is it takes focused strategic effort over sustained periods of time.

The strategy and process is proven and it’s actually quite simple which is exactly what we cover in this video here today.

this video originally aired as a private member training for my inner circle group coaching program at https://www.contentandconversion.com

the goal of this video is to break down the entire strategy of building a successful online business regardless of the product you decide to promote.

The best part is this strategy works whether you’re a complete beginner or even if you have a local bricks and mortar business that you’re looking to grow online.

Treating your online business like a real small business is the key and understanding that you need to have a consistent flow of new and interested products entering your world along with a process that will help these individuals grow to know like and trust you is key.

Everyone focuses on trying to sell things… What product should I promote? Is one of the most common questions I receive.

This video will reframe the challenge of growing your Internet based business in a way that allows you to realize your goal is to be of service to your audience…

A better question to ask is: who am I best able to serve?

What are the biggest problems my audience is facing and how can I help them solve them?

When you answer these two questions correctly and build enough content that meets your audience members where they are and helps them get to where they want to be… You have the foundation for a thriving and successful business!

If you still feel like you need help getting on the right track, be sure to check out my free course here: https://www.milesbeckler.com/free-course

If Digital Marketing Was a Football Club

Digital Marketing is a lot like running a football team. Every element has a different role to play, delivering very different types of contribution. But the whole has got to be completely in tune, a well-oiled machine working towards a common goal. Different skills are needed and a method needed to analyse what each individual/tactic is delivering.

Incredibly Easy Internet Marketing Strategies That Deliver Results

We will be discussing three simple but highly effective ways to supercharge your internet marketing strategy. This will not be in any particular order, meaning that they are all as important as one another. If you implement these powerful strategies they can have a profound effect on your online business growth.

Why Hiring a Digital Marketing Agency Is the Right Choice

When in the field of digital marketing, you deal with a lot of dynamics and unknown sources. It is perhaps easy to generate an output but nobody can guarantee you the outcome. Outcomes are basically diligent guesses and it is practically impossible to predict what the future might hold for your business since external factors are mostly out of control.

How Can You Find New Customers For Your Online Business?

There are probably hundreds, if not thousands, of other websites offering products and services that are very similar to yours. So how can you find new customers for your online business?

Module 1 Chapter 4 How to Plan Your Marketing Funnel

A marketing funnel is an overall plan to channel new prospects into your business with the aim of developing a relationship, a sale, repeat sales and finally turning them to become not only your clients, but also your raving Fans for life. It has also been define by other authorities as a simple marketing system that you set up to collect email addresses of your prospects in such a way that you can market to them automatically.

From Self Employed To Business Owner – Make This Shift To Enjoy More Time & More Money! https://improductsolutions.com/from-self-employed-to-business-owner-make-this-shift-to-enjoy-more-time-more-money/ Thu, 29 Aug 2019 20:19:01 +0000 http://improductsolutions.com/from-self-employed-to-business-owner-make-this-shift-to-enjoy-more-time-more-money/

From employee to side hustle and self employed is a great first step… But the BIG MONEY & time freedom come from building a real business!

This video expands on the idea of the cash flow quadrant. If you’re not familiar with this core concept, read this post here: https://www.milesbeckler.com/cashflow-quadrant/

Or watch the video: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=_YqEt4HsNyk

this video is all about transitioning from being self employed to being a business owner. Now in a previous video I covered the four quadrants of the cashflow quadrant. Number one is being an employee. Then you have being a self employed individual, then there’s a business owner and fourth and finally you have being an investor and really I think the the biggest lifestyle jump and the biggest benefit for you is in getting from that self-employed phase up to the business owner phase. So we’re going to talk about what that is and how they differ in this video. But then you’re going to learn how, what do you need to do to actually make that transition because there’s a lot more freedom and there’s a lot more income potential being a business owner versus being self employed. But I want to make sure you know that being self employed is a great step and it’s kind of a must have step on the path.

You see. When my wife and I were first getting our website going, we both had day jobs, desk jobs, nine to fives with commutes and all that jazz. And then we would work the nights and weekends on our business. Over the course of several months growing that website, growing traffic, getting it picked up by Google, doing SEO, I learned the basics of how to rank a website. And then I decided to let go of my employee position and shift to being self employed. This is when I started offering services for local businesses because I knew that I could help them get onto wordpress websites, I could help them do keyword research and content marketing in a way that would get them to outrank their competitors, their other local businesses. And I knew this would make them more money and I knew that they were willing to invest in that.

So that was my transition down to the self-employed world. And my wife and I stayed in this position in this phase for about four years and I learned a lot of skills and it worked really well to give me extra time. You see when I was an employee, I had about a two hour, sometimes on a bad day, three hours a day commute every single day. So that was 10 sometimes even 15 hours per week. That just disappeared into, you know, the commute and I’d listen to audio books and I’d get audio books from my library to keep filling my brain with positive information and good marketing books. But being able to apply that time to client sites directly in my own website literally helped me increase my income. It was in this phase where we paid off all of the debt, all my $50,000 in student loan debt.

It was in this phase of being self employed that I was able to pay this off. But the challenge with being self employed is that you’re kind of the bottleneck in everything. Oftentimes you start out by doing everything. So in those early days, I was the marketing guy, right? I ran the meetup groups where I was able to meet the local business owners. I would go to the networking events and I would sit down over coffee and learn about their businesses. I was the sales guy. I was presenting offers and really kind of crafting custom offers to meet their specific needs. I was the delivery guy, I was the dual, the work guy. I was the keyword researcher. When I sold keyword research packs, I was the quality assurance guy. Okay, so that’s being self employed and it was a better arrangement than being an employee. But as I sought to remove myself from the the actual day to day work, this is the thought of being a business owner.

This is what you need to get to and really ultimately the, the piece of the puzzle that’s going to help you make that shift from being self employed to becoming a business owner is focusing in on systems and processes and then teammates because a business compared to that self-employed reality that I just shared with you. A business is one that has different individuals, project managers, operations officers, et Cetera, who oversee entire teams and divisions who all move projects forward on their own. It eliminates the situation where every road flows back to miles, right? Every decision eventually landed on Miles’s desk and everything needed miles. His input. Now it’s built in a way. My business is built in a way that all of the different individual people in the game, uh, the people running our backlink campaigns, they all have very standardized processes that they follow.

5 Internet Marketing Tactics That Will Boost Your Brand Online

Internet marketing is the process of promoting your business on the world wide web. Here are 5 internet marketing tactics that are proven to boost your brand online.

Is Internet Marketing Working For You Today in November 2016?

Determining whether or not your Internet marketing campaign is working for you is a very important part of the advertising process. This is so important because while there is a great deal of Internet marketing which can be done without a great deal of expense, other types of Internet marketing do have financial costs associated with them. Also, in both cases there is a time and energy burden to orchestrating the Internet marketing.

Marketing On The Internet in November 2016

Take a moment to think about how you would really answer this question. If given enough thought just about any business owner who uses the Internet for any purpose will likely find that whether they intentionally organized an Internet marketing campaign, they may already be marketing their products and services on the Internet.

Need to Get More People on Your List?

A Landing Page is where you’re going to be sending traffic to for people to get your lead magnet, give their email address and then you’re going to give them the information they want, or that can help solve their problem. How does one do a landing page? Read this post to find out.

Start Preparing Your Online Marketing Plan for 2017

Marketing is an ever changing field so, It’s a great idea to refresh and refocus your marketing plans at the beginning of your fiscal year. Enhance your brand by growing your business. Use the great tips enclosed.
