keyword research – IM Product Solutions Wed, 25 Oct 2023 14:25:44 +0000 en-US hourly 1 How Do I Perform Keyword Research For My Site? Wed, 25 Oct 2023 14:25:44 +0000 So, you’ve got a brand new website and you’re eager to get it noticed by the right people. The key to getting your site ranking high in search engine results lies in keyword research. But where do you start? In this article, we’ll guide you through the process of performing keyword research for your site, helping you uncover those elusive terms and phrases that will drive organic traffic and boost your online presence. Whether you’re a seasoned pro or new to the world of SEO, we’ve got you covered. Let’s dive in and uncover the secrets of effective keyword research!

Understanding Keyword Research

Keyword research is a crucial aspect of search engine optimization (SEO) that can significantly impact the visibility and success of your website. By understanding the importance of keyword research, defining your target audience, brainstorming potential keywords, utilizing keyword research tools, analyzing search volume and competition, creating a keyword research strategy, implementing keywords in website content, monitoring and refining keyword performance, and staying updated with keyword trends, you can effectively optimize your website and improve its search engine rankings.

Importance of keyword research in SEO

Keyword research plays a vital role in SEO as it helps you understand what phrases or words people are using to search for information related to your website or business. By identifying the most relevant and popular keywords, you can optimize your website content to match the search queries and increase its visibility in search engine results pages (SERPs). Effective keyword research allows you to target specific audience segments, drive organic traffic to your site, and ultimately improve your online visibility and conversion rates.

Definition of keywords

Keywords are words or phrases that people enter into search engines to find information, products, or services. They are an integral part of SEO as search engines use keywords to understand the content and relevance of a webpage. By including relevant keywords in your website content, you can improve the chances of your page appearing in search results when users search for those keywords. It’s important to choose and incorporate keywords strategically to optimize your website’s visibility and attract the right audience.

Benefits of keyword research

Keyword research offers several benefits for your website and SEO strategy. By conducting thorough keyword research, you can:

  1. Understand your target audience’s search behavior: Keyword research allows you to gain insights into the search terms your target audience is using, helping you align your content with their needs and preferences. This understanding enables you to create high-quality, relevant content that is more likely to attract and engage your target audience.

  2. Increase organic traffic and visibility: By optimizing your website with high-ranking keywords, you can improve your website’s visibility in search results. When your website appears higher in SERPs, it is more likely to receive organic traffic from users searching for relevant keywords, leading to an increase in targeted visitors.

  3. Stay ahead of the competition: Effective keyword research also enables you to identify keywords that your competitors may be targeting. By analyzing competitor keywords and identifying any gaps or opportunities, you can develop an SEO strategy that sets you apart and allows you to compete more effectively in the online space.

  4. Improve conversion rates: Targeting the right keywords can significantly impact your conversion rates. By understanding the intent behind specific keywords and incorporating them into your content, you can attract highly relevant traffic that is more likely to convert into customers or take the desired action on your website.

  5. Optimize your content strategy: Keyword research provides valuable insights into the topics, interests, and needs of your target audience. Armed with this information, you can create a content strategy that addresses their pain points, covers relevant topics, and positions your brand as an authority within your niche.

Identifying Your Target Audience

In order to perform effective keyword research, it is important to identify and understand your target audience. By defining your target audience, identifying their needs and preferences, and understanding user intent, you can tailor your keyword strategy to effectively reach and engage the right audience.

Defining your target audience

Defining your target audience involves identifying the specific demographic, geographic, and psychographic characteristics of the audience you want to target. It’s important to consider factors such as age, gender, location, interests, preferences, and purchasing behavior. By clearly defining your target audience, you can focus your keyword research efforts on keywords that are most relevant and likely to resonate with your intended audience.

Identifying their needs and preferences

Once you have defined your target audience, it’s important to understand their needs and preferences. This involves conducting market research, analyzing user behavior, and identifying the problems or challenges your target audience wants to solve. By gaining insights into their motivations and desires, you can align your keyword research with their search intent, ensuring that you are targeting keywords that address their specific needs.

Understanding user intent

User intent refers to the underlying motivation or purpose behind a user’s search query. By understanding the different types of user intent, you can tailor your keyword research and content strategy accordingly. There are generally four main types of user intent:

  1. Informational intent: Users searching with informational intent are seeking answers to questions or looking for information on a particular topic. In this case, targeting keywords that provide informative and valuable content is key.

  2. Navigational intent: Users with navigational intent are looking for a specific website or brand. In this case, targeting keywords that include brand names or specific web addresses can help direct users to your site.

  3. Transactional intent: Users with transactional intent are ready to make a purchase or complete a specific action, such as signing up for a newsletter or downloading a resource. Targeting keywords that indicate buying or action-oriented behavior can help attract users who are likely to convert.

  4. Commercial intent: Users with commercial intent are looking for information to help them make a purchasing decision. Targeting keywords that include phrases like “best,” “reviews,” or “compare” can attract users who are in the consideration phase of the buyer’s journey.

By understanding these different types of user intent, you can tailor your keyword research and content to align with the specific needs and intentions of your target audience.

How Do I Perform Keyword Research For My Site?

Brainstorming Potential Keywords

Brainstorming potential keywords is a critical step in the keyword research process. By using seed keywords, expanding your keyword list, and analyzing competitor keywords, you can generate a comprehensive and targeted list of keywords to optimize your website for.

Using seed keywords

Seed keywords are the initial keywords or phrases that you start with when brainstorming. They act as a starting point for your keyword research and can help you generate more ideas. Seed keywords are typically broad and general, representing the overarching topic or theme of your website or industry. For example, if you have a website about fitness, a seed keyword could be “exercise.” Starting with seed keywords, you can expand your keyword list and explore more specific and targeted keywords related to your niche.

Expanding your keyword list

Once you have identified your seed keywords, it’s important to expand your keyword list by brainstorming related keywords and phrases. Consider different variations, synonyms, and long-tail keywords that your target audience might use when searching for information in your niche. Tools like Google Autocomplete, Google Trends, and keyword research tools can help generate additional keyword ideas. The goal is to create a comprehensive list of keywords that cover a wide range of topics and address the needs and intent of your target audience.

Analyzing competitor keywords

Analyzing competitor keywords can provide valuable insights into the keywords that your competitors are targeting. By identifying the keywords your competitors rank for and the gaps in their keyword strategy, you can uncover opportunities to target keywords that they may have overlooked. Tools like SEMrush, Ahrefs, or Moz’s Keyword Explorer can help you analyze competitor keywords, identify their search volume and competition level, and inform your own keyword research strategy.

By utilizing these brainstorming techniques and tools, you can create a robust keyword list that covers a wide range of topics and addresses the needs and preferences of your target audience.

Utilizing Keyword Research Tools

Keyword research tools play a crucial role in optimizing your keyword strategy. By utilizing these tools, you can gain valuable insights into keyword search volume, competition, and trends, helping you make informed decisions when selecting and prioritizing keywords for your website.

Introduction to keyword research tools

Keyword research tools are software or online platforms that provide data and analytics related to keywords. These tools offer various features and functionalities, allowing you to conduct in-depth keyword research, analyze search volume and competition, identify keyword trends, and generate keyword suggestions. Keyword research tools can save you time and effort by automating the process of finding and analyzing keywords, enabling you to make data-driven decisions based on accurate and reliable information.

Popular keyword research tools

There are numerous keyword research tools available, each offering different features and capabilities. Some popular keyword research tools include:

  1. Google Keyword Planner: Google’s Keyword Planner is a free tool that provides insights into keyword search volume, competition, and suggestions. It is particularly useful for finding keywords related to Google Ads campaigns, but can also be used for organic keyword research.

  2. SEMrush: SEMrush is a comprehensive SEO tool that offers a wide range of features, including keyword research, competitor analysis, and position tracking. It provides detailed data on keyword search volume, competition, and trend analysis.

  3. Ahrefs: Ahrefs is another powerful SEO tool that offers advanced keyword research capabilities. It provides insights into keyword search volume, click-through rates, keyword difficulty, and competitor analysis. Ahrefs also offers additional features such as backlink analysis and content analysis.

  4. Moz’s Keyword Explorer: Moz’s Keyword Explorer provides in-depth keyword research data, including search volume, difficulty, opportunity, and priority scores. It also offers additional features like competitor analysis and content suggestions.

These are just a few examples, and there are many other keyword research tools available. It’s important to explore different tools, compare their features and pricing, and choose the one that best fits your specific needs and budget.

Features to consider in a keyword research tool

When selecting a keyword research tool, it’s important to consider the features and functionalities that are most relevant to your keyword research goals. Here are some key features to consider:

  1. Keyword search volume: Look for a tool that provides accurate and up-to-date keyword search volume data. This information helps you understand the popularity and demand for specific keywords.

  2. Keyword competition: The tool should provide insights into keyword competition, including the difficulty of ranking for specific keywords. This information helps you assess the level of competition and choose keywords that have a better chance of ranking.

  3. Keyword suggestions: An effective keyword research tool should offer keyword suggestion features that generate related keywords and variations. This helps you expand your keyword list and discover new opportunities.

  4. Trend analysis: Look for a tool that provides trend analysis, allowing you to identify keywords that are growing in popularity or declining in relevance. This helps you stay ahead of keyword trends and optimize your content accordingly.

  5. Competitor analysis: A keyword research tool with competitor analysis capabilities can provide valuable insights into the keywords that your competitors are targeting. This information helps you identify gaps or opportunities in the competitive landscape.

By considering these features and finding a keyword research tool that meets your specific needs, you can optimize your keyword strategy and improve the overall effectiveness of your SEO efforts.

How Do I Perform Keyword Research For My Site?

Analyzing Search Volume and Competition

Understanding search volume and evaluating keyword competition are essential steps in keyword research. By analyzing search volume and assessing keyword competition, you can identify high-potential keywords that are both popular and less competitive, allowing you to optimize your website effectively.

Understanding search volume and its importance

Search volume refers to the number of times a keyword or search term is entered into a search engine within a specific time frame, usually on a monthly basis. It represents the popularity and demand for a particular keyword. Understanding search volume is important because it helps you identify keywords that are more likely to drive significant organic traffic to your website.

High search volume keywords generally indicate a higher demand and greater potential for attracting visitors. However, it’s important to consider other factors such as keyword relevance, user intent, and competition when selecting keywords. Balancing search volume with competition is crucial to ensure that you are targeting keywords that have a realistic chance of ranking.

Evaluating keyword competition

Keyword competition refers to the level of difficulty in ranking for a particular keyword. Understanding keyword competition is crucial as it helps you assess the level of effort and resources required to rank for specific keywords.

There are several factors to consider when evaluating keyword competition:

  1. Domain authority: Domain authority refers to the overall strength and credibility of a website. When evaluating keyword competition, consider the domain authority of the top-ranking websites for your target keyword. If the top-ranking websites have high domain authority, it may be more challenging to outrank them.

  2. Page authority: Page authority is similar to domain authority but focuses specifically on the strength and credibility of individual web pages. Analyzing the page authority of competing pages can help you gauge the level of competition for specific keywords.

  3. Backlink profile: Backlinks are a crucial aspect of SEO and can significantly impact a website’s ranking. Analyzing the backlink profiles of competing websites can give you insights into their link-building strategies and overall authority within the industry.

  4. On-page optimization: Analyze the on-page optimization of competing pages, including factors such as keyword usage, content quality, and user experience. Identifying any gaps or weaknesses in their optimization can give you an advantage.

  5. SERP analysis: Analyze the search engine results pages (SERPs) for your target keywords. Look for the presence of authoritative websites, paid ads, featured snippets, or other elements that may impact the overall competition level. SERP features can affect the click-through rates and visibility of organic search results.

By evaluating these factors and conducting a thorough competition analysis, you can identify keywords that have a better chance of ranking and attracting organic traffic to your website.

Identifying long-tail keywords

Long-tail keywords are specific and detailed keyword phrases that typically have lower search volume but higher conversion potential. While they may not attract as much organic traffic as broader keywords, long-tail keywords often have a more targeted audience and less competition. By targeting long-tail keywords, you can attract highly relevant visitors who are more likely to convert into customers.

When conducting keyword research, pay attention to long-tail keywords that align with the specific needs and preferences of your target audience. These keywords may be more specific and less competitive, allowing you to optimize your website for highly targeted traffic and improve conversion rates.

Creating a Keyword Research Strategy

Creating a keyword research strategy involves establishing primary and secondary keywords, focusing on niche-specific keywords, and balancing search volume and competition. By developing a well-defined keyword research strategy, you can effectively optimize your website and improve its visibility in search engine results.

Establishing primary and secondary keywords

Primary keywords are the main keywords that best represent the overarching theme or topic of your website or business. These keywords typically have higher search volume and competition. It’s important to include primary keywords in your website’s core content and focus on optimizing your pages to rank well for these keywords.

Secondary keywords, on the other hand, are more specific and relate to subtopics or niche areas within your industry. These keywords often have lower search volume and competition. Including secondary keywords in your content allows you to attract a more targeted audience and cover a broader range of topics within your niche.

By establishing a balance between primary and secondary keywords, you can create a keyword strategy that optimizes your website for both broader search queries and more specific, targeted queries.

Focusing on niche-specific keywords

Focusing on niche-specific keywords allows you to target a more specific audience and stand out from the competition. By identifying keywords that are relevant to your niche or industry, you can attract highly targeted traffic that is more likely to convert.

When performing keyword research, consider keywords that are specific to your industry, product, or service. This includes keywords that encompass unique features, specialized terminology, or specific solutions related to your niche. By optimizing your website for niche-specific keywords, you can position yourself as an authority in your industry and attract a more qualified audience.

Balancing search volume and competition

Finding the right balance between search volume and competition is crucial for a successful keyword research strategy. While high search volume keywords may seem appealing, they often come with intense competition, making it difficult to rank well. On the other hand, low competition keywords may have lower search volume, limiting their potential reach.

To strike the right balance, focus on a combination of moderately competitive keywords with a reasonable search volume. These keywords may have a realistic chance of ranking well, while still attracting a substantial amount of organic traffic. Additionally, consider targeting long-tail keywords, which often have lower competition but a more targeted audience and higher conversion potential.

By considering the balance between search volume and competition, you can optimize your website effectively and attract the right audience without being overwhelmed by intense competition.

Implementing Keywords in Website Content

Implementing keywords in your website content is a crucial aspect of on-page optimization. By strategically incorporating keywords into your website content, URLs, and metadata, you can improve your website’s visibility and relevancy in search engine results.

On-page optimization

On-page optimization involves optimizing individual web pages to improve their search engine rankings and visibility. Here are some key areas where you can implement keywords for effective on-page optimization:

  1. Page titles: Incorporate relevant keywords in your page titles to improve their visibility in search engine results. Place keywords at the beginning of the title if possible, as this tends to have a stronger impact.

  2. Headings and subheadings: Use relevant keywords in your headings and subheadings to structure your content and improve its readability. This not only helps search engines understand the content but also makes it easier for users to navigate.

  3. Body content: Naturally incorporate keywords throughout the body of your content, ensuring that they fit contextually and don’t disrupt the flow of the text. Use variations and synonyms of your target keywords to increase keyword relevance.

  4. Image alt tags: Optimize your images by adding alt tags that include relevant keywords. This helps search engines understand the content of your images and improves accessibility for visually impaired users.

  5. Internal and external links: Use anchor text with relevant keywords when linking to other pages within your website or to external resources. This can help search engines understand the relevance of linked content and improve the overall visibility of your website.

By implementing these on-page optimization techniques, you can optimize your website content for better search engine rankings and improved visibility.

URL optimization

URL optimization involves optimizing the structure and content of your website URLs to enhance their relevance and visibility. Here are some tips for optimizing your URLs with keywords:

  1. Use descriptive keywords: Include keywords that accurately describe the content of the web page in the URL. This helps both search engines and users understand what the page is about.

  2. Keep URLs concise: Keep your URLs short and concise, as lengthy URLs can be difficult for users to read and comprehend. Additionally, search engines tend to prefer shorter URLs.

  3. Use hyphens to separate words: When including multiple words in your URL, use hyphens (-) to separate them. This improves readability and helps search engines understand the separate words.

  4. Avoid unnecessary characters: Remove unnecessary characters like underscores (_) or special characters from your URLs. Stick to using letters, numbers, and hyphens.

By optimizing your website’s URLs with relevant keywords, you can improve their visibility in search engine results and make them more user-friendly.

Title and meta description optimization

Optimizing your page titles and meta descriptions is essential for attracting user clicks and improving click-through rates from search engine results. While titles and meta descriptions may not directly impact search engine rankings, they play a crucial role in attracting and enticing users to click on your website. Here are some tips for optimizing your page titles and meta descriptions:

  1. Include relevant keywords: Incorporate relevant keywords in your page titles and meta descriptions to make them more visible and compelling.

  2. Keep them concise: Both page titles and meta descriptions have limited character lengths in search engine results. Keep them concise and compelling to entice users to click.

  3. Create unique titles and meta descriptions: Each page on your website should have a unique and descriptive title and meta description to accurately represent its content. Avoid duplicating titles and meta descriptions as this can confuse search engines and users.

  4. Use action-oriented language: Craft your page titles and meta descriptions using action-oriented language that encourages users to click. This can increase your click-through rates and drive more traffic to your website.

By optimizing your page titles and meta descriptions with relevant keywords and compelling language, you can improve your website’s visibility in search engine results and attract more clicks from potential visitors.

Monitoring and Refining Keyword Performance

Once you have implemented your keyword strategy and optimized your website, it is important to continually monitor and refine your keyword performance. By tracking keyword rankings, analyzing website traffic and conversions, and refining your keyword strategy based on performance, you can ensure that your SEO efforts are effective and align with your overall goals.

Tracking keyword rankings

Regularly monitoring your keyword rankings allows you to assess the effectiveness of your keyword strategy and identify any opportunities or challenges. There are several tools available that can help you track keyword rankings, such as Google Search Console, SEMrush, or Moz.

By analyzing your keyword rankings, you can identify keywords that are performing well and driving organic traffic to your website. You can also identify keywords that may require further optimization or adjustments to improve their rankings.

Analyzing website traffic and conversions

In addition to tracking keyword rankings, it is important to analyze website traffic and conversions to gain insights into the effectiveness of your keyword strategy. By monitoring website traffic using tools like Google Analytics, you can identify trends, understand user behavior, and identify any gaps or areas of improvement.

Analyze the amount and quality of traffic coming from organic search results and evaluate how well these visitors are converting into leads or customers. Look for trends or patterns that correlate with specific keywords or keyword groups and identify any areas where adjustments can be made to improve conversion rates.

Refining keyword strategy based on performance

Based on the insights gained from tracking keyword rankings and analyzing website traffic and conversions, it is important to refine your keyword strategy as needed. Here are some considerations when refining your keyword strategy:

  1. Optimize underperforming keywords: Identify keywords that are not ranking well or driving significant traffic. Review the optimization of these keywords and consider making adjustments to improve their performance.

  2. Target high-performing keywords: Identify keywords that are performing well and driving significant traffic and conversions. Consider optimizing these keywords further to maintain or improve their rankings and capitalize on their success.

  3. Explore new keyword opportunities: Identify keyword trends, emerging topics, or gaps in your current keyword strategy. Research new keywords and keyword variations that align with your target audience’s needs and preferences, and consider incorporating them into your strategy.

  4. Stay up to date with industry changes: Keep track of changes in search engine algorithms, industry trends, and user behavior. Adjust your keyword strategy accordingly to ensure that you are staying relevant and aligning with the evolving needs of your target audience.

By continually monitoring and refining your keyword strategy based on performance, you can optimize your website effectively, drive targeted organic traffic, and maximize your conversion rates.

Staying Updated with Keyword Trends

Staying updated with keyword trends is crucial to maintaining a competitive edge and ensuring the long-term success of your website. By understanding the importance of staying updated, following industry news and changes, and utilizing tools like Google Trends, you can stay ahead of the game and optimize your website for emerging keyword trends.

Importance of staying updated

Staying updated with keyword trends offers several benefits for your website and SEO strategy:

  1. Stay relevant: The online landscape is constantly evolving, and user search behaviors change over time. By staying updated with keyword trends, you can ensure that your website remains relevant to the evolving needs and preferences of your target audience.

  2. Stay ahead of the competition: By identifying emerging keyword trends before your competitors do, you can gain a competitive advantage. Optimizing your website for emerging trends allows you to attract a larger audience and position yourself as an authority within your industry.

  3. Optimize for new opportunities: Emerging keyword trends often represent new opportunities for attracting organic traffic and reaching new audiences. By staying updated, you can identify these opportunities and adjust your keyword strategy to maximize their potential.

Following industry news and changes

Keeping up with industry news and changes is essential for understanding the evolving landscape of your industry and identifying relevant keyword trends. Stay informed about new developments, technologies, consumer behaviors, and market shifts within your industry. By following industry blogs, news publications, forums, and social media groups, you can gain valuable insights into emerging topics and trends that may impact your keyword strategy.

Engage in conversations and discussions within your industry. Share your expertise and learn from others. By actively participating in industry conversations, you can keep your finger on the pulse of emerging trends and incorporate them into your keyword research strategy.

Using Google Trends and other tools

Google Trends is a powerful tool that allows you to explore keyword trends and analyze the popularity of specific search terms over time. By analyzing search interest over different time periods and regions, you can gain insights into the popularity and relevance of specific keywords.

In addition to Google Trends, there are other keyword research tools available that offer trend analysis functionality. Tools like SEMrush, Ahrefs, and Moz’s Keyword Explorer provide insights into keyword trends, search volume, and metrics that allow you to identify emerging opportunities.

By utilizing these tools, you can identify emerging keyword trends, explore new opportunities, and optimize your website effectively to capture the attention of your target audience.


Keyword research is a fundamental aspect of SEO that allows you to optimize your website and improve its visibility in search engine results. By understanding the importance of keyword research, identifying your target audience, brainstorming potential keywords, utilizing keyword research tools, analyzing search volume and competition, creating a keyword research strategy, implementing keywords in website content, monitoring and refining keyword performance, and staying updated with keyword trends, you can effectively optimize your website and gain a competitive advantage in the online space.

By following these steps and putting in the necessary research and effort, you can ensure that your website is optimized to attract relevant organic traffic, engage your target audience, and drive meaningful conversions. Remember to continually monitor and refine your keyword strategy based on performance and stay updated with industry changes to maintain a successful and thriving online presence.

Keyword Research For SEO | My Simple Keyword Research Strategy For YouTube, Google, & Amazon Sat, 03 Dec 2022 16:34:49 +0000

Keyword research for SEO. In this video, I’ll show you a simple and fast keyword research strategy I use to find trending keywords for my next video/website topic.

πŸ‘‰ Try Keyword Tool For Free:

If you’re searching for ideas or keywords to create new content on for your website or YouTube channel, I’ll show you an easy way to get nearly an unlimited amount of topics/keywords. This is a keyword research seo strategy I’ve used for years and always works.

●▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬ SOME OF MY PRODUCTS/COURSES ▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬●

πŸ”₯ Affiliate Marketing With YouTube:

πŸ”₯ Affiliate Marketing With WordPress:

πŸ”₯ Automate Your WordPress Website:

πŸ”₯ DFY WordPress Niche Websites:

●▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬ SOME OF MY FAVORITE TOOLS ▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬●

πŸ”₯ Automated powerhouse suite:

πŸ”₯ YouTube research software:

​πŸ”₯ Turn text and articles to videos:
πŸ’΅ Save 20% on annual plans with coupon: VIDS

​πŸ”₯ Automated backlink building:

​πŸ”₯ Powerful AI content creation:

πŸ”₯ Incredible content spinner:

This is a great way to learn how to do keyword research for SEO. You can do keyword research for YouTube, keyword research for Google, and keyword research for Amazon. This keyword research software will save you so much time.

Affiliate Disclosure: This video is brought to you by VIDSociety. I highlight products and services you might find interesting. If you buy them, we might get a share of the revenue from the sale from our partners. This does not drive my decision as to whether or not a product is featured or recommended.

When It Comes to Content Marketing – Consistency Requires Planning

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Keyword Research Masterclass: Build Your Master Keyword List Mon, 07 Mar 2022 17:27:23 +0000

Step by step process for keyword research for content marketers and affiliates… Follow along and create your master keyword list with this step-by-step kw tutorial.

For the blog post that shows how I find low difficulty, high search volume buying keyword phrases, go here –

If you want SEO traffic, you must learn how to do keyword research! The kw research is simply not optional…

My wife and I generate over 8 million visits per year to our personal websites with almost 70% coming from Google organic traffic.

There are two core skills we have honed in order to generate this massive volume of traffic that ultimately turns in the leads and customers for online business.

Skill number one is keyword research and skill number two is content marketing. They act as two sides of the search engine optimization (SEO) coin.

In my previous KW video ( ) I show my exact strategy for keyword research when optimizing an e-commerce store or focusing on content hyper targeted to a specific product.

That strategy above requires a paid keyword research tool (this one is the only one I use: ) and I totally get it that sometimes a paid tool is too much…

So I created another keyword research video for you detailing the best free keyword research tool, here:

But today, in this video you’re watching now… I cover the broader strategy where you start with brainstorming keyword ideas and ultimately analyzing those ideas to refine them down and find the keywords creating content on.

If you are beginning your journey in affiliate marketing, this keyword research video is for you! If you are wanting to double down on your content marketing efforts, or you’re starting a 90 day challenge… This video reveals my exact process for finding the topic ideas to create content on for months or years to come.

We start by brainstorming all of the ideas and intent phrases relevant to my main niche. After the brainstorming session we shift onto the computer where we manually expand the list to find keywords that no software or competitors are currently targeting.

This is manual work! Most people don’t do this level of work, which is your opportunity to outwork them strategically. Most people rely on the free Google keyword planner which means most of your competition are all fighting over the only phrases that tool displays.

This is your opportunity to find the keyword phrases that that tool does not displace your competitors!

After manually expanding the keyword list, I show you multiple free tools that will also use automation to expand your keyword list.

You will then learn how to leverage googles keyword planner analyze your massive list of keyword phrases and refining down to the phrases that get monthly search volume.

Finally you will learn how to analyze the phrases that receive traffic for their SEO value. specifically, how to understand the difficulty in ranking for these keyword phrases with this tool:

When you are finished, you will have a master keyword list of phrases that are hyper relevant to your target market, their goals/problems/solutions click and the ones that have the highest likelihood of buyer’s intent behind them.

This will act as your roadmap for your content marketing strategy. You simply begin creating content like it’s your job!

if you are not finding enough content marketing ideas from this keyword research tutorial, this video will show you advanced keyword research strategy to find even more topic ideas:

When you begin content marketing, you will want to be sure you apply the three pillar content marketing strategy as explained in this video:

Finally, as you create your content and begin to lay out your content marketing pieces on your WordPress website, you need to deploy the SEO best practices on each post as I cover in this video series:

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Youtube Marketing Strategies – The BEST Tips To Make Money With Youtube In 2021 Tue, 07 Sep 2021 13:58:19 +0000

Youtube Marketing Strategies – The BEST Tips To Make Money With Youtube

Download my FREE e-book right here β†’

If you’ve ever wondered how to grow your Youtube in 2021, today’s video about youtube marketing tips and tricks, will be just for you.

Inside I share the 2 strategies to make money with your Youtube channel in 2021 – so you can use these video marketing strategies to actually be profitable.

With so many things to focus on…

Keyword Research, Click Through Rate & Optimization and keeping a high Retention Rate…

The question is, what are the main things to focus on to make money online in 2021.

That’s exactly what you’ll discover in today’s video.

If you get value from today’s episode don’t forget to like, comment and share.

To the top,

Misha Wilson

For more online marketing tips make sure to check out my related videos below…

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Maximize Cashflow With Email Marketing –
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Solo Ad Traffic –

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Do You Have a Vision, a Desire or Just Plain Greed?

The basic difference between having a vision, having a desire and just plain greed. Some combinations will only result in disappointment, which is why you need to accept that success takes time.

How to Write a High Converting Article

The basics about writing a high converting article, and the importance of keyword research. Why and how content ultimately result in conversion and sales online.

Knowing When to Engage Social Audiences

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The 3 Basic Steps to Making Money Online

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How To Hire The Right Digital Marketing Company

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Keyword Research For Trending Keywords | Keyword Research Tool Tue, 10 Aug 2021 15:55:31 +0000

In this keyword research tuturial video, I’ll show you a tool I use to find trending keywords for creating YouTube videos and posts for my websites. It’s available for a one-time price and can show you all the trending keywords being searched on Google, YouTube, and Amazon based on your seed keyword.

Keyword research tool:

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Affiliate marketing with YouTube:
Turn YT Channels Into Websites:

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πŸ’₯ Get Approved For Affiliate Networks:
πŸ’₯ How I Make Review Videos:
πŸ’₯ $17,149.85 In Commissions in 30 Days:
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βœ… Epidemic Sound:
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βœ… Video creation software:
βœ… My secret weapon:
βœ… Rank your videos:
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βœ… Keyword Research Software:
βœ… Affiliate web hosting:

This is one of the best keyword research tools you will find online. Do keyword research on Google, do keyword research on YouTube, or do keyword research on Amazon for popular searches.

Keyword research has always been among the most important components of an effective keyword and SEO campaign. For those who are unfamiliar with this term, it pertains to the process of finding popular keywords that are often targeted by search engines. Keyword research tools can be found in many places on the internet and there are a number of free tools provided by Google. Keyword research for YouTube is no different. There are many YouTube keyword tools which can be found online, however YouTube keyword research can be one of the more difficult aspects to master.

Video keyword research is basically the job of discovering common keywords and phrases which people use to search for online video content. In particular, it focuses on identifying popular keywords used to locate videos on YouTube. This is critical because YouTube is currently the second most visited search engine on the internet. Many people use youtube as their primary search engine for surfing the web, so understanding how to optimise videos for this search engine is crucial. Unfortunately, many people waste countless hours watching videos which are poorly optimised for YouTube and do not get the results they were looking for. This means that in order to ensure success when it comes to YouTube marketing efforts, you need to have a keyword research tool that can identify the most effective keywords and then use appropriate text links to the targeted website.

Google is currently the biggest search engines on the internet, so understanding what they look for and how they operate is absolutely essential before beginning any video marketing campaign. You should look to see if the keyword or phrase you have chosen is already contained within the domain name of any of the major search engines. If so, you will know that you are in a powerful position. As a rule of thumb, try to include the keyword at least three times within the domain name. You may even want to place it inside the title of your video, as Google will display this whenever anyone searches for your keyword.

Affiliate Disclosure: This video is brought to you by VIDSociety. I highlight products and services you might find interesting. If you buy them, we might get a share of the revenue from the sale from our partners. This does not drive our decision as to whether or not a product is featured or recommended.

The Power of Habit for Successful Online Business

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Looking for the Best Internet Business? Here’s an Easy to Follow Guide to Make Money Online!

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Online Niche Marketing – The Golden Rules

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Cell Phone Advertising Strategies

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How Getting Mobile With Apps Can Get More Business

Mobile apps can be considered the heart of the Smartphone. Without the internet, texting, and apps, it’s just a phone.. The current trend is that no matter what business you are in, you need to have a mobile app for your business so that customers can reach out to you.

Youtube Marketing Tips – The 2 Keys To Make Money With Youtube In 2021 Wed, 06 Jan 2021 18:42:23 +0000

5 Quick and Easy Ways to an Effective Social Media Marketing Strategy

The marketing landscape is constantly changing and evolving. If you want to get noticed, you need to employ multiple tools and resources in your marketing strategy. This includes the use of social media.

Making the Most of Inbound Marketing

Marketing, as an entity, has been around for a very long time. However, the approaches to marketing have not changed but they have been enhanced by the addition of inbound marketing. Inbound marketing, unlike traditional marketing, allows your clients and prospective clients to come to you as opposed to you having to go after your clients and prospective clients in traditional marketing.

Optimizing Websites to Boost Website Sales and Conversion Rate – Eye-Opening Findings

Website optimization helps to improve website sales and conversion rate from same traffic level. Proven website optimization best practices with surprising results.

Use Infographics and Grab Eyeballs for Your Content

Having relevant content on your site is not everything. The content has to be visually appealing for the users to get interested and spend more time on your page. This can be done using infographics that can easily showcase the important points discussed in the content while grabbing the attention of the readers.

Why SEO Copywriting Services Are Essential For Any Marketing Campaign

This article highlights relevant factors on why one should get the services of content writing experts in order to get the best results. You will also get to know what things have to be considered when finding a good content writer.

Update! Keyword Research During The Pandemic Wed, 01 Apr 2020 17:19:46 +0000

Are you giving your audience EXACTLY what they are searching for during this crazy time? Do you KNOW FOR SURE what they are searching for?

This video reveals the process to get the most up to date keyword search data on the shortest timeframe.

For a corresponding step-by-step keyword research guide here:

Because our world has changed with the outbreak of the coronavirus pandemic.

This means your audience’s day-to-day activities have changed… And their search patterns have changed… But is your keyword research tool picking up these changes?

Probably not… As you’ll learn in this video.

You need to use a couple of free keyword research tools in order to get the most recent and most up-to-date keyword research data.

For a deeper dive tutorial on how to use Google Trends, go here –

For a deeper dive tutorial on how to use the main paid keyword tool, go here –

For access to the main keyword research tool I use and love, visit:

For more help with keyword research and content marketing, go here –

4 Digital Marketing Tips for Beginners

You need to come up with a digital marketing strategy if you have a new business or you have a new business plan. Digital marketing may be a new thing for you, and it can be difficult, especially if you don’t know how to go about it. Here are our tips that can help you.

5 Crucial Tips for Internet Marketers

Without these basic fundamentals in your arsenal, you will have a much lower chance of success as an internet marketer. Whether you are trying to make some extra money, start an online career, or just promote your already existing business online, there are many options available to you. If you are inexperienced at things related to online advertising and affiliate marketing, here are 5 major tips I would like you to have as somebody who has been in the trenches.

Taking A Look At ROI In Digital Marketing Compared To Traditional Forms Of Marketing

To any business person, the return on investment (ROI) is of great importance. We can define ROI as the profit you get after making an investment. You can also call it the cost that you save because of making an investment. Digital marketing Digital marketing is made up of different areas: email marketing, SEO, social media marketing, content marketing, just to mention a few. Compared to the traditional way of marketing where you need to spend millions for you to reach your target market, digital marketing is highly cost effective.

Is Your Online Audience Actually Listening To You?

The more involvement you can get with your online audience the more successful your internet marketing efforts will be. But your audience won’t be listening to you if you’re not telling them what they want to hear in the way that they want to hear it.

Quick Tips for Growing Your FB Live Audience

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Top 5 Free Keyword Research Tools – Get More Great Blog Ideas, Video Ideas & Podcast Topic Ideas Mon, 23 Dec 2019 13:43:34 +0000

Best free keyword suggestion tools revealed… Stop struggling to come up with blog ideas & video ideas… Learn the 5 keyword tools for content marketing suggestions in 2020.

I have published an updated keyword research video here:

Once you understand how these tools work you will see that keywords everywhere. Getting suggestions on keywords is important for your keyword research and getting “outside the box” content marketing ideas.

It is still important to complete keyword research to find out the keyword difficulty and search volume which I show how in this video:

If you want a free keyword research tool, watch this video:

This post shows you how to do keyword research for free:

This is one of the best blogging tips for 2020, to find blog content ideas your competitors have not discovered because they don’t know about these powerful keyword tools.

It is also important to remember that every post you publish to your blog needs to be properly optimized for SEO and you can learn how to do that here:

Keyword research is just one part of Search Engine Optimization, so you need a holistic content marketing approach that takes keywords and SEO into account.

In this video you are going to learn the five free keyword suggestion tools you can use in order to come up with a limitless number of content marketing ideas. You’ll be able to get blog post ideas, video ideas, podcast, topic ideas, etc, and in a second we’re going to jump on my computer. You’re going to follow along. I’m going to share my screen so you can see where to find these tools and how to use them. And again, they’re all free tools now as a content marketer, right? Someone growing an audience and a brand and a business online, there’s a direct correlation to how much great content, highly valuable content that’s properly optimized your publishing and how much traffic that you’re experiencing on my website, just about three years ago, I was getting approximately 60 visits per month. It’s about two per day.

Now I’m getting about 60,000 visits per month. The difference got about 350 highly optimized great pieces of content that my audience is looking for and how do I know what they’re looking for? How do you know what your audience is looking for? It’s these tools here. And real quick before we jump in, this is different from a keyword research tool. A keyword research tool by definition is going to tell you what the search volume is and what the difficulty is. But those tools don’t always have great suggestion engines. And that’s what we’re looking for here is topic ideas. So you go through these processes, you’ll come up with a list of great topics, and then you’ll go do keyword research on those topics to find out which ones have the highest search volume and the lowest difficulty score. This is how you keep moving forward.

Let’s jump on the computer and get started. So the first one that we have is alsoasked dot com.

Now I need an example for this. So we’re going to go down the self hypnosis path. The idea is that I’m a hypnotherapist and I either do sessions or I sell downloadables, et cetera. So that’s what we’re going to use. So all you do in this one is number one, you choose your country. So there’s several different countries. You can choose, you obviously can toggle the language and then you put in your keyword phrase already got self-hypnosis here and then you click search. Now this keyword tool is 100% free right now. We’ve, I’ve seen other tools in this space go to a paid model like keywords everywhere. So I assume that they are going to eventually go to a paid model. I’m guessing they’ll always give you some access for free, but they’ll probably do more on the paid side here soon.

The first thing you notice is it’s this kind of like mind map type style. If you want to just export all of the keyword ideas and get them into a spreadsheet, there’s the save CSV up top. And if you like the mind map version, you can save it as a PNG. But what you notice is this first one here is self hypnosis. And then it has all of the questions that are commonly asked around this topic. So you put in your main topic and you get to see all of the different ideas. So can you self hypnotize yourself? Can hypnosis be dangerous? Can everyone be easily hypnotized? Is self-hypnosis the same as meditation? I mean, these are powerful ideas. If you have not written a blog post or me in this example, right?

And then I would go plug them into the keyword research tool.

Outsourcing Your Marketing Can Pay Off

Think about outsourcing your marketing needs and you can save money as well as get results. What you can gain depends on who you work with though, so be selective.

Grow Your Business With Help From A Promoter Of Digital Marketing

Technology continues to be a driving force in this world behind all we do. That is why you need to get some type of strategy in motion for your business that encompasses it on all levels. You don’t have to stress about how to do that, just turn to one of the excellent digital marketing agencies.

Comparing And Evaluating The Best Providers For Digital Marketing

There are plenty of opportunities on the line when you work with any of the digital marketing companies. Yet the outcome often depends on who you work with so you have to be careful. You can’t just base that decision on the first one you find or the one with the lowest price.

A Beginner’s Guide to Content Marketing

The aim of content marketing is to create, publish and distribute content for your target audience for a pre-determined objective; sales, attract new customers, brand awareness, etc. The role of a content marketing consultant is to produce content that is relevant, valuable and shareable.

Creating Your Squeeze Page

A squeeze page is a web page with a form, where you collect email addresses (and possibly names) of your prospects for further interactions with them in your attempt to lure and convince them to do business with you in the near or distant future. There are two possible aspects to a squeeze page:

How Long Should A Blog Post Be? This Process Forces Google To Show You How Many Words You Need! Mon, 26 Aug 2019 19:11:02 +0000

Stop guessing! use this simple process to get a data-driven answer the question “How long should my blog post be?”

First you need to be sure you have targeted your blog post for a specific keyword based on keyword research…

If you have not mastered the process of keyword research, be sure to go through my free keyword research tutorials here:

Once you have identified your target keyword… And you views the process in this video to learn how many words your blog post should be…

Your next task is to layout your post with correct on page search engine optimization… To learn the SEO best practices, watch this video:

Search engine optimization is a big topic and if you would prefer the written tutorial that guides you step-by-step for the best practices in SEO, go here:

How to Make Money Writing an eBook Fast

Are you thinking about writing an e-book, but have serious doubts about whether you can actually make money selling it? Most people have these same worries. However, the multitude of e-books, physical products and digital courses available online should be a good indicator that these things really do sell well.

Do Real Estate Agents Need To Have Their Own Websites?

Yourself is a brand. Every real estate agent should keep this in mind. Because of this, you need to establish yourself as an expert in the industry.

Make The Most Of Internet Marketing With These Simple Tips

One of the most cost efficient ways to reach a large and targeted audience is via internet marketing, and it can help you discover quality leads and turning those leads into customers. However, for the most successful outcome, you need to be very aware of the strategies that you put into place. In order to make the most of Internet marketing, the company will need to have a strategy of dealing with this affordable promotion on a daily basis. Different techniques must be utilized in order to find what works best for the business and gives the best ROI.

The Best Internet Marketing Tips For Business

When you begin your business online, your first step for success should be, training yourself on the top internet marketing techniques, in order to get your business noticed. Knowing how to market your business online is very important to your bottom line. To jumpstart your business, here are some top tips that are sure to help move the revenue needle.

Why Do Membership Websites Work?

Setting up a membership website is a great way to earn regular monthly income. So, apart from a regular income, why would a membership website work for your online business?

What Is SEO & How Does It Work? 100% Free Beginner’s Guide To SEO. Mon, 05 Aug 2019 19:31:17 +0000

Learn what Search Engine Optimization is, how it works and the best way to learn seo free!

The best way to learn SEO is through the Ultimate Guide To SEO here:

Prefer video? Get the full learn SEO class free here:

You will need to learn how to research keywords, too… This playlist covers that in detail:

If you are a YouTuber, get my best Video SEO content here:

How to YouTube SEO:

Share this SEO video:

this video is all about SEO. Specifically. We’re going to answer the question, “What is SEO?” You’re going to understand how to do it and I want to put a new perspective on this idea. So even if you heard of SEO and you know what search engine optimization is, we’re going to go deeper than just the definition. Now before we start, I don’t sell SEO courses. I don’t do SEO services. I have nothing to sell you at all. I really want to help you understand from a new perspective what search engine optimization is so you can become a master of it and obviously I’ve said it multiple times already. S e o stands for search engine optimization. It’s ultimately the process of designing, creating, and publishing your content in a way that the search engines are going to love.

Therefore, you and your content will rank highly. Now we’re going to go into the theories of how these work.Now, search engine, we’re going to start there, right when we talk about search engines, there surely are hundreds and hundreds of different search engines, but we’re really talking about to number one is Google and number two is youtube. Those are the number one and two most common search engines on the web. Sure, there’s bing, there’s Yahoo, there’s duck, duck, go.

For this video, we’re really talking about Google as number one because of the massive amount of traffic. My wife’s website has generated over 33 million visits. Most of those have come from Google because of the content we created and how we created that content. This channel you’re watching here on youtube gets displayed for thousands and thousands of keyword phrases. Most of my visits, and most of the people who have found my videos here found me through the search engine of youtube. Many found me from the Google search engine actually. And that’s how I’ve grown this channel to about 6 million views in under three years and over a hundred thousand subscribers in under three years.

So let’s break this down. First, you need to learn and understand how the search engines work, and probably more importantly, how the search engines make money. Okay? So when we understand the platform, what their goals are and how they operate, we can then understand what we need to to become a positive partner, because that’s the true goal of SEOs become a powerful, positive publishing partner to the platform. A lot of p’s right there. So what, how does Google make money? Well, Google has essentially turned itself into the question answer provider for billions and billions people every single day. Google makes money when a user searches for a question, searches for a topic, searches for something, and then the relevant results are displayed with advertising above. And when a user clicks on the advertising, that’s when Google makes money. Okay. On Youtube, it’s a very similar situation, but it’s all done with videos, okay?

If Google starts getting terrible results or if if youtube starts giving rubbish results for your searches, you start searching for how to fix a Kenmore washing machine and all of a sudden you’re getting how to fix a lawnmower videos. There’s a mismatch in relevance and you’re going to stop using that platform, which means they’re going to stop being able to display their advertising, which means they don’t make any money.

You go somewhere else and it’s game over for them. Is this making sense? If Google users start having bad experiences from searching on Google, they’re going to go find another search engine that they enjoy more. Same with Youtube. So first and next thing is how does Google and Youtube operate?

Well, the first thing they do is they build an index. It’s essentially a database. This means they go out and they’ve actually literally tried to understand a, they try to find every single page in existence, every single website on the Internet. And then they build an index. They catalog each and every one. Do you remember the Dewey decimal system at the library? It was this big card catalog and you went and you pulled it in the drawer and you’re looking up the topic or the book title and it said where to go find it.

Why Competitor Analysis Is Important For SEO

The websites are meant to do business. These are widely used to generate online leads. The website is considered as the virtual office which works for you day and night. This also helps in taking your business to different geographies.

The Four Percent Group – What Is It?

The four percent group. What is it? What is it all about? Are they really helping people online? Read this article and find out!

5 Must-Follow Content Marketing Trends for Brands

High quality, relevant and shareable in nature- Content that contains these three attributes will definitely hog the limelight irrespective of the platform in which it is being published. With the advent of new-age marketing tools, content representation has undergone a sea change. The traditional way of building content is slowly fading away.

6 Tips to Develop an Inbound Marketing Strategy

Developing an inbound marketing strategy can be a difficult process as it poses several challenges and complexities. For successful running of digital marketing, one has to be proficient in several areas such as web and graphic designing, content writing, search engine optimization, social media management, pay per click and so on. Whether you want to promote your new company or looking for ways you can revamp your company’s marketing activities, creating a proper plan or strategy is vital and can contribute towards your company’s growth in many ways.

Have You Ever Heard of Parallel Marketing?

Parallel Marketing is when you offer someone something of value that other’s need which, in turn, helps them build THEIR business. This brands you in their eyes as someone they can trust. Therefore developing a bond of friendship between you and them.
