motivational video – IM Product Solutions Wed, 12 Apr 2023 17:21:31 +0000 en-US hourly 1 The Enemy Wed, 12 Apr 2023 17:21:31 +0000

Look, it can be tough to stay motivated on the path to growing your business online… Whether you’re an affiliate or aspiring creator, none of us have ‘mentors’ in our family or friend circles to help us on this path.

You’re going to be confronted with many challenges from your internal self-talk via your ego… Especially when you’re faced with the unknown and uncertain path of building something you’ve never done before.

However, it’s important to understand that comfort can be the enemy to success. Because you’re going to have to be outside of your comfort zone the entire time since you’ll be doing new things the entire time.

Steve Harvey has a great way of explaining the importance of being outside your comfort zone in this video:

You see…

When you’re in your comfort zone, you’re not pushing yourself to grow and learn. You’re not taking risks or trying new things.

Or maybe you’re paralyzed by the fear of failure… But once you know how to eliminate the fear of failure, you’re free:

For some it’s imposter syndrome that keeps the stuck in inaction… But you can quickly resolve all imposter syndrome in 20 minutes following this video here:

The key to remember is that growth and success happen outside of your comfort zone.

If you want to build a successful business online, you need to be willing to step outside of your comfort zone and take risks.

This might mean trying new marketing strategies, reaching out to potential customers or partners, or even investing in yourself and your business. It might be scary, but it’s necessary if you want to see the growth and success you desire.

So, don’t let comfort hold you back.

Embrace the discomfort and challenges that come with building a business online. Remember, growth happens outside of your comfort zone!

How To Build More Self Confidence… #shorts Thu, 10 Nov 2022 12:09:04 +0000

How To Build More Self Confidence… #shorts

If you get value from today’s episode don’t forget to like, comment and share.

To the top,
Misha Wilson
For more online marketing tips make sure to check out my related videos below…
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Capture Page Secrets –
ClickBank Success –
Maximize Cashflow With Email Marketing –

#AffiliateMarketing #OnlineMarketing #MishaWilson
CPA Marketing for Beginners –
Affiliate Marketing Secrets –
Affiliate Sales Funnels –
Content Marketing Strategies –
Solo Ad Traffic –
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Creating a Free Giveaway for Your Business

If you’ve been on the internet any length of time, you’ve probably come across free reports and other giveaways. Often they’re “swapped” for your email address and permission to send you messages every now and then. The best reason I can think of that people do this is because it works!

The Importance of Updating Your Website Content Often

It’s far too easy to put up your website and let it sit there like a digital brochure. And if that’s the sole intended purpose of your website then you may – and nowadays that really is uncertain – be able to get away with neglecting your website.

Creative Marketing Strategies Through Bulk SMS

It is not all that hard to make use of bulk SMS services to get your marketing message across. It forms part of a very effective marketing strategy that can be implemented with ease by businesses all over. All that is needed is to type in a single marketing message, then send it to as many customers as you have in your database.

What Call to Action Are You Using?

In this article I am going to discuss using a call to action. Every one you create must have a specific purpose if it is going to be effective.

Why You Need To Know The Purpose Of Your Communication

In this article I am going to talk a little bit about the purpose of your communication. Every communication that you have with your subscriber, with your prospect or with anyone else to do with your business, needs to have a specific purpose behind it.

How Not To Play All Out And Avoid Regret… Mon, 21 Jun 2021 12:53:01 +0000

How Not To Play All Out And Avoid Regret…

Regret is a strong emotion.

It’s something that all too many people feel, and something that can keep people seriously STUCK where they are fixated on the past.

The big problem…

Most people fear regretting the WRONG thing, and therefore, never take any real action or produce any real results.

Check out today’s video, where I’ll break down exactly what I mean…

And where I’ll share with you my single biggest regret, so you can avoid the pain of dealing with it yourself.

If you get value from today’s episode don’t forget to like, comment and share.

To the top,

Misha Wilson

For more online marketing tips make sure to check out my related videos below…

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Capture Page Secrets –
ClickBank Success –
Maximize Cashflow With Email Marketing –
CPA Marketing for Beginners –
Affiliate Marketing Secrets –
Affiliate Sales Funnels –
Content Marketing Strategies –
Solo Ad Traffic –

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#Regret #OnlineBusiness #MishaWilson

Internet Marketing From The Beach

There are many income choices to pick from in this world, both online and offline, and deciding which ones are right for you can be a daunting task. Although not all-inclusive, it is important to keep the following list of things in mind:

A No-Brainer That Will Have You Looking Like A Genius

Appearances aren’t everything, but they sure do count for something… My time in the military and dealing with people out in town have taught me that first impressions really do count. Once set, they are difficult to change.

Google Analytics: A Beginner’s Look at This Powerful Tool

Most of the successful specialists in digital marketing today will tell you that measuring your metrics is a huge part of finding success in the field. Google Analytics is one of the major tools used by today’s small and large businesses which want to get a better handle on their digital marketing.

The Importance of Having Someone Manage Your Marketing and Website

Have you ever wondered why there are people advertising themselves to do your marketing and websites? It is a relevant question that can easily be answered.

Trust Digital Marketing Experts To Build Your Brand On The Internet

Brand building is important. Without it, a business will fail to grow beyond a point. Building a brand is basically about marketing it through various channels on the internet. It’s about enhancing the visibility and taking it to more users online. After all, users should first know that your business exists as only then they can benefit from it. More so, brand building is a broad term that encompasses a series of activities carried out by experts to meet the specific requirements of the business.

How Hard Work Can Hurt Your Success In Your Business… Tue, 15 Jun 2021 12:38:46 +0000

How Hard Work Can Hurt Your Success In Your Business…

Everyone talks about how it’s the KEY to success…

…And how it’s the most important element in the equation.

I know I’ve talked about it in the past, and to be honest…

Still do talk about it to this very day.

Unfortunately, though, that’s only taking ONE piece of the puzzle into account and leaves out an element JUST as critical to creating success.

In today’s video, I reveal how hard work can ACTUALLY work against you in creating success…

And to maximize the value of every hour invested.

If you get value from today’s episode don’t forget to like, comment and share.

To the top,

Misha Wilson

For more online marketing tips make sure to check out my related videos below…

▼▽ Recommended Videos ▽▼
Capture Page Secrets –
ClickBank Success –
Maximize Cashflow With Email Marketing –
CPA Marketing for Beginners –
Affiliate Marketing Secrets –
Affiliate Sales Funnels –
Content Marketing Strategies –
Solo Ad Traffic –

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#HardWork #OnlineBusiness #MishaWilson

Believe the Lie

I was thinking the other day about how many lies there are compared to how many truths there are. If you take 1 million net-workers and give them a failure rate of 99%, then 990,000 will fail or you could have said, “Believed the Lie’ that they would make money on the internet.” They 990,000 failed to make a profit. Only 10,000 made money.

Trends In Digital Marketing For 2016

For some time, there has been increasing talk of a need for a ‘post-digital marketing world’ where the use of digital media and technology in marketing has become so ubiquitous we no longer complete separate “digital marketing activities” since they should be fully integrated and simply part of marketing. This thinking is partly driven by changes in consumer media consumption where they continue to consume content in different formats without consciously thinking about which devices or channels. The ‘post-digital’ thinking is also driven by problems of managing marketing activities in a business where a common problem with upskilling…

6 Steps to Content Marketing Made Easy

One of the challenges of running a business online is that when people connect with you online, they are strangers. Before they can even think about doing business with us, they need to know that we understand their problem, they can trust us, and if the solutions we offer will solve their problem. That’s why content marketing is such a valuable technique for growing your business. It helps you boost website traffic, grow your mailing list, and increase sales. But what exactly is it and how do you do it? Here are some simple steps to get started:

Manage Your Digital Footprint With Online Reputation Management

It’s definitely a sensible idea to take the business online. Prospects multiply there and a variety of benefits are also available. Similarly, the number of websites and resources is also exploding at a furious rate. In a way, the internet is a perfect place to build the brand and solidify the base of the business. All your customers are online and you have no option be there and tap into them. You should however take appropriate steps to monitor and manage comments that customers give to your business or website on the internet.

Why Your Business Needs Digital Marketing?

Many businesses still think that having a high-quality website alone is sufficient to do well online. They are mistaken and that too, big time, because quality websites have a very limited role to play on the internet. Such websites only help take the business online and their clout does not work beyond that. So, what next? What should a business do to maximize their online presence? Simply put, your business needs to market itself. It needs to advertise its services and products across channels on the internet.

Perfection… The Enemy Within Mon, 14 Jun 2021 11:59:29 +0000

Perfection… The Enemy Within

In today’s video, I share one of if not the single biggest “Silent Killers” in our industry, and most importantly, two simple things to remember to instantly overcome it and start seeing progress in record time.

If you get value from today’s episode don’t forget to like, comment and share.

To the top,

Misha Wilson

For more online marketing tips make sure to check out my related videos below…

▼▽ Recommended Videos ▽▼
Capture Page Secrets –
ClickBank Success –
Maximize Cashflow With Email Marketing –
CPA Marketing for Beginners –
Affiliate Marketing Secrets –
Affiliate Sales Funnels –
Content Marketing Strategies –
Solo Ad Traffic –

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#Motivation #OnlineBusiness #MishaWilson

Mobile Friendly Websites

For some time now Google has been making recommendations around the mobile experience; so it’s really no surprise that it’s now becoming a part of their algorithm. We first brought this topic to the fore in 2013, and even then the concept was not new. However, since that time, virtually every site we’ve developed has been Mobile Responsive.

Online Jobs Are The Best Source Of Income

There is no need to go to the office and you can easily earn money by staying at home. What you need is just a computer, laptop and an internet connection. The home is the best place to stay and if you can find a job in your home, then it is a great job indeed.

How to Succeed With Content Marketing

Are you failing at producing and marketing quality content? I’m here to share with you the 6 stages of becoming a successful Content Marketer…

How to Segment Your Target Market

Market segmentation can simply be defined as the marketing strategy that involves dividing a broad market into different subset groups of consumers who have common needs as well as priorities and then designing and implementing strategies in order to target their needs and also desires through media channels and other touch points that allow easier access to them. Market segmentation is of great importance for the companies serving larger markets. Consumer segmentation similarly is the process of classifying people into groups that do have some set of similar characteristics thus resulting…

5 Steps To Starting Your Own Online Business

Since the web is available just about everywhere in the world, the entire planet can provide potential sales. You don’t have to be a technical expert to start your own online business. Here are the 5 steps to follow.

Business Mindset 101 – Bad Habits That Sabotage Success Mon, 10 May 2021 18:23:15 +0000

Business Mindset 101 – Bad Habits That Sabotage Success

If you have ever got yourself into the position that keeps you from hitting your goals in your business then watch today’s video to the very end where I reveal the bad habits that sabotage success and how you can break the habit and at the end of the day have a profitable business.

If you get value from today’s episode don’t forget to like, comment and share.

To the top,

Misha Wilson

For more online marketing tips make sure to check out my related videos below…

▼▽ Recommended Videos ▽▼
Capture Page Secrets –
ClickBank Success –
Maximize Cashflow With Email Marketing –
CPA Marketing for Beginners –
Affiliate Marketing Secrets –
Affiliate Sales Funnels –
Content Marketing Strategies –
Solo Ad Traffic –

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#Mindset #OnlineBusiness #MishaWilson

Elementary Guide to Medical SEO in 2016

Elementary Guide to Medical SEO in 2016 – The looming Penguin 4.0 launch is an indication that 2016 is set to be an exciting year for SEO, particularly medical SEO.

The Latest Digital Marketing Trends for 2016

The conventional concept of getting introduced to new products or brands after visiting the outlet or shop has already changed. Instead these products or brands nowadays reach the customer via smartphone, social networking sites, apps etc. Here are some of the latest developments or trends that may hit the digital marketing scene this year.

Trendy Digital Marketing Tactics in 2016

We have seen the surge of new, unique and interesting digital marketing techniques and they have proved to be effective and result oriented as well. Judging on their feasibility and success rate, here is the list of few marketing trends of 2016, which, according to the industry experts are going to prevail for the coming years or so.

The Biggest Mistake in My Online Marketing Career

I’ve made a lot of mistakes in my online marketing career, but I want to focus on one that’s so obvious, yet it has cost me so much money in lost opportunity. Read on and see if you have also fallen victim to this dumb mistake that’s so easily corrected. If you are working online with the specific purpose of making money, you must avoid my biggest mistake.

How to Make Money Online Fast With the Right Method

You definitely can make money online fast with the right method, provided you can add the “secret sauce.” I challenge you to buy any one product on making money online that doesn’t conclude the product set up section with these prophetic words: “Now All You Have to Do Is Add Traffic!”
