The “Escape Velocity” Secret To Success by Miles Beckler

Building a proper business that can support you and your family through retirement is possible.

That said, it is a long journey.

The amazing part is how these digital businesses can be run with a few hours per day of work…

So, even though it’s a long journey…

You can eventually systematize everything see only have to work a few hours per week to keep everything running…

After building it and running it all manually to figure it out.


As long as you put enough energy and to achieve escape velocity (explained in this most excellent video here)

And this brings us to the big question of the day:

How do you stay motivated to keep taking action in the early days when you haven’t yet achieved escape velocity?

The ability to show up for months, even years on end building before seeing results requires a strong mindset.

That conviction that building a website and online business that will support you in 3 to 5 years powers you through years 1 to 3.


How do you build this conviction?

For me, it’s been all about personal development.

Taking time every week to go through hours of the best personal development content ever created.

The old books-on-tape approach to it.

Because this world of motivation, personal development, and achieving your human potential started over a hundred years ago.

Earl Nightingale began recording records in the 1940s and 50s with personal development audio.

Maybe you’ve heard of his “The Strangest Secret” recording you can listen to, here:

This is Old School Cool right here.

It’s what spawned the entire personal development industry.

Now I’ve listened to hundreds of hours of personal development content on audible.

That’s how I stay so damn chipper all the time 😉

Seriously tho… I’ve listened to this stuff on repeat for over a decade to build my unshakeable mindset.

And today I’m excited to introduce you to one of my favorites that I recommend you get on audible immediately and begin listening to, now…

That is…

If you want to stay motivated!

It’s called “See You At The Top – The 25th Anniversary” by Zig Ziglar, available here:

Again, I’m only recommending the audible version.

And I expect that you have already started listening to helpful content while you are at the gym, driving, doing dishes, yard work, etc.

Because that one habit alone has helped me consume hundreds of books that have shaped me to the CEO and marketer I am today.

So, let’s start this habit as 2021 comes to a close…

That way you are ready to have momentum into 2022.

Okay, that’s it for now… Click that link above and get started now!

Miles “See You At The Top!” Beckler

P.S. Along this journey of personal development, you are surely going to find people who don’t sound like you and have different beliefs than you do.

Stay open-minded at first.

Treat each of these narrators/authors as a distant and eccentric uncle that you have in your family who you don’t see very often.

Remember that your uncles have wisdom to share and knowledge that can help you unlock the success you desire.

Even if you think they’re crazy in other ways.

Said another way, take the time to listen…

Take what works for you.

Leave what doesn’t.

Then get onto the next audio!

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